He unironically gets emotionally and intellectually invested in the arguments he has on Jow Forums

>he unironically gets emotionally and intellectually invested in the arguments he has on Jow Forums
>he doesnt keep a cool detachment from it all and laughs his ass off at how much theyre S E E T H I N G
>he doesnt laugh his ass off at how some losers actually believe that you're invested at all in the argument like they are

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not everybody is a jaded pseud clown like you OP, sometimes people are passionate about a topic because it greatly harms society in some way and they want to be personally invested instead of just laughing from the peanut gallery like a fucking stooge.

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M8 it's fucking Jow Forums what are you on about?

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This is all a bit rich coming from someone who feels the need to make a thread about it, isn't it?

It's just an imageboard where people use text to exchange ideas, why do pseuds like you get to police how people use it? You don't have any ideas of your own so you just push post-ironic nonsense onto other people so you can feel more comfortable about being fucking retarded?

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>muh psychology 101

get a grip kid

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you don't deserve those trips, pseud

This is exactly what op was talking about, you are getting way too invested.
Jow Forums is a clusterfuck of incels and degenerates, only a complete moron would take anything serious

>arguing about things on Jow Forums changes society in any way shape or form

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I can't even tell what you're implying.

>Jow Forums is a clusterfuck of incels and degenerates
yes but some of them can at least discuss things like an adult, not type random bullshit and make dumb threads with one hand in their pants like OP.

I smell bait

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you tried to "GOTCHA!" me using pathetic psych 101.

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>yes but some of them can at least discuss things like an adult
>like an adult
Theres no adults, only edgy teens

do you think the kekistan mutants got the idea to run around wearing frog swastikas for no reason?

>muh sekrit club

When I first started going on Jow Forums (2007-2008 era /a/) , I used to read all the "bitches and whores" thread and cry and cry and cry because my feelings were getting hurt. But ultimately I am glad I grew thicker skin.

I'm always invested in an opportunity to make people realize they are fucking ignorant, even if they don't reply.

Funny how this thread turned all ironic

>and cry and cry and cry because my feelings were getting hurt
why user, you're not a trap are you?

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>greatly harms society on some way
I bet that there are ambassadors, CEOs, bureucrats and world leaders lurking these threads who's minds we can change.

I remember when I didn't care about anything, and was young enough that my mental problems didn't develop into anything harsher than preferring to be alone because it's comfy. Past a point, someone's "thick skin" can be broken, and they won't be that kid anymore, who doesn't consider the damage he does to others because nothing's really hurt him so far.

Did I?

I was trying to point out that this thread is somewhat hypocritical. I'm not sure how psychology comes into this.

>he created his own thread to talk about how much he doesn't care about winning internet arguments
>he unironically doesn't see the irony in this

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Their minds can never be changed, but their pants can be shat yet. Hell they most likely do it every day regardless.

>we wants to think I care sooooooooooo bad

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>lol le ebin 4chin is for le ebin shitpost xD
>lol so random and ironic lmao why so sirious?? xdxd

This will never end, right? This is gonna get worst and worst. What a mess.

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This is how I deal with road rage assholes. After toying with them for a little while, I just give them a big smile and thumbs up while they're screaming at me and pounding on their horn. I will probably get shot as a result someday.

No I'm female (girl) and was very open about it (still am lel). So I would get bullied then cry then try again get bullied then cry then try again get bullied and cry. Once they called me fat I posed a (sfw obvs) pic of my stomach and moderator banned me for "being a whore" (this was back before mods started just copy+pasting what rule you would break and would instead just insult you on the ban) and I got a 3 day ban and I was so upset that even the mods were bullies.

Eventually the misogyny threads were booted onto Jow Forums so I migrated here. But my skin got harder and harder and now I'm tuff. So it all worked out.

>lost an argument beyond redemption
>H-haha idiot you think I t-took it seriously!

>get bullied in an anonymous image board
>proclaming being a girl even if not necesary
>fucking CRYING because of this

Wew, femanons are really the most mentally ill here.

Please dont bully her, shes clearly vulnerable

Um just because I'm an overly sensitive crybaby doesnt mean we all are ok thanks

Getting cyberbullied and called whore etc give mixed feelings too, one was hurt but the other was thrills. Thats why I kept doing it.

My life's become such a hollow shell, the anger I feel on this website is the only stimulation I get anymore. Aside from beating off I guess.

>No I'm female (girl) and was very open about it (still am lel)
Can you at least hold yourself to a higher standard than the traps by shutting the fuck up about it? You're not tough, you're just stuck in the midst of a serious cope. I am not going to apologize for your stupid shit any more than robots.

t. SEETHES when having online arguments

No but seriously how is it posible to cry because a random user in an anonymous board calls you a whore? I can understand you can feel bad if someone doxx you and calls you bad things in the face or something, but we are all anonymous so, how is it posible? Imagine if everyone here just start crying because somebody calls them a faggot.

>you say you don't like eating poo, that must mean you want to eat poo
>watch me now, Sigmund Freud

stellar argument, chap

If you find yourself in a situation like this you should be crying through self-reflection after doing something stupid like posting pictures of yourself or giving out personal information in a place like this. You should be mad at your parents for not aborting you not sad because some 12 year old made fun of you for being more retarded than they are.

