(((they))) want you to be an incel
(((they))) want you to be an incel
what's in it for them if I don't spend a ridiculous amount of money on dates, wedding organisations and raising children?
Its pretty obvious. If you don't understand then (((they've))) already got you
Because if everyone is subconciously indoctrinated to become an incel the hole Nation will eventually crumble. On a political scale this is a good long term strategy.
Well then congratufuckinglations, mission fucking accomplished.
I'm too broken and bitter to ever find love. They got what they wanted. What's the next step of their master plan?
you're not raising children
you're letting yourself be replaced
furthermore you're only thinking selfishly it sounds like, like a mgtow, only caring for your own pleasure rather than the wellbeing of your people
The trash women, the disproportionate amount of male celibates constantly growing up, the depression and the internet dating effect that put women on a pedestral isn't by the jews.
It's just the modern western society that is garbage and that should be nuked.
Replacing you with a 90 IQ wagie
Fine. Replace me. I don't care anymore. I'm done with this world. Just put a bullet in my head and throw me out with the rest of the trash.
who contributed in making it garbage