What are the chances that the girl you meet has fucked a man other than you? Seriously...

What are the chances that the girl you meet has fucked a man other than you? Seriously. How do guys that get married do it knowing full well they fucked other dudes?

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they all dance degeneracy.
the guy fucked 50 sluts, he does not care if she rode 100 dicks

Most men don't care if they have a woman that has been fucked if the man in question is not a prude. HOWEVER if the woman has had 8328093890 cocks driven through her she's an irredeemable slut. Also if she's had a baby that's a huge turnoff.

is the only turn off i have seen

>what are the chances

100% and they will fuck other men after the wedding. married guys induce self delusion to cope. Talk to some of them, and start slowly asking more and more leading and prying questions. They will react more and more defensively and if you have the balls, they will tantrum and never admit its the truth.

Most men aren't gay. They do not think about other men's dicks when fucking a girl.

>women are supposed to turn down every decent guy who comes along and instead save themselves for a scrawny sickly looking incel and love him forever

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you might laugh but it is the cope
some anons can't believe girls by 16 have already fucked many "decent" guys

Yeah. Is not fucking so hard!?

Buying a used car is fine as long as that car doesn't have too many miles driven.

I just want to fall in love with a girl I could see myself being with forever. And help her get off because she wants to help me get off. Not think about how good the sex was for her compared to the other 18 naked studs shes been with. Sorry that I won't just fuck anything

No, woman are supposed to save themselves for the one they want to stay with. No casual flings. That's insane. Same thing with men, but women even virgin women don't seem to care if their husband was a virgin at marriage.

Many do. It's just that the first serious relationship rarely works out in the long run.

It's funny how guys shit on women hoping to find perfect Disney romances and their chad/prince charming yet then turn around and lament that most females have had sexual partners and aren't virgins

the answer is to stfu and deal with it

It's much more important that she doesn't fuck anyone else WHILE she's married with you. I assure you that. It can be terribly worse than knowing she'd been fucking others before you.

yeah for you it's clearly difficult, for everyone else though not so much

virgin detected. relationships generally don't work out. not only that but virgins don't know what they want. it takes experience to learn what you like.

you don't just try something once and say "oh that's my favorite"

this will teach you why you think this, and why it isn't so
>black pill

i never shit on women for hoping for that
in fact i dont think ive seen anyone do that unless its cause they went off and became roasts before then deciding they want to settle down with prince charming

chicken and egg or some shit i guess
point is, fuck you too user, stop being a fag orbitor white knight or a roastie

if you fall in love with a girl that has fucked other guys, she is the way she is precisely because of her history. if you love her now, and she's clearly a summation of her past, then you should have no choice but to accept her past to a certain extent.

if she's fucked guys in your social circle or something, and she's a literal roastie, then yeah dump her

We have this shit discussion all the fucking time. I don't know for you fags, but, personally, I'd rather accept reality as it is and understand that the majority of people fuck so it's unlikely the girl I love will be a virgin. I can deal with this because I don't have a crippling inferiority complex.

So? Are u gonna fuck just 1 girl your entire life? Stop being a fucking pussy

The one they want isnt you. It never is

ideally, yes that would be the goal
stop being a whore

Straight men don't look at women and think about dicks.

What happens when she dumps you? Will you change your partner limit to 2, or will it remain at 1, even though you are soiled?

>slus making baseless claims
every time

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Oh golly gee is it time for the daily bitter incel experts on women thread? What wondrous things we may learn!

well y'know, it's her fault, at which point I will start my harem and see how that goes
i will have become jaded and it is not my fault then

additionally it's rather disingenuous to imply female promiscuity is the same as male promiscuity, basedboy

Every time this pops up I check the NSFG key statistics for any of these graphs, and you know, I never find them. And nobody ever actually posts a source either.

>nothing comparable about men

Bitter incels strike again

Unless you're a teenager, pretty damn high. My current girlfriend has had two previous dicks and that doesn't bother me, especially since I'm bigger and better at fucking her than them.

I have a friend who is pretty but just lost her virginity at 26. She's Asian and didn't hang out with too many people besides family and a couple family friends. She fucks 24/7 when she has the chance with her bf.

Eew you're one of those creeps that interrogates his gf about past sex?

Because I've fucked other women, but hey I don't anymore.

> alopecia has ruined my life. but once I was an attractive scene kid that madde panties wet

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>Waaah it's only okay if I do it!
Enjoy jacking off till the day you die.

