How were your childhood/teenage years user?
How were your childhood/teenage years user?
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Childhood great, then it all went downhill after I was 9/10.
I dont remember much.
I had cancer so I had to watch everyone enjoy life from the sidelines. Great now, though.
Not gonna divulge my whole life story.
>abusive anger issues hippy dad
>mother who was alright but when she got angry I got called a mistake
>nerdy kid at school who really couldn't fit in
all round kinda average
I barely remember anything. All that time from high school just passed before I even realized it. Right now it feels like my teenage years never happened. Literally nothing at all worth remembering took place during that span of time.
I remember that I once actually had a friend back in elementary school.
Did it go into remission? I have cancer now at 23, stage 3A. I wanna go cook meth if it wasn't so hard and I'm brainlet
Abused by dad as a kid, neglected by mom as an adolescent bc I needed to grow up, bullied by big bro as a teen to toughen me up. Did football and wrestling to make me stronger. Did physically but not mentally. Small dick so always afraid of having sex. Never got in a relationship because afraid of the heart break. And nothing has changed since then. I still have these same problems 10 year after graduation. Another problem I have now is actually finding a girl who is NOT a whore and i actually like
>molested again
yeah fun times.
Still an 18yo teenager. I have a good amount of friends because I'm the sympathetic kind of autist. I hang around with the cool kids, but barely anyone acknowledges my existence. I'm just kind of there. Very quiet and weird. I was at a birthday party a week ago and all I did was drink alone while looking like a depressed piece of shit. People asked if there is anything wrong with me from time to time and I just replied that everything is ok with me. I don't understand myself. I don't understand why I'm so quiet and bad-tempered all the time. I just want to be a normie with a gf.
I lived like a kang nigga
I was the same for the longest time. But I am not you or have been around you so I wouldnt know how to coach you out of it. Just know it wont get easier anytime soon
Yeah I'm in remission now. I had Leukemia. That sucks user, I wish you the best. I know most cancers are harder when you get older (I was lucky, diagnosed early and had a very survivable cancer). Only problem is that I had it right when I got into middle school, so my social life until late high school was boned.
Really hope you make it. Nobody deserves to die so young and cancer survivors really know what life is about afterwards.
same user same I can relate far too much to this post right here.
>Just know it wont get easier anytime soon
very relatable, besides the having friends part
Honestly decent.
I had friends ect and was pretty normal. It was after school when my life went to complete shit.
Once it metastasizes Imma probably off myself desu but yea holding on for now
Probably one of the worst times in my life.
yep.. this one is going into my filter list
Everyone got molested it seems. Wtf? Why not tell the police or family members? If ut was a family member, why not tell others or the police again? Hell you can blackmail the shit out of someone.
Live life as long as you can, user. There's always hope. But yeah, take the most painless route out when it becomes too much.
Interesting - I sucked my own dick, often. I made myself stop by getting fat, during my senior year in high school. My lips have been dickless for over a decade, now.
Lucky...I wish I could do that. Though I'd probably never get work done.
Same user except i just really hang out with people that are nice to me, there are popular kids who are just forcing like "eyy bro why dont you talk xdd" i hate those cause they make me unconfortable
It was quite good, user. I went to school, I had friends, played vidya. In the middle school I turned into silent autist, but still I managed to get new friends which now are my only friends. High school was shit though.
It's definitely an interesting experience because you're experiencing pain and pleasure at the same time.
what is middle school like? my country doesn't have it
Wtf are you from Afghanistan or something?
didnt mean to attach that image oops. im from australia
It's between primary and secondary school, usually made up of preteens.
im asking what its like, I know what it is
Can a tall guy with a long torso (upper body) do it?
cared for by stay-at-home dad until age 10 when parents got divorced, dad beat and attempted to rape mom on the way out, I heard it but don't remember it. then dad mostly cut off contact. just done with being a parent basically, thought having kids around would cramp his dating style.
beaten up, humiliated, and molested in middle school, mom said she thought she was dying and told me I wouldn't care or was waiting for her to die a lot. tried to get me to sleep in bed with her, kiss her on the mouth, etc. she was sometimes sick and I took care of her and called 911 for her health emergencies like shitting blood everywhere and passing out or getting feverish and attacking me.
I was afraid of school and afraid of home. only solace was guy 11 years my senior who I dated starting at age 10 (but we kept it ~pure~). he dumped my ass at 17 when the borderline PD became obvious.
It's a school full of preteens, what do you expect? Boys having to deal with getting boners and body odor; girls having to deal with menstrual cycles and breast size. No recess and more classwork.
Either that or long legs. You'll need to press yourself between walls so you can push your pelvis closer to your face. A bathtub is the easiest way to do it.
I wish I could of done that
I tried it. When I was young I did it and should have kept doing it but no long term thinking.
Now that I am in my 20s and fully developed it seems impossible. I am afraid of breaking something. I'm skinny..
Yes I have long legs but also a long torso.
