What do you prefer in your women anons?

What do you prefer in your women anons?

describe her

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>likes me
little else matters

>not a brainlet
>not fat
>not ugly
>virgin if possible

true robot
Jow Forumstard

ive always liked owo's and uwu's in spite of their cringe for some reason, and now they all of a sudden become a meme?
wat do anons?

>Thots like knowledge management system

They've always been a meme you retard

>Jow Forumstard
I am not a pol tard and agree with that guy. What is wrong in wanting a virgin gf?
Are your pro-femoid "they can do and be whatever they want" beliefs hurt?

My main problem with the virgin gf idea that this board seems to toss around
is do you really expect any gf after highschool to be a virgin???

I don't understand why this is a make it or break it with you guys!?

My perfect girl is Elisia.

>I don't understand why this is a make it or break it with you guys!?
IDK maybe morals? Pride? (not the kind of "be proud of being gay" retarded """pride""")
I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life then to be with a used roastie.

>doesnt shave and wears little to no makeup
>will hold my hand and tell me everything is alright
>genuinely loves me

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>cooks good
>sings good
>looks good

Yes but if you love each other than why should it matter?

I thought we were all robots here...

I'm not a virgin and don't expect my partner to be.
I can't fault her for sleeping with someone without even knowing I exist

However, if that number goes above 3 or 4 I start to get spergy about it.

This is so pure and good. Good luck fellow robot :')

Where's the instagram logo????

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just keep saying it. normalfags always steal memes. i think ideal gf is the most recent one

If only they realized it came from this den of inceldom and misogyny

Now I know what cultural appropriation feels like

It's over for me and there is no hope.

>do you really expect any gf after highschool to be a virgin???

Our culture is truly vile.

It is laughable because if a virgin woman wants to save it for someone special, what is so great about you that she will give it up to you?

i was not aware, i thought it was just a cringey thing furfags did and i was ashamed for liking it because it was a cringey furfag thing

cause i saved myself for her why shouldnt she save herself for me

i never really did say it cuz i know its cringey and dint have anyone to say it too as well, i was wondering if this meme thing is gonna make it more socially acceptable

here's another totally original one

Attached: just send wojaks to your lover bro.png (1622x797, 522K)

Is this dog filter something that became popular because of someone famous or it's only that they are so bland and absolutely same?

It thins the face and covers potential problem areas like the nose and chin

>do you really expect any gf after highschool to be a virgin???
Yes and of course they are rare but why the fuck is that a bad thing? The thread is
>What do you prefer in your women anons?
>describe her
And this is the answer. If a girl is virgin it tells a lot of good things about her. Why are you so defensive? It's like you deep down understand it but won't admit.
>I don't understand why this is a make it or break it with you guys!?
Read a book or something. It's been like this for ages throughout pretty much every single civilization for a reason.

Just because you couldn't get laid doesn't mean you saved yourself for anyone

>>doesnt shave and wears little to no makeup
>>will hold my hand and tell me everything is alright
>>genuinely loves me
Literally the same, would prefer if she was at least fat though.

Fuck off.

It also smooths the skin and brightens the eyes, I believe.

i could get laid easily as im not a robot, user

Women literally cannot be good so I don't give a fuck.

Can't afford to be too picky

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>What do you prefer in your women anons?
My dick, lol.

my gf is like this, i like her anyway tho

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