You know people can just like, uhh, not answer? Nobody has ever had a problem with me asking this question because I don't date whores

I mean, I'm not implying shit, I was just asking what you'd do. You don't have to be so defensive, you can have whatever preferences you want, don't be ashamed

i didnt say its only ok when i do it
i said its only ok when someone else soils me

additionally, it is not the same for a man to be promiscuous as it is easier for women than it is for men due to women having higher demand
enjoy being soi

im not ashamed, you obviously aren't asking any of this is in good faith or anythin

you didnt even say if she dumps me, just when

>especially since I'm bigger and better at fucking her than them.

Oh user, my naive little friend.

It's unrealistic to expect the average woman to be an actual virgin past a certain age.
But it's not unreasonable to expect them to have standards as long as you hold yourself to the same standards.

Personally I disagree with having sex wtih anyone outside of a relationship.
If a woman has been in 1 relationship or 10 and they went bad I can't blame her for that.
But if she has sex outside of relationships it just proves she doesn't value intimacy which is a huge red flag.

>as long as you hold yourself to the same standards

this whole place should hear that lmao

Sheesh ok, IF she dumps you then. I hope for your sake that doesn't happen to you then because it sounds like you're only giving yourself one chance for love or you'll be jaded after just one person. That sucks but it's your life and morals. Everyone has their own boundaries I guess

>reasonable male
>on Jow Forums
Get out before it's too late

I'm sure I look like a cuck but I just don't like the idea of fucking a woman I'm not dating, it seems pointless and I'd rather just masturbate and keep my self-respect.

I also don't believe the master key/bad lock analogy.
Men and women have their own obstacles in the dating game.
I've heard people describe men as hunters, that need skill in order to pick off their game.
If that's so I see women more like fishermen.
They have to do the prep work, be patient and can't pick which specific fish is going to bite.
I'm sure that's frustrating.

So yeah all in all don't fuck around if you don't want a girl that's fucked around.
You're just rationalizing it by saying it's different.

That's refreshing to hear, especially since I'm the same and ot's hard not to constantly requestion yourself in this society of people who put too much importance on sex appeal and sexual freedom. I don't like to fuck around because, to me, sex is personal and I don't want to waste intimacy with some stranger who just want lust based intercourse, but most people disagree with this notion and expect you to desire casual sex as much as all the other desperate fucks out there and since I'm insecure as fuck, I find it hard to unyieldingly believe in my convictions without being driven to question myself about them. At least I know, now, that I'm not the only one. It's far harder to date when you are like this because almist everything in the modern dating scene is about sex appeal and most women will use sex appeal as bait to hook men, but since sex apoeal hardly works on me, they end up feeling undesired around me and give up on the advances, so in order to have a chance, I must actively date by using dating apps which means that I have to sort through the ocean of landwhales and other trash girls. I admit that I have high standarts, but I hold myself to the same level of standarts. I might be autistic around women, but I take care of myself, my health and I do my best to look goid and be presentable.

Unlike in the past when you had 1 partner for life, today, you just can't get around the fact that people don't stick by their relationship no matter what. Because of this, when a couple gets married they've had a couple relationships in the past. It's not a big deal if a woman has had a couple boyfriends before you in the past. The problem is if the woman was a mega-slut who had casual sex every weekend. Use her sexual history to find out how she'll be in a relationship.

I mean I don't have super high standards personally.
Just wanting someone nice who isn't an actual slut isn't really that bad is it?
In terms of looks I really aren't super particular, I don't do that "rating" thing where everyone is an arbitrary number out of 10.
Either you're attracted to them or you're not, and if you are maybe you should try to get to know them as a person.
I try to stay in shape and take care of myself, I know I'm naturally not "ugly" but I also know I'm not an ideal man.
So it would be stupid to expect the ideal woman.
My standards are all almost entirely based on the person. I'm not going to lie and say I would date anyone regardless of what they look like, I think few people in this world would actually do that.
But it's already hard enough to find someone to connect with on a deeper level, you should want to keep the pool as wide as possible.

>women standards
if brad pit cant keep a girl, i don't know about that
he does not look like the one who wanted to split

>looking to celebrities to construct your perception of men and women

No, she told me about them. I know it's a taboo but we weren't officially dating at the time and it gave me a good reference point for what she's used to.

I am 100% certain. I hit her cervix when we're in doggy, it's actually too much and I can't jam it in all the way. Funny thing is, I'm about 7 inches, maybe a bit longer when I'm really turned on.

wait are y'all the same person?
are you from lolcow?