Do you think I can train myself to be flexible enough? What exercises do you recommend?
i dont remember mine
I never exercised. I was just a skinny boy with a knack for sucking his own dick. I just kept straining myself to put my dick in my mouth and I would always end up with sore back and neck muscles. I'm not sure how much different the length of my dick was, back then, but it's now 6.1". I was 5'7"-5'11" tall when I was able to do it and I'm now 6'1". The last couple of times I've done it (2006), I was able to do it just by sitting at the edge of my bed and pulling my torso down.
The closest I can get is still 10 inches or so way....
In my country it is called gymnasium. Primary school was 7 years long, gymnasium were 3 years and highschool 3. It was hard to just leave all your friend which you knew from the start of your social life and go to new school with completely unknown people.
Is your country in Scandinavia?
Nope.I live in Pooland.
>Abusive dad that molested me when I was young but he was mostly non existent for a lot of my life
>Abusive bpd mum
>Family hated me and abused me a lot
>Bullied relentlessly throughout my school life
>Had to and still am dealing with a plethora of mental illnesses
Those are just the most notable things
Bpd causes people to feel that they are being abused when they are not. Since your mother has it you probably have it mildly, too. Is it possible that you were not abused at all but your mental illness is making you perceive that you were?
She beat me and my siblings severely and threatened suicide very often. Also had excessively harsh punishments for mild things
She is pretty obviously abusive, well at least from my standpoint
Did any guys get molested by their dads or other males here?
>parents divorce when I am 4
>used to have a bosy like a jew from Auschwitz
>gain weight at 8/9
>did bad in school until 5th grade
>switch schools in middle of 6th grade cuz a teacher was mentally bullying everyone and I couldn't stand it anymore
>new class had 6 boys (counting me) , 2 were omegas
>got into the second best high school
>lost previous friends , shut myself in 8th and 9th grade and had a routine like school , sleep in the afternoon , play vidaya , watch anime , sleep 2 to 3 hours
>made a friend through lol , he insisted we hang out
>thought he was like me
>11th grade he started chasing roasties
>now I feel like I have no friends
>this month I am going to uni in the capital
BPD has been repeatedly associated with actual child abuse and parental abandonment. The attachment problems and fear of abandonment are usually the result of early life trauma, not the cause of imagining it.
Pretty much my life for the past 3 years , just that I am 19 . I just started hating pretending to be someone , so I use alcohol and weed as an excuse to be weird and myself. I do whatever comes to my mind and the people around me are like "well , he is high/drunk so w/e" .
Getting beaten by my classmates and almost getting raped my teacher. It was ok.
i was a chad up to middle school then i got bullied and stopped being a chad
Meth is one of the easiest drugs to make
Absolutely horrible, abused emotionally during preteens by one of the grandparents, physically crippled during teens as a result of kids thinking that it'd be fun, rest of that time spent coming to terms with living what's left of my life as less than human and only in late teens during college did I meet people that didn't seem to be mentally ill psychopaths whose only joy in life was malice and spite.
>physically crippled during teens as a result of kids thinking that it'd be fun
would you care to elaborate?
I'll let you know once I turn 18. >:3
jk. House squatted for the first few years. I was a "special" child (autism or at least severe Stereotypie or however you spell it) so that gave dad a good excuse to leave. Then he instantly drank himself to death. Mom was pretty abusive but its not like she drove bamboo shoots up my finger nails. School life... Hmm. Wholly inconsistent grades. I either got an incomplete or an A on schoolwork throughout all my time at school. Didn't have any problems making friends or acquaintances later on thanks to my patented blend of desperate agreeableness and friendliness. I even had a few opportunities with girls but I either went and explained that "its not them its me" and/or make a conscious effort to be less attractive. I don't think they'd be interested if they knew the real me. Sprinkle in a bit of drug peddling, epic toy battles, a little bit of molestation, a few old cats, entire summers at the library or pool, and a gorillion hours wasted on stimming and you've got my childhood. Whew, this went on long
>was bullied by siblings and their friends
>left out of everything
>neighborhood kids would play a game where they ran away from me while i cried for them to stop
>was sexually and physically abused for years by an older kid
>he was my only "friend"
>0-2 lived in a shitty apartment on welfare with an alcoholic father and abuse victim mother, father dies when I'm almost 3
>2-11 live in a tiny house on welfare with single mother slowly going crazy, wasn't allowed to play outside, just went to school and watched TV
>11-15 replaced TV with a 2inch screen blackberry. literally nothing else going on, no hobbies or sports, just alone in my room. mother married a literal nigerian immigrant and had 2 kids but at least he had a job and brought some money in
>15-17 got a job, a pc and my first friends since i was 11 (online friends). made enough money to fly out and visit them
>17-now ran away from home at 17 and have been living a barely survivable existence since
I still have a year of being a "teen" to go, then I'll hit 20. I hope i'll be dead by then
Oh man, the kids on the playground would play a similar game with me where they'd run away and laugh at me like I was a monster to avoid
What's stopping you from knifing them now?
