Why do normies, who have sex regularly, hate incels so much? What's their problem? Are they just overly sadistic or something?
Why do normies, who have sex regularly, hate incels so much? What's their problem...
Because incels get jelly and shoot them
imagine murdering someone because you can't get your willy wet
Normies hate genetic failures
They don't, you're just projecting your self-hatred back onto yourself.
vast majority of incels don't do that
Same reason why blacks hate whites and Jow Forums hates jews. People tend to dislike their masters.
Why are you lying? Normies don't give a shit about incels. Most don't even know they exist.
Genetic failures hate other genetic failures.
they literally bully incels irl
Because incels advocate for rape and violence against women.
People are literally sociopaths and are acting kind around only those they "like".
How? Give an example.
Unironically this. Kindness/niceness is a meme. Almost no one on earth is genuinely nice, the only time when people seem nice or decent is to get something they want, or to save face and not look bad in front of a crowd.
Stop projecting your own asshole behavior onto everyone.
that detective show with the asian woman as watson
you would have seen the webm if you weren't a complete newfag
Personally i love being hated by both because im still shallow inside. I love rubbing it into normies that they have to work, stress hard over things and i dont. And i love rubbing it into incels and robots that i have a gf who is cute, was a virgin and who follows each and every command if needed.
>detective show
The media has painted incels are violent alt right misogynistic racists, that's why.
r/braincels and the other various incel forums advocating for sexism and racism aren't helping either.
They believe in a just world fallacy. They think incels got where they are by being assholes. They figure hey I'm an asshole and I get laid imagine what kind of assholes they are
they think life is all about sex, unironically.
The media hasn't done anything, incels have done it themselves.
good thing no one talks about tv shows irl, right? yeah I was waiting for you to miss that retard
But that's true, incels got to where they are by being assholes.
No idea what that tv show is. Still waiting for you to give an irl example of incel bullying.
Yes, but those incels aren't representative of all incels, so now incels have a shitty name cause the media chose to associate them with school shooters anyways.
Where do such incels hang out? All the incel boards are full of angry psychopaths.
Being an incel is not the same as being an adult virgin, you stupid niggers.
Being an incel implies that you think you're entitled to sex just because you exist.
No it doesn't, it means you're unfuckable, nice try though reddit
>No idea what that tv show is.
Congrats, you're too stupid to argue with. You win!
Why would someone be unfuckable?
Because incels are cunts and most of them force their ideoligies onto other people.
I used to be friends with one who is now a mod on an incel forum and the ONLY thing he was willing to talk about was incel shit, we would rarely have a normal conversation.
That does not sound too healthy.
Sounds kinda sad honestly speaking.
Because he is ugly, due to extreme health/mental issues or because of his social status . I can't really think of any other reason feel free to correct me though
Except for serious mental issues, none of them prevent him from getting laid.
Found the normie. What exactly do you expect from people who post here?
Yeah we're real assholes for not getting laid, how selfish of us
>Being an incel implies that you think you're entitled to sex just because you exist.
No. It means you're unable to attract women.
Are you really going for the "Well you're not really incel just rape women bro" argument? Obviously people who call themselves incels do not mean it in such a literal way, they just mean they can't have even 1/10 of the love life a normal person typically experiences. Sure an incel might get a 0.5/10 to fuck him once a decade or he could go visit a prostitute if it's allowed in his country but that's doesn't change anything. In the end he will still be mocked and ridiculed and be treated like an abomination every day of his loveless life
Understand that incel had a bad notion to it now with the news and what not. Incel means bitter men and women who will rape,kill,torture someone or multiple people due to frustration.
Idc if you're not having sex, that's your own deal, but domt blame the world or woman kind for your own pitfalls
Oh yeah god forbid anyone blames the poor roasties for their insanely high standards am I right beta bucks?
Incels all have one thing in common: never trying. Plenty of men uglier than you get laid, just because they put themselves out there.
Yep, that's it, it's not that all these people have tried hundreds of times and all they get is weird stares and laughs wrecking their already frail confidence they just haven't tried yet.
They haven't tried hundreds of times. They have literally never tried.
Well nothing obviously. It's just that a guy was actually trying to pose as like an edgy bragging outsider guy. On r9k.
Doesn't get much more pathetic than that, man. I don't know just wanted to make sure he understood
imagine murdering a lot more per capita over your shit islamic religion and getting a free pass
give me a break
>They have literally never tried.
You've been lied to. Stop reading Jow Forumsinceltears
Even threads on here get filled with normalfags who hate incels if you mention them. There's subreddits dedicated to hating incels, 9gag and all those normalfag places explode in rage if they hear any mention of unattractive men.
Just take a look in this thread. Normalfags hate incels.
Why do you use incels and unattractive men as synonyms?
>very pathetic
You could say... That im the only real robot here. Makes one think.
Normalfags hate all men that can't get laid, not only the ones on incel forums, because they assume that they're all evil incels.
I'd imagine that there are no clear cut 'incels' but more like a spectrum. The fucking nutjobs you see getting around forums are just extremists, less intense incels probably hide the fact that they are incels in the first place.
Uh, no. Where do you get such retarded ideas from?
Any place where normalfags discuss how evil incels are.
Society literally hasn't come to terms with the inevitability of sexual inequality in a world where monogamy is no longer the rule and Uncle Schlomo and Corporate America are shoving unearned money into womens' hands
90% of Americans or more are still actual or honorary boomers who think life is like on TV where you take a gal on a date at a restaurant, go to the movies and a year later are happily married
The reality that all but Apex Chads are totally disenfranchised legally, economically and socially is still not real to most people including those experiencing said disenfranchisment because it's not real to people unless it's on TV
Literally nowhere except incel forums.