100% certain huh? Whatever you need to tell yourself.

That's not how sex works

Should we be looking to your worthless kissless virgin neckbeard ass for examples of functional relationships?

Looking for examples or patterns is probably going to lead you down the wrong path.
You need a little blind optimism to get anywhere.

Everything I know of the past I learned from Jow Forums memes: the post.

Is a killer for me

A year ago after a decade of work in self improvement I was able to finally get a girl, she was wonderful, young, fresh, beautiful... I felt for her almost immediately, she did too
One day we were drinking wine and we overdid it, after two bottles she was completely wasted and throw the vile truth
She told me between tears one time she was at a football guys party and she drank a lot also consumed a drug mdma and out of her mind she made a three way with two football players in a bathroom
I started crying like a kid I felt like raped by those words, completely humiliated, I leave and block her from everything
That was my last attempt now I know I will be a robot forever

>What are the chances that the girl you meet has fucked a man other than you? Seriously. How do guys that get married do it knowing full well they fucked other dudes?



>"Her Plan-B guy is most likely an old friend..."


Get fucking red pilled you worthless idiots.

is this where that scent of roast beef this thread is radiating coming from?

Stop using the word redpill for your tranny psyops.

>your tranny psyops.

lol You can throw whatever bullshit at me but the reality of female nature will never go away. You're just shooting yourself in the foot for not accepting it. The articles are right there.

You are literally saying to not go for women at all, tranny chaser.

The term literally comes from a tranny

>What are the chances that the girl you meet has fucked a man other than you?
very high
just don't care about it

Did you read the article? Or the actual study? Because it's an online poll by a marketing agency for the DailyMail, which in case you're not from the UK is an utter rag.
And even they admit the unscientific nature of the whole thing.

Nigger, every single week there's some bullshit scandal about famous people like brad pitt. Yeah he looks fantastic, but actirs are not superior human beings, they are humans just like you and they are not exempt of relationship drama. Your image of what love and a relationship should be like seems twisted to me from the fact that you compare yourself to people who are far richer and attractive than the vast majority of people. If anything, that should tell you that the game is the same for everyone and while you sit there thinking looks and status are everything, truth is even that won't do much for you, so, obviously, looks and status are not so important if Brad Pitt got his ass divorced. Have some fucking faith in yourself.

Yeah, this is really the only option, if you want a lover who is a real person. People like us here can be stubborn with our pride, as if we're in the right for suffering by our purest desires while society is incompatible with it. People just have to make a decision. Learn to adapt to the system as it's currently set, or opt out and stop worrying about it.

>The articles are right there.
>Didn't proprerly check his source to make sure it was actually relevant to the issue
>Dailymail poll=fact.
How does it feel to be a fucking false flagging piece of shit. People here suffer and are in dire need of help you apathetic piece of shit. Stop feeding their insecurities with armchair psychology.

I wouldn't mind dating but I would never marry a non virgin. Chances are she would have never chosen you while she was in her prime. Woman fuck who they want when they are young, then marry whoever will best take care of them after fun with the bad boys.

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>relationships generally don't work out
So maybe don't rush into them and have sex so early you dumb fucking cunts.

Wow, a person with standards on Jow Forums who isn't a hypocrite. Nice.

So personally I kind of want a virgin because yeah I'm a prude but I plan on staying a virgin myself so it's all G.
>b-but what if the first girl isn't the right one?
That's why I'm going to actually court girls and not fuck on the first or even tenth or twentieth date like some stupid manwhore retard. Rushing into a relationship is always a bad thing.

I think this is going to bite you in the ass.
Even super religious christian/muslim girls typically have sex during the relationship before marriage.
Not to mention a lot of marriages fail, some people are happily married for 20 years before it fails.

Setting hard limits is just making things unnecessarily difficult for everyone involved.
The exact number or men and women isn't the problem, it's what it represents.
I'd rather be with a girl who fucked 5 guys but only in relationships than be with a girl who fucked 1 or 2 for money or just frivolity.

Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to set their own standards.
If you only want virgins that's completely valid and power to you.
I just think you're underestimating how much you're limiting yourself.
There would be plenty of good girls out there that lost their v-card to guys that subsequently cheated or just left them.

its kinda sad that you think so little of women that you believe the majority of them to have spent their virginity on frivolous things

I'm not planning on just having any old relationship, and I know exactly how small the number of virgin girls is. My standards are absolute, and someone who is careless or frivolous enough to have sex with someone who later cheats on them is not only a poor judge of character but too eager and too quick to enter a relationship intimately as well. Intimacy is not to be taken lightly and should not be engaged in as soon as you feel sexual attraction for the person. I don't want jus any partner, I don't want a temporary partner, I don't want a partner who will leave me in 20 years. I want THE partner, singular, one, permanent. I understand that most people are incapable of this and I understand that the majority of people, even those who value virginity and saving oneself, still fall short of the mark. I am patient, and I am not inclined to choose the first option that presents itself simply because it's easy. If I die before I ever actually fulfill this goal, well, that's better than settling for something less. I'm a perfectionist and also very picky, and I prefer being by myself over being with 99.9% of people. I don't mind waiting, even if I wait for something that never comes.

A real relationship is not cheap and I don't plan on enabling anyone or anyone who thinks it's alright just because they thought they were serious about their previous relationships. That's a good start but not nearly enough, it's just the bare minimum for not being a worthless animal to value being serious about relationships.

>single mothers
absolutely disgusting

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>What are the chances that the girl you meet has fucked a man other than you?
99.99% if they're 16 or older

I don't think little of them at all.
I just realize that based on probability most women will not be able to stay with the first man they sleep with, even if they really wanted to.
Your best chance of staying with a girl long-term that's a virgin is if you're highschool sweethearts.
Otherwise it's setting yourself up for disappointment.
>someone who is careless or frivolous enough to have sex with someone who later cheats on them is not only a poor judge of character but too eager and too quick to enter a relationship intimately as well.
so if you met your dream girl and she later cheated on you after a year of marriage, that would be your fault I'm guessing?
>Intimacy is not to be taken lightly and should not be engaged in as soon as you feel sexual attraction for the person.
I never suggested that.
You should definitely be selective about it.
But once it's done it's done.
You can't undo it if the relationship doesn't last for literally forever.
>I don't want a temporary partner,
no one who actually dates does.
Finding someone perfect that lasts forever is hard.
You'd know that, or else you'd already have your woman.
>I don't want a partner who will leave me in 20 years. I want THE partner, singular, one, permanent. I understand that most people are incapable of this and I understand that the majority of people, even those who value virginity and saving oneself, still fall short of the mark. I am patient, and I am not inclined to choose the first option that presents itself simply because it's easy. If I die before I ever actually fulfill this goal, well, that's better than settling for something less.
If you really think someone couldn't value intimacy because they were selectively intimate with someone who left then that's your choice.
Would it be the same if their long term boyfriend literally died? Are they a bad judge of character for not foreseeing the cancer when they started dating?

Anyway, best of luck.

100%, how naive can you be?

>Would it be the same if their long term boyfriend literally died? Are they a bad judge of character for not foreseeing the cancer when they started dating?

srsly tho ur argument is bad

you're projecting a lot.
I was very respectful with my posts, I don't see why you would ALL CAPS that non-sense like I'm attacking you.

I never said you will die alone, you said that.
I said power to you on your lovequest.

>muh projection
you're not really that respectful
askin dumb lil ha gotchas is not respectful to that user who clarified how he was searchin for his gf, as those situations would be highly unlikely to happen

you said "no im right and also fug yu here is a passive aggressive gesture of good luck after i finished saying u wont succeed"

>no new IP
I don't believe for a second that you aren't that user.
I'm not here to make you feel good, I said you're welcome to your decision but it's going to be difficulty.
There's no gotcha, I was legitimately wondering where his values lied.

you dumbo, you >>'d my post but you also quoted the other user without >>'ing him

thats your post
you get mine but you do not get this user's despite quoting that user

REEEEEEEEEE don't respond to him, he isn't me.