I don't really remember much. It was mostly me watching my parents try to kill each other, my mother beating me all the time, and then trying to kill myself.
Man 12 year old me had the right idea, if only it had worked out.
if you are talking about my abuser i know nothing about them now. where they live, etc. also i don't wanna jail
shit was awsome till by brother died then had ptsd everything went kinda downhill from there
Uneventful as fuck. High school was boring but just stressful and demanding enough to keep me from devoting my self to anything im actually interested in (had to do good in school to appease my parents). Never really got the tryhard kids so keeping to the sidelines but as it turns, contrary to my initial belief, being a little bitch for 4 yrs gets you nowhere. In the end all i needed, along with most of you here, was a little courage but sadly an old canadian professor wasn't around back then to tell us that.
My childhood was pretty normal though it all went downhill when I was around 11 or 12 when the brother started to beat me when he was trying to show his dominance over me. After he stopped, him and my sister got to live really great High School lives while me and my few friends were bullied profusely. I was a fat cuck that had no vehicle because I didn't have a job to save up for one and my parents couldn't afford to get me one so I was stuck riding the school bus until I graduated high school.
wasted playing video games
My childhood was great. My teenage years weren't great, but any problems were self inflicted/mental health. So better than most I'd wager.
My childhood was really great apart from a few minor things.
Teens was mixed. I was a cool kid until 8th grade when i became a social outcast at school but i still had some friends and just enjoyed the vidya.
After school pretty much all friendships ended and im a lonely mess nowadays that tries to get through University somehow.
childhood great
teenage years, not so much
I am still a teenager (19) but so far they have been pretty bad. I really think missing out on sex in my mid teens really messed me up for life. Do any older anons think the same? I think it screwa you up developmentally especially if you started puberty at a young age and have a high sex drive.
fine, but not much to reminiscence on. I played video games, had small crushes, a couple of friends at a time.
Bad and embarrassing. I played video games, had obsessive crushes, a couple of friends at a time.
Pretty good. I played video games, got a waifu, don't have any friends to bother me.
Yeah same I'm 27 and have zero sexual/relationship experience. I don't really think about it anymore honestly, but I still feel like a complete manchild whenever I'm talking to anyone.
eh most of it was alright sum ups and rly steep downs just wish there was more action between 10 and 15
>primary school
Had few friends, but toward the end of the school, I kinda stopped talking to all but one of them. We used to play games on his PS3, it was fun. My best years of school.
>middle school
Like all the cool kids these days I had an smartphone, during holidays some guy made a class group on messenger. I was just mostly reading their conversations, not contributing too much. Some day one of the "cool" guys started shitting on me, for no reason, just because. I didn't want to fight directly, because as an old saying of my country goes:
>Anonowi zawsze kij w oko i chuj w dupe.
I just was silent, attacking from shadows. I wasn't alone, I've had one guy who I could call brother, we were unbreakable, of course, almost every teacher wanted to see us suffer, so they did everything they could, like writing to our parents about us misbehaving, just because we said we didn't know something. All in all, we survived, sadly we parted ways. We went to different schools.
>high school
Nobody really paid attention to me, it was an all-boys class, people just formed certain groups, I did too. Found three guys, one was a big, overweight guy with ponytail, second was this shy, quiet boy with glasses, he had a good sense of humor. Third and last person was a blonde, generic nobody. He just hanged around us, listening. We liked him. Sadly, I was really behind with knowledge, the teachers in middle school were terrible, so it was very hard to keep up with everyone. I somehow managed. This was my lomgest school, in primary school it was fun, so it went by quick. In middle school I was driven by rage and revenge, it really helped me get through it. High school was slow, because it wasn't fun and I wasn't driven by anything. Me and my friends parted ways and never meet each other again.
The end.
a srasz?
Nie sram
afraid of dad. He often raged about money, smashed shit, punched holes through walls, beat and killed pets, etc. I was afraid he was going to kill my mom (Jesus Christ, mom. Why couldn't you just shut the fuck up and do what he said? Why would you always have to fight back and piss him off even more?). I would often get the feeling that my dad would open my door and blast my head off with a shotgun. I became a beta bitch and walked on eggshells around him. I had to. I couldn't express my emotions around him because it would just piss him off even more. He only hit me a few times. One time when I was like 10 or 11 he cornered me against a wall and said, "Why do you hate me? Do you think I'm cruel?" then he punched and broke the wall inches from my head.
>Teenage years
was fat because video game addiction but eventually started lifting during last years of high school and got fit and attractive. I didn't know how to process the attention from women because I never spoke to girls before that. Went to a few parties with my friends and kissed some girls, but never had sex.
23 years old, no friends, virgin. I don't even want friends or a gf. I just want to be alone 99% of the time.
They were alot of fun but I never approached any girls so now as a man I'm still scared to talk to women. I'm pathetic
If your childhood wasn't shit, you're not a robot.
Acting like a sperg in constant attempts to make my life less boring and slowly grew self-conscious.