Should government put all males from the age of 10 to 25 in chastity to channel their sexual energy into something more useful for society?
Should government put all males from the age of 10 to 25 in chastity to channel their sexual energy into something more...
Why not just castrate everyone
Yes. They should also be forced to take female hormones.
Good idea, but might I make one slight alteration?
How about, instead of putting everyone in chastity against their will, you fuck off and stop fantasizing about forcing your shitty fetish on everyone?
Look at all this testosterone-fuelled male aggression, somebody needs locking up.
>Why not just castrate everyone
>Yes. They should also be forced to take female hormones.
Doesn`t work out in long therm.
Chasity is a shit tier fetish and you should keep yours on indefinitely to stop you from reproducing.
>somebody needs locking up.
Said the guy who wants to force his shitty fucking fetish on the entire planet. Which one of us is really the bigger threat? I just want to be left the fuck alone, you're a perverted megalomaniac.
why the fuck did you come into the thread and bitch about forcing his fetish on everyone, this is an obvious setup for lewd, not an earnest discussion.
Now enough stalling, that cage is going on whether you like it or not mister.
only the manlets
>Want to be "left alone" on an anonymous anime image board.
just the betas.
so people like you?
>Age of 10
As expect of a gay pedo.
that'll only force them to do weird shit to get off, like cum from their butts
oh wait, that was your agenda all along
whole lotta butt cumming goin on!
>wants to quell aggression in men
>locking guys up will make them hornier and more aggressive / sexually frustrated
>letting guys fap 3-4 times a day will make them docile and passive
hmmm i wonder what the correct choice would be
>tfw no one to put me in chastity
A sissy thread?
true. no-fap literally increases testosterone levels. even professional boxers do it to be more aggressive.
>get disturbingly needy and dependant after one day
ok help ?
I wish I had one of those. I'd love to lock up my cock.
Only for a week. I could bother finding the study but you can use google if you don't believe me.
honestly I have some fucked up sexual shit wrong with me if I didn't fuck or masturbate regularly to get the desire/fantasty out of my head I would hurt someone.
I wouldn't hurt someone but I wouldn't be able to concentrate. Like right now I should be working but instead I can't stop thinking of cumming in my own mouth
I wouldve shot up my school age 13 if this happened
>something more useful for society?
Like frustratedly bouncing their bitchboi asses on my dick while they throb in their little cages? Sounds pretty useful to me.
I want to fuck them, not be one of them. There's a difference.
i'd be comfortable doing this if it didnt make me act like a lusty faggot all the time
but i want to cum from my butt user
Not a problem user, all you need is a good friend to help heterosexually buttfuck all of that faggotry out of you on the regular.
i'm usually pretty heterosexual but that changes pretty quickly if i'm locked. i'm just not comfortable with that.
>Implying you wouldnt want a cute boi butt on your dick desperately trying to get off.
Probably not lol. You'd probably just end up looking like this eventually.
the help is just embracing the faggotry and getting dicked all the time
Reading that makes me want to lock you up and flush your keys. I'm sure others feel likewise. You should refrain from revealing such fatal weaknesses.
yeah, testosterone doesn't just keep going up forever. it plateaus, and remains at an elevated level for pretty long.
yeah buddy idk how to embrace that
that's cute and all but i'd be retarded if i didn't keep a spare somewhere
I would hope so, if being locked gets you as dangerously worked up as you say. You're not caged at the moment, right?
>channel their sexual energy into something more useful for society?
you already know the only thing that will come from frustrated men is violence and murder
take alook at the middle east
i'm not, but the heat and some travelling means that i'm like 4 days nofap. i guess it's something psychological.
are you saying that if i fap, i can become more of a girl??
You must be crazy pent up at this point. I hope this thread isn't exacerbating your condition. That would really suck for you
i really only get that if i'm locked, so it doesn't really affect me that much. like i said, i think it's some psychological thing.
The Catholics tried and all they got was pedos.
Am I the only one that enjoys this fetish without the sissy and humiliation bullshit
I disagree completely, males full of testosterone should remain free, while we, weakling low test males should be put in chastity. That way we can please them and their violence will be kept in check owo
This little one knows what's up.
how do you know if you're low test? i'm in my early 20s and regularly get told i look 16/17
This thread is fucking one of the gayest things i have seen trying to hide itself as something not gay.
That's exactly right cutie. Everybody has an important part to play.
Same. the control & teasing aspect is interesting, but I don't want to be turned into a girl or treated as such.
If you seriously put your cock in a chastity cage you need to be strung up and scourged until the flesh has been hewn from your back. Fucking dipshits.
We are going to do this eventually, the future is female
We definitely deserve to be caged up.
not that i'd want that or anything.
No, what they need a a rough dicking that will make them not walk straight for a week or so.
Trannies literally ruin everything because they're insane, usually low iq, and wrapped up in gender roles.
Are you retarded?
He is asking a question, do expect everyone to agree with him?