>so if you met your dream girl and she later cheated on you after a year of marriage, that would be your fault I'm guessing?
If I choose so poorly and so recklessly the type of person I marry then I am not worthy of the relationship I desire, at all.
>But once it's done it's done.
>You can't undo it if the relationship doesn't last for literally forever.
Which is why you should treat it not just carefully, but with utmost scrutiny to the level of dissection of the persons own personal problems and hangups before you can consider intimacy. You can't just know what is right about them, but what is wrong as well, before you decide to be intimate.
>Finding someone perfect that lasts forever is hard.
No shit it's fucking hard, not to be rude but I'm not so stupid as to think my goal is easy. I'm not going to date the first person to give me the time of day and expect them to be "the one"
>If you really think someone couldn't value intimacy because they were selectively intimate with someone who left then that's your choice.
I didn't say couldn't value, I'm sure many people who value intimacy so highly still fail to live up to it. If values were enough then we would all be saints but there is a further requirement that is even more than values, since your values are worthless without it. You must be resolute and strong in your values, and you have to have the willpower to be able to uphold them or all your talk is worthless. If your desire for loyalty is only as strong as your ability to not feel temptation then it's not a very strong force in your own life, is it?
>Would it be the same if their long term boyfriend literally died? Are they a bad judge of character for not foreseeing the cancer when they started dating?
Relationships should outlast death IMO but as you can see now I'm not exactly healthy minded towards relationships as society sees it. Oh well.

That's cool, as I said you do you.

Every cute girl I've ever met has been either into BDSM, fucked over like 5 guys, or had mental issues regarding sex and partners. So yeah. All women are whores.
I've even tried e-girls. A really cute e-girl liked me, video chatted with her, she thought my voice was gorgeous, thought I was cute, started sexting me and then when i asked her some stuff later on she said she fucked like 12 guys off of tinder. She was only 18 btw. She said she did it in a span of like 2 weeks lmao. And not to mention she's from canada.
All women are whores. It's intrinsic. Trust me.

Wouldn't care, and I'm panromantic so I could fall in love with anyone.
It would be shallow to care, I have no standards for a partner.

The only reason I would care would be the habit of sex and (presumed) hedonism, but that depends on the person I actually do settle down with, so I'll worry about it then.

I myself am I virgin, I only have a interest in sex when I'm actually in a official relationship. Obviously I'm subhuman since I never had sex any of my partners, so my unconditional love doesn't even matter.

Also I doubt they're as subhuman as me, I got a call out post for cheating (casually sending nudes in a never met ldr) so I'm actually forbidden from Any sort of cheating and sexual activity,

Also I overthought this, people have their own self agency and life,I shouldn't care or define them by what they did.

Also my call out post forbids me from sex, or cheating, I can try but I can never actually do it for real, since I'm a trained animal, the negative reinforcement makes it impossible for me to actually deprive my partner, I would be the virgin in the relationship

Alright, same to you. I would like to kind of solidify for you what my beliefs are though. For me, I don't just want the average partner or human relationship, or even the average ideal partner or relationship. Personality, looks, those change with time and I don't think they matter very much. I want someone who is loyal, though. Not loyal to a fault but loyal beyond a fault, I want someone who is an egoist in whom we both see each other as one and the same as our own ego, to the point that we function as a single entity with two persons in it. I don't just want a girlfriend, or even a soulmate, I want someone who shares the same soul as me, more or less. If one takes the egoist example of doing whatever necessary for the protection of the entity that is you, I want someone whom I see as an extension of my own entity and vice versa, such a connection that on all levels but physical we are not separate entities. Perhaps you understand now the lengths and extension of my own standards for intimacy, which i think are probably about as high as possible. Our loyalty to each other should stretch backwards and forwards in time before we meet and after the other dies, and should feel as though our own self had been wounded should the other be wounded in any way.

Now that's some pretty edgy shit to be fair so in scientific terms i'm basically talking about someone with whom I am quantum entangled. Although that probably leaves you without any doubt as to the nature of my ideal relationship. I don't expect you to think me sane, so don't hold your tongue.

>I would like to kind of solidify for you what my beliefs are though
I got it, I'm not reading you reiterate again user.

>"user, I need you to be my hero. A real man would look past my history!"

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Just do the world a favor and hang yourself on a door knob you incel. You think a girl should wait for an incel to come and beg her for her to enjoy life? Grow up. Nobody cares, as long as a girl is STD free and she doesn't cheat on you, it doesn't matter if she went with other guys in the past. It's fucking normal, just like it's normal for a guy to have ex girlfriends.(not that you would know, incel fuck)

stay mad kid. non virgin women are NOT marriage material, deal with it

>the girl you meet

>A real man would look past me

>as long as a girl is STD free

most women have at least herpes and/or chlamydia

>and she doesn't cheat on you



>"There's a 50/50 chance that your wife or girlfriend has a back-up in mind."

>What are the chances that the girl you meet has fucked a man other than you?
I'm not planning on leaving it up to chance.

You make a commitment to each other. Idk