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Dumb fat bitch lmao kys

>you say you don't like eating poo, that must mean you want to eat poo
I feel like you're missing the part where the speaker is willingly eating shit whilst saying this.

>No I'm female (girl)

So sick of this fucking trash lmao

Because it hurt. Because I felt I was in the right and the harder I tried to argue in defense of women (who according to /a/ were all bitches and whores) the more I got bullied and then on top of it all, even the mod bullied me.

I cry easily and always always have. If I feel hurt or sad I will cry.

>I tried to argue in defense of women
That's the one thing you can't do here unless you are a man, or a man pretending to be a woman. You don't need to let people know you're female or speak from personal experience in order for your arguments to be compelling. I nor any other female users need people like you pretending to defend female interests while showcasing pictures to robots of your body implying "look I might even be kind of hot, will you listen to me now?"

Grow the fuck up

Who you are isn't really relevant to the vast majority of discussions on Jow Forums. You shouldn't bring it up for that reason.

>who according to /a/ were all bitches and whores

And the weren't wrong for what I can see. Look how you just go around crying and atentionwhoring. "Look I'm a girl :DDDD I have feelings so don't be rude!!! :(((( wow you so sexist, women are not whores!!! *send a picture of her stomach*

nice projection, OP. You wouldn't make this thread unless you were butthurt

>this is what the SEETHING lad tells himself

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also /a/utism will ban you for talking about hunter x hunter or some other thing the mods just don't like. there's no point posting there because if you aren't in line with their weird rules you'll get a 3-day ban for no reason.

What if my argument is from experience.

2008-era /a/ bitch and whore thread goes like this:
/a/non: "3d women are all bitches and whores, 2d women are better"
Me: "I am a girl and I am not a bitch or a whore"
/a/non: "Well then you are fat"
Me: "No I am not fat *post sfw pic of stomach*"
Mod: "3 day ban for being a whore"'

Simple and stupid? Sure. But I was an 18-19 year old kid. And I didn't say "I am hot" I said "I wasnt fat" AFTER they already called me fat. No fair.

If you can't understand beta/otaku mindset you are a normalfag and should leave

>No fair.
Boy have you come a long way. Still pissed off about it and still don't understand why it happened.

Also none of this was relevant to *this* thread to begin with. Why don't you just skip the next couple of steps in life and go get yourself a couple McDoubles and a box of wine.

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you're cringy stop posting

>tfw I just feel tired and burnt out when I'm on Jow Forums these days
>tfw I don't post that much these days, but still spend ages lurking just out of habit

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Just talking from my perspective as an emotional person ok who did get emotionally invested in arguments enough to cry multiple times a week over Jow Forums slapfights.

I'm not pissed off, I was hurt and now its kind of goofy how hurt I was. It wasn't fair though, mod was a bully

Truth be told I will never understand why some people think it's the funniest thing to get into fights, real or fake, on this place, where the argument will never matter as everyone will be back here tomorrow doing the same thing. What for? A worthless you, the least valuable form of attention. What confuses me more is the ones that legit believe they're on some elevated plain of humor for finding it so funny or fun.

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The only way I can rationalize it is because I guess some people feel some sort of "superiority" when arguing with others.

Either because they believe they're right or because "Look how angry this guy is, lmao I'm so much more well adjusted then him".

But honestly, I don't really get it either.


what a fag!

>he can't admit to himself that some people just dont care
>hes so beta he cares about arguments online and can't imagine that someone just doesn't give a fuck

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See I thought about this but It doesn't seem to make sense. If you didn't care why would you either start or continue to engage in an argument? If you didn't care then wouldn't it just be a waste of time? Considering that most arguments tend to be more than one post of people continuously throwing shit at each other.

So there must presumably be some driving factor.

No, it's safe to say most people on this board don't give a fuck, that just doesn't overshadow their personality to the point where they think it's something to be proud of. You're just an edgy attention starved apathetic twat with a lukewarm IQ and nothing to contribute.

They do care, though. If they didn't they wouldn't be wasting their time in the arguments to begin with

because BOREDOM and it's HILARIOUS
no, its safe to say most DO give a fuck. keep coping and crying baby boy.

>because BOREDOM and it's HILARIOUS
I guess that's another way of looking at it yeah. Whilst I don't personally really get anything out of watching / making someone mad I could see that someone might.

But clearly then there is some reason to the arguing. It's because people are bored and getting people mad is entertaining, no?


all I do on the internet is troll. I'm a fucking worthless NEET so its fun to me. I post shit like pic related and laugh my ass off

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>M8 it's fucking Jow Forums what are you on about?
I was under the impression that school has already started

ultimate brainlet cope, pretending to not care becauase they are unable to argue back.

>no, its safe to say most DO give a fuck
How do you figure? Do you consider shitposting a form of activism?

Don't make fun of people man, only makes the atmosphere here more miserable

Oh my god you bit the bait so fucking bad holy shit my sides

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if you think most on here arent serious when they're going back n forth

just lol

>not everybody is a jaded pseud clown like you OP, sometimes people are passionate about a topic because it greatly harms society in some way

Fuck off back to fucking Ribbit or Jow Forumspol you god damn retard. People like you are what ruined this website.

I only actually argue here about shit I unironically wouldn't be able to talk about irl, like how animal abuse is based and redpilled and some shit. But having Jow Forums-tier discussions is for little children who are too shy for debating in class.