Reminder that this is what you're fapping to, what your tranny bf looks like without makeup, fuck you and your degeneracy OP, gas all homosexuals or toss them off roofs
So then why do you have the image saved?
Crossdressers aren't trannies.
I reverse searched the OP image and found the faggot's Twitter account
Are you gay or straight? The problem of liking this fetish as straight is that you inevitably end up in cuckold territory.
Sissy stuff isn't necessarily related to transexuals though.
Unironically yes, for adult males. Not even saying this as a fetish answer. Males who aren't sexually active (excluding voluntarily) and still routinely horny are the most destructive. They abuse women and encourage violence towards them. They blame everyone else for their problems. They're either not contributing members of society or they barely contribute to society.
>tfw no irl keyholder
>crossdresser: dresses as a woman while understanding he is a man
>tranny: dresses as a woman while under the delusion that he's not a man
Wow, huge distinction there. We'd better make sure to always separate the two extremely different concepts whenever possible.
You're unironically autistic.
So how is locking your dick in a cage going to help curb your sexual appetite, you retarded fuck? You would be unable to masturbate and become sexually frustrated and then go apeshit in a much more disastrous fashion. You seem to be lacking mental faculties.
Great argument tranny retard lmfao.
Well don't just tease user, get the ball rolling
government mandated buttfucks
I plan on to!
I has my first bambi sleep session yesterday, it was weird, but really fucking fun. And I plan on to making it a regular thing...
So ass rape?
You'd wind up with a hell of a lot of dead government-sponsored ass rapists as they got shanked and gunned down trying to perform their duties.
Your new regular thing is fucking off. You will now regularly fuck off and regularly not post here.
t. incel who lacks the self control to even do nofap.
It's frustrating at first, but not to the point one would snap. After week two your desires and toxicity begin to decline. You'd know this if you could keep your hand off of your dick for two seconds.
It's more so the fact that you are being forcefully prevented from obtaining sexual release that would enrage most people. Controlling yourself is entirely different, dumbass. That's why castration was used on slaves because it removes the desires entirely. Putting someone in a chastity cage, rendering them unable to relieve themselves while still retaining their desires will only result in an explosion of rage and mayhem.
Now I wouldn't expect a sissified retard who fucks himself with a rubber dick to have anything resembling average intelligence levels but you really are dumb as a bag of dog shit to think that this asinine fantasy of yours is remotely feasible.
>Dressing up as Napoleon for a party and dressing up as Napoleon because you believe you are him are the exact same thing!
Gas yourself
Rude, user. Why so hostile?
This is good, since it will weed out the women who either can't read their man's mood, or can't properly control him. Similarly, of course, these men wont be allowed to reproduce, so after a few generations we're left with gentle, submissive men and women who know how to keep them wrapped around their fingers.
No. I prefer it to be clearly masculine men being lovingly controlled as opposed to the sissy nonsense.
>do nofap
>only thing that changed was me getting more horny more often
This pseudo meme science shit is really getting old.
Ooh! How regular user?
Maybe every day or every other day! :3 I'm not sure yet. What about you, user?
>This cope
I'm currently locked up for 2 weeks because my bf is travelling for work, and it's fucking torture, I'm humping the bed every morning
So why are you doing it to yourself then, you fucking idiot?
he asked me to do it, and he's the dominant one in the relationship, so it's not like i have a choice.
I'm straight and yeah I might like the idea of chastity but I'd hate cuckoldry. I don't really feel like introducing it to my gf though, I think she's too vanilla for it. I'll just keep things the way they are.
It really impresses me to find ever more pathetic and embarrassing people like you. Good thing you're a fag and won't reproduce, the genes that make up a fucktard like you shouldn't be passed on.
no. if you're healthy, there's a base level of T that you won't go below, no matter how much you fap.
jokes on you, im on hrt, my T level is below female range
the bullying just turns me on user~
fucking sexy though not a fan of ear gauges
>all nuance goes complely over the brainlet Jow Forumscuck's vacuous head
if you're going to be awful can you at least be surprising? it's a good way to emulate being an interesting person.
Keep your sick homosexual fetish fantasies to yourself OP.
I love that people like you exist because I am so sadistic and you're such an abomination of nature and so undeserving of a normal human experience. You failed at the one thing your genes told you to do and now you will live out the rest of your existence as a sad homosexual cocktoy. And it works great for me because its all the fun of dominating a stupid slut without any of the risk of pregnancy. You couldn't even fullfill either gender role properly so you must settle for a frankenstein amalgamation of the two.
Not disagreeing with you but don't take fagbait
yeah. probably smart to avoid this with your gf.
> a sad homosexual cocktoy.
you mean a happy homosexual cocktoy ;3c
gosh user, so much angry bitterness in your post! are you ok?
no I lost my wallet, theres no food in my house and I'm really hungry. The only thing keeping me from taking my gun and shooting someone is all this weed I have. You said you like bullying and I'm a bully so yeah