Why aren't women like Anime girls?

Explain this. Why do we settle for anything less than perfection?

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I can explain you everything but your mental illness wouldn't let you understand. Keep being a retarded and sick ugly manchild in an anonymouse imageboard.

Because men are stupid. Attracted by flesh and carnal pleasure.

Shit nigga, idk about you, but I actually have good taste.

Because humans aren't perfect, we're flawed, genetically, in various ways.
This is why anime girls are so attractive, they can be made into anything you desire, they lack imperfections because they're made to be perfect.

can you explain

men can be stupid but so are most women
flesh problems plague everyone, you're buying into a meme if you think women are genuinely above such

why would they be anime girls, dumbass?

Because perfection doesn't exist.

my husband watches anime sometimes and some of the characters on there are atrocious. you really want a girl like that?

To address other posters who might be speaking out of their ass. Anime industry has significantly better representation of women in terms of employment than western film and animation, so it's not a case of being designed by slimeballs who only heard about women in some ancient tales. Also, anime girls aren't without flaws of character, no less than real girls. They just have some specific traits that real women lack as they are horrible people. Most notably putting in effort, being appreciative of little things and a general attitude of making any situation a happy one rather than being constantly salty and unamused.

>why arent girls like anime girls
Because men dont train them properly. Turned my gf from someone who hates anime, to basically doing very light cosplay, wearing a collar and being my pet that listens to my commands. All while being neets. It was a lot of work, but worth it.

probably because mostly men make anime, men are just better at everything

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It exists in 2D form.

Why cant men be anime boys?

>mostly men make anime
Wrong.especially for hentai.

I could try being one for you if you're a cute femanon.

Perfection is impossible.

But I'll tell you what's not impossible, A fit and healthy women. Such a shame there's so few of them about.

Most women I see look like zombies, and they look like this because of poor diet, stress or there genetics are just shit.

Just for the record most men are also like this.

>Wrong.especially for hentai.
You understand that all of those lists of female hentai mangaka are mostly fake, right?

They don't exist. They're too perfect for this world.

Sometimes on summer nights I lie with my window open and I listen to the orchestra outside. I can hear the hum of the lake a mile away, and I can feel the waves rolling up on the shore and slipping back downward again. The wind breathes through the dunes and into my backyard, making the leaves sway and whisper in pleasant discord. The tenor of the katydids supports the alto of the black crickets, and the ring of the tree crickets unwinds a melody of soprano peace.

I close my eyes and I can see you clearly. The moon shines down on you, casting a shadow taller than yourself. The wind makes the grass brush against your bare ankles, makes your hair brush against your neck.

You are the perfect picturesque. Where I go, you go with me. Atop the dune of my struggle, I observe salmon cumulus in the sky and I feel you beside me, leaning on my side and tilting your head to rest on my shoulder. In the empty air, your hand completes mine.

I desire nothing more than to see you, to touch you; to be with you for the rest of my life, and for eternity thereafter. I try to bring you closer with my pen, but all I can ever achieve is ink on paper. We are two halves of one whole; Me, Hati, forever following the bright bride of the sky, and you, Skoll, chasing the shining priest into the desolate forest. One day, night will merge with day, reality will merge with fantasy, your world will meet mine; only then will we be complete. Let us break the dividing wall of Qliphoth and overcome nature.

I wonder, are you like me? Do you spend your summer days walking along the beach passing strangers, and staring out to a vermilion horizon? Do you spend your winter nights curled up in bed with the covers on, sipping tea and listening to a blizzard knock on the walls? Do you think about me as much as I think about you? Do you like Jazz? How about classical? What kind of books do you like?

Are you really only an unattainable desire within the depths of my heart, or am I one within yours?

Do you feel... real? You're real to me. You'll always exist here as long as I do. I will never let you go.

I love you.

where'd you get this from? what's the context?

wrote it. It's for a contest where you write an open letter to your crush.

posting a relevant picture in this thread right now

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a women is molded by her surroundings. you will notice in japan many women are like anime girls, check maid cafes. they live their lives 24/7 acting like anime, you can youtube this if you're interested.

That's very beautiful, user...

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how is this relevant
pls explain to me user, cause this just seems very reddit
u look like a redditor rite nao

>gif not on autoloop
Why does this anger me so much ?

1. There are girls just like in anime
2. But not those fucked up fetish shit you watch
3. Do you really want people to settle for nothing else but perfection? Lmao your chance of getting laid will drop even lower

Why aren't men like anime guys?

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It's physically impossible for a woman to look like an anime girl, but it's very possible and not even that difficult for a woman to have the personality of one.
Women would rather whine about anime girls rather than viewing them as role models and bettering themselves to meet their superior moral standards (which men are expected to meet by default).

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Why are there no headpats in that gif?

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i already said i could try to be one if youre a cute femanon

cause its a bad gif that stops instead looping

i dunno but it bothered me too

Whomst is his waifu?

>women aren't stupid
>one of feminism's main goals was sexual liberation, the pill, abortion, and no-fault divorce
>literally have slut walks to celebrate being a slut

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Beyond normal answers of it being fiction, women used to be like that. Then feminism kicked into full gear and they became so full of themselves that interacting with them was always antagonistic in some fashion. Where I live I get quite a few Japanese tourists, and it's so refreshing to talk to a jap chick simply because they aren't "waiting" for me to be a misogynist. They actually want to interact with you on a normal person level. Anime girls are written to 1) be naturally engaged with the men in the anime and 2) not have a chip on their shoulder, unless that's their specific character trait. They aren't cunts and they want to speak with you. Get past the fantasy magic weeabo whatever type shit, and those are the key differences. No chip on their shoulder. Western women nowadays are so bitchy they could collect it all together and the density would create a gravitational wormhole straight to bitchland. You have to go out of the West, but times are a changin, so who knows how long that will last.

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Why aren't men like anime guys?
Explain this. Why do we settle for anything less than perfection?

>implying I'm not like a anime guy

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you're still at risk of developing a drinking problem and beating your wife and kids

>women used to be like that.
i can't imagine being this retarded.
ur a delusional incel. pursue volcel wizardry and dispel ur retardation.

Well there is your first mistake.

>unpopular opinion subreddit
>assumes all men have this opinion
Stupid roast

Women do it because they can't be alone like men can.
Some dumb weeb girl will bitch and whine that 3D < 2D but then as soon as some loser faggot shows her some attention she stops caring and just settles.
You're terrified of being alone. I can't respect you for that it's pathetic.

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Because they're skinny quiet perverted geeks and women don't like that in real life

there's a risk of you falling into a deep depression and beating your wife and kids

>falling into a deep depression
Jokes on you, I'm already depressed.

it's not a very safe world for women to be alone, men made it that way

Depressed people don't have the energy to beat their wife and children

Where do you buy outfits for your dog?

it doesnt have a dick

Buy a gun and 2 rottweilers.

adrenaline or the ecstasy they abuse to treat their depression

That's two extra mouths to feed, might as well get a man

Be honest, you'll be lucky to have the privilege to 'settle' for anyone.

you keep saying this and i keep saying id try if you were a cute femanon

>I wish women were cute and lovely like in my anime
>grr user you misogynist you're worthless and grr you should WANT a bitch and a fat one because lmao you're disgusting

I agree with your sentiments OP and all these roasties and white knights can fistfuck a running blender

I second that anyone would want a cute anime gf

Do you really want a real life Sunahara? Really?

10/10 thank you user.

Women are whores

>that guy on the far left
how can you fail at T-posing
i don't understand