Someone stole my bike just hours after I brought it to my new apartment...

Someone stole my bike just hours after I brought it to my new apartment. I thought they wouldn't bother because it was locked but they broke it somehow.

Why do people do this? Ruin someone's day for a few bucks.

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Often it's to feed their dysfunctional lifestyle such as drug abuse.

Stop living near niggers, spics and druggies

i really didn't know it would be that bad. It seems like an okay place since they weren't bothering me

stupid faggot, shut the fuck up

Cause they're niggers and they steal everything they can

Are you denying that a nigger, spic or druggie stole OP's bike?

feels bad man

Thank god i live in a purely white village of 1500 i never heard of a single crime comitted here except for underage drinking

Steal another wat the problem?

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I don't want to let this go. I want to catch them somehow.

Do you think if I left another bike in the same place would the same person take it? Would they be stupid enough not to realize it's a trap and I'd be watching?

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Lesson learned. Was it a nice bike? Next time keep it in your apartment.

it was rusty doubt it was worth more than $50

Can you reveal your country? I'm thinking of renting a cheap bike next year to go to college, but this left me scared.

This is why you never buy a cheap lock and always take off the front or back tire. No nigger is going to have the motivation stealing a bike that they'll have to work on or buy parts for.

>Someone stole my bike just hours after I brought it to my new apartment. I thought they wouldn't bother because it was locked but they broke it somehow.

>Why do people do this? Ruin someone's day for a
>few bucks.

You already gave the answer.

For the same reason you got it.
You wanted/needed a bike, so did they.
Your methods of acquiring it was just different.

is this a dumb idea? should I forget it? i was gonna hide a camera too

Do it and catch the nigger

yeah I want to try.

how can I make it look appealing but still make it hard for him to ride away with?

I can already imagine OP rushing to stop his bike from getting stolen again and then getting stabbed by the robber.

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Now the Nigga Stole My Bike video plays in my head.

HAHAHHAH it was a cracker and you can't disagree with me suckas

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i'll let you know tomorrow if they're retarded enough to fall for it. I'll even post a webm from the security camera.