>sexual inequality
because virgins are literally dumber. they're naive, insecure, and less mature by experience. i've dated two virgins and two women who have had some dating experience. the women with experience were better in every conceivable way. i don't have the energy to deal with virgin women anymore
I fucking love you guys you make me look great by comparison
think income inequality with pussy
Dating apps mean 90% of women can get fucked by Chad tonight at the touch of a button and because Uncle Schlomo and CEO Goldwitz are handing them money on a platter they don't need your beta bucks as much as they used to although they still want it anyway
MeToo and all the sexual harrassment/spousal abuse memes mean that women know they have the upper hand in dating and marriage too
Combine all the above with outsourcing etc.which destroyed lower-class unemployment and the average neighborhood whitecollar let alone bluecollar cuck has little to offer women
Monogamy doesn't work when women don't need to rely on the local uggo to keep her supported financially and hence off the streets and out of the local brothel, and even when women do marry the local chubby beta idiot it's usually a plot to divorce rape the shit out of him
You're projecting to the wrong guy. I've lived enough to see that just women go for a guy they like personality wise. Everyone has the ideal partner until the one they love comes and fills that role and change that standard. I dont subscribe to the sub 8 thing.
I domt hate incels. I hate the violent ones. Like anything else, race or religion. I only hate the ones that try and Make a name for themselves through acts of terrorism
ls this your first day on the internet?
So you hate one guy, Elliot Rodger, out of all the incels.
And the ones who wish to copy cat his actions. I get that most incels are just venting and would never do what they say they would..but the idea manifests and can influence others who arent as stable. Or someone hits their point of no return and copycats ER
Incels are people who don't put in effort and pretend their virginity is involuntary, when it's just a choice. Entitled cunts like incels piss everyone off with their attitude.
Dating apps mean 90% of men and women cam get fucked tonight
being an asshole won't make you a virgin, in fact its likely to make you more attractive to women. incels are incels not because they are mean but because they are ugly/short/autistic.
An incel is someone who actively tries to get women but can't
A virgin is someone who hasnt had sex either by choice or the situation
Incels are often gross and their repressed lust often explodes in violent ways resulting to rape and murder. There are hundreds of cases of men killing or hurting women for not meeting them.
true for women, not so for men.
>who don't put in effort
You've been lied to. Stop reading Jow Forumsinceltears
Incels are incels because they are mean, angry, and entitled.
>An incel is someone who actively tries
It's easier than ever to get sex. If you are not getting any it's because you are not trying.
why else do normies hate things?
fear.. and trends
normies don't really give a shit about us
you're talking about a very tiny minority of the lowest form of normie, who like to come here to feel superior and better about themselves
What if I told you that what most guys want isn't just sex, but rather a life that isn't shitty and unfulfilling in general and that being lonely is only a little part of that
jeremy meeks beat up a teenager and ditched his pregnant ex. you could say he is mean and angry and possibly entitled too but for some reason he isn't an incel.
chris brown beat the shit out of rihanna yet she says he was the greatest love of her life. most people think beating the shit out of women is mean and speaks of an anger issue but somehow chris brown is massively popular with women.
why aren't they incels?
Normies dont give a shit about incels. Some of them might be incels too. The ability to be a socially acceptable doesnt correspond to the ability to have sex.
Not every angry violent jerk is an incel. But every incel is an angry violent jerk.
I just read r9k bro. An involuntary celibate is someone who is missing a dick. Incels are whiney lazy virgin manchildren.
not really. its easier than ever for women to get sex thanks to tinder, but if anything it's made it even harder for the average man because the handsome and tall guys are the winners who take it all.
They waited until AFTER the sex. Incels arent patient enough to wait for the right time so they get triggered the moment the girl refuses sex
you said they are incels because they are angry, entitled and mean. if that is true, why is it stopping them but not other men? obviously there must be something else at play.
how can anyone not hate an incel
Oh no. I'm below average in looks and tinder has made it so easy to get laid. Guys have it on easy mode.
jeremy meeks was already a violent criminal before he married his current wife, a heiress to a billionaire family. why wasn't she appalled by his history of violent crime and being an asshole?
sure you do sweety.
Why do you incels assume women get easier sex? Just because you say yes to anything withva vagina doesnt mean other men do. It's the same difficulty as you, you incels
I'm a man. Calling a man sweety is weird.
The better question is why are incels obsessed with the amount of effort anyone else puts into anything? They should live their own damn lives instead of being gossipy bitches.
Because normals lift themselves higher in society by pushing the people under them down. Incels just happen to be on the very bottom of the ladder so its easy for even the most pathetic of betanorm to get a punch in.
>im a man
Sure you are sweety
If you can attract girls, it's easier. Tinder and such don't make it easier to attract girls though.
>attract girls
How hard could that be? Literally dont be a creep and be confident/have a goal in mind and youll have plenty of dates
Maybe this is why you can't get laid? You can't tell men and women apart?
Because it's so natural and easy for them that get annoyed by those that can't and have trouble with it and then complain. They don't see how that's possible because it came natural to them. I think of it like someone getting upset at another who has trouble reading or trouble doing like basic math. And similarly, we could probably practice and work at it and possibly get a girl or something, but like those that struggle with reading or math that work at it, you'll never be proficient at it.
What complete bullshit. It's easier than ever for men to get laid thanks to tinder. Because lots more girls see them, every guy will get plenty of girls who find him attractive. You make it sound as if all women have the same taste in men, which obviously is completely false.
>But every incel is an angry violent jerk.
How delusional do you have to be to believe this?
Certainly incels can be jerks, but the reason they don't have sex is because they're meek betas.
Tinder makes it way easier to attract girls just because of volume. If 100 girls see you in a day, then at least a couple will match with you.