"growing out" of videogames

Anyone else experienced this? I tried pubg after everyone saying it was the game of the millenium and whatever and just couldn't get into it. This has happened to me every time I try a game from the last 2 years, and I've tried all the popular ones.

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Maybe try games that aren't pure normiecore

It's not you user

It's the games

Just play nier automata

That shit is definitely not the game of the millennium and I'm not even like a hardcore gamer that nitpicks every game asset. That game is 7/10 at best

I should have mentioned I have tried fortnite, league basically everything popular and a lot of less popular stuff. PUBG was the game I've enjoyed by far the most but I STILL couldn't enjoy it.

I just play for about half an hour then start thinking it's a waste of time and I should be focusing on my education and career.

Only really like shooters, strategy and mobas. Thanks though

>same here
used to play all fucking day now i just press F5 on Jow Forums
i just feel tired all the time

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It could be a symptom of depression (losing interest in things you once loved)

I sat around for 2 years on high end hardware (a gtx 980 ti and a 4k monitor) accumulating steam games but barely playing anything. Would buy a $70 AAA game at full price like Witcher 3 or Fallout 4 or Dark Souls 3, play for half an hour, never launch it again. I bought a Nintendo Switch and when amazon delivered it the box just sat in my room for 3 weeks before I even touched it. During this time I was drinking a lot

I don't know how or why, but I stopped drinking and gta5 online pulled me out of it and back into video games. I've already sunk dozens of hours into recent releases like yakuza 0 and monster hunter world.

I think you just need a combination of life changes and the right game. Maybe it's time to fall for the SSRI meme?

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You're playing shit games.
Just give up on modern games already. There's no hope there.
Play Fallout 1 and 2. You'll enjoy both of those, but unfortunately after that you'll have solidified the fact that you can't enjoy modern games. From that point there's no going back and you'll just stick to old games.

Seems like your problem is playing absolute dogshit games. Popular does not equal good.

sound like you have a very addictive personality user

I did used to be very depressed which is why I started here years ago, but I'm now exceptionally successful and very satisfied with life. I enjoy various sports but in evenings when it's dark I just can't get into games.

Pubg is shit, but it could be a symptom like said, I've experienced it before.
Try playing a 4x game or something, might be more enjoyable.

I have been feeling
Last game I played seriously was MSGV I stopped playing and havent touched it in months. Games dont really hook me up like before anymore.
I tried other games but just felt boring and meaningless so I stopped.
Upcoming games like RDR 2 dont really hype me anymore too.
I fell out of touch with games idk



no you just want games that have re-playability through depth and immersion
pubg and fortnite have little depth

I would still be playing Bad Company 2 and BF3 if there were alive; no video game since then has satisfied me

Yea, happened to me when gta 5 came out. I couldn't play for more than an hour without getting bored.
I was coming out of a big depression when this happened, but it could still be the cause because I don't think I was/am the person I was before my depression.

Stop playing fucking shit games and it might get better

I played near to no vidya last year because nothing gained my attention. I still like games, it's just that I've gotten high standards.

i even got a 1080ti played nothing with it
does seem like the games either that or our depression.
they keep rehashing the same thing for the next generation. can only play so many skinnerboxes.

Its your brain telling you to do something real and be a man. Videogames are just simulations. Like sugar, tastes good initially, eventually is sickening.

>they keep rehashing the same thing for the next generation. can only play so many skinnerboxes

It's going to be like that for a while with SJWs, esports and battle royal fucking things up
Battlefield will be shit for another 2-3 years at least

I recommend you give vidya a few weeks break (don't play anything at all) then try some niche and indie titles or games you haven't played in years
I'm excited for astroneer, metro exodus, green hell, subnautica dlc and I'm replaying games that were very memorable

If you have more than 30 minutes of playtime on Fortnite or PUBG there's a 90% chance you're younger than 17 years of age.
Maybe head on back to /v/ with the other teenagers fella.

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>only play absolutely shithouse games aimed at children
>"wow why dont i like playing games? they all so shit."

>I should be focusing on my education and career.
yes you should be prioritising those things over video games if you dont want to end up a suicidal neet.
video games is a hobby. you play them in your free time, not as an alternative to a job or the pursuit of a job you fucking retard.
get ur act together u dumb underage faggot. never play retardunknowns faggot grounds ever again.
the only third person shooter u need to play is re4.

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Its because you need friends to play pubg in order to have fun and do squads and we all know we dont have any of those.

You're losing your will to live and enjoy life also called losing your touch.

>being elitist about something designed and market to children to begin with
if you ever get to this point in life, suicide is a geniune option to consider

I'm glad I triggered you and hurt your feelings you fucking pleb faggot fuck.
If you aren't going to take escapism and media seriously then don't bother weighing in.
It's not my fault you're a brainlet.

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Have you tried playing older games?

you didnt like monster hunter on a 3000 dollar pc?
if you dont have a small group of friends to play with though i can see how games would not be as interesting

Exploiting glitches and strafe jumping in older games is still fun for me. I pretty much only play MW2(strafe jumping), Skate 3(fun challenges), CSGO(only surfing, I've never played a real match), and TF2(huntsman is always a funny time, a lot of autists to troll). I'm always watching youtube videos/listening to music on my second monitor while playing games. I don't understand how a grown ass man could "tryhard" in video games. I used to "tryhard" when I was a teenager, but I eventually lost the high from winning a game. I'd rather be laughing at funny shit than trying my ass off in a god damn video game.

>I just play for about half an hour then start thinking it's a waste of time and I should be focusing on my education and career.
Oops,seems like you got the root of all your problems op.You will rarely,if ever be able to enjoy anything like you used to,with those thoughts constantly creeping in.I'm that way too.

I'm fairly confident this post is ironic but even so it has convinced me to take a break from this site for a while.
Regardless of whether or not you actually are this retarded, thanks for helping me see the light.
See you in a few weeks.

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Yeah it happened to me too. Didn't enjoy games for about a year and a half. Now I play a game once in a while but I get tired of it quickly.

i really want to play the yakuza series but i have work and school and all this other shit i do and cannot really find time to sink into them. video games especially i feel require regular at least 1-2 hour sessions

I'm a failed normie trying to get my shit together and I'm absolutely losing the passion for videogames.
I pirated Hollow Knight a couple of days ago and I sweat to God, two years ago I would have marathoned it like an autist but now I can't. It's obviously a good game, but I just can't enjoy it.
This is happening a lot recently. I try out a new game, and recognize it as a good game because it objetively is, but I'm just incapable of getting immersed.
This is going to be good in the long run but now I don't know what to do with the leisure time I used to dedicate to vidya. I can do a thousand things now with it, but nothing is as engaging as videogames.

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Actually Hollow Knight is severely overrated

Yeah. You just realize there's no point to it.

At least with books and movies sometimes you can learn a bit about yourself and feel more cultured. But with videogames you're just spending hours honing skills that are only relevant to that specific piece of entertainment.

Say the meme word again!

Why would i be "triggered" at the fact that you're geniunely upset about something made to entertain children? If anything i feel bad for you. I'm just being honest and objective with you. If your life got to this point, suicide becomes a geniune option.

>t. Diamond league player

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Current games don't really interest me anymore so I just play Megaman all day cuz I'm a nostalgiafag

>I sat around for 2 years on high end hardware (a gtx 980 ti and a 4k monitor) accumulating steam games but barely playing anything.
This was me. I have a fairly high paying job, so I just kept throwing money at things that I thought would make me happy. So many Steam games and some high end guitars that I barely touched. I have since sold most of the guitars as it just depressed me more to have them. I am content with the fact that I have just grown out of gaming, but I haven't found anything to replace that void yet besides alcohol, and that isn't something that really gives me much joy either.

i grew out of video games years ago but they are all i have left

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>I would still be playing Bad Company 2 and BF3 if there were alive; no video game since then has satisfied me

But they are alive and well
Hell, even bc2:vietnam has full servers sometimes

Bought 10 games or so about a year ago. Haven't played over 2 hours on each one since then. 6 or 5 months ago got KSP trying to finally get again into this shit, but never enjoyed it as much as I wanted. I can't seem to rejoice on the experience like when I was in high school.

I'm interested OP, would you say that you're the type of person that needs to commit to something fully once you've started?

One thing is anxiety/depression getting in the way of immersing in the game and having fun. If that's not it, I also hardly like modern, popular games, while being able to have a lot of fun, to this day, with ps2-era games. That's not unheard of. Lots of people feel that most new games lack soul and a genuine care for fun and/or telling a good story. These days, making AAA games costs so much money that they really just want to inoffensively appeal to as many as possible, resulting in a boring and safe, forgettable on-rails experience pretending to be something else. There are people who just don't feel pleasure from sitting down and trying to immerse themself in a game, sure, but there's usually a reason for it. Maybe insecurity and spending too much time thinking "I'm a loser, I need to be a cool guy who everyone will admire for how he spends his time" while posting on Jow Forums for some reason is another one.

Often, it's kind of like someone saying they outgrew music because all they listen to is what they hear in music and what's on TV, and never really search below the surface into a genre they like.

not in australia
bf4 here has 4 servers at most that are not lockers only
1 isn't doing so good, premium is near dead

im a linuxfag so i basically dont have many games to play. though ive never really cared for any of the very graphically intensive games. the most graphically intensive game i play now is garrys mod.

I'll often see important things through in life and enjoy a challenge. Not the same for vidya or hobbies, this is more for education and career stuff

i cant stand video games anymore. I played so much my last 10 years, im fed up. I wanna escape video games.