He wants a gf while his only hobbies are vidya and porn, has no exciting life stories, has no passions, doesn't lift...

>he wants a gf while his only hobbies are vidya and porn, has no exciting life stories, has no passions, doesn't lift, doesn't play team sports and lacks social skills

Why would a girl date you when it would be literal torture?

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I haven't plard a videogame in 3 years, I haven't watched porn or masturbated in over 2, I have lived in 2 different countries so I have plenty of stories, I am passionate about literature, I've been hitting the gym for about a year, I'm a part of the men's volleyball team at my uni and was a part of the soccer/football team in HS and I have a large number of friends demonstrating some degree of social skill.

I've been a kv my whole life and I'm 21. What's wrong, anons?

>won't give up his vidya and porn; even for a GF, because that would make him a {c u c k}

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>passionate about literature
>mens volleyball

If all that is true then it will come user. You need to be patient. A mistake a lot of people make on this site is equating all women to all teenage girls. Teenage girls are shallow confused children. U are only 21, and it sounds like you have a lot going for you. Im confident you will catch someones eye. That is, if u go outside.

my happiness is more important than her fee fees

youre a homofaggot

your happiness isn't real you've just been tricked by an elaborate skinner box

90% of girls I meet either play shitty games or watch anime, have no exciting life stories, have no passions beyond "OMAGAH MAH MAKEUP; OMAGAH MAH HAIR", don't lift, don't play team sports and lack social skills yet these same girls drool over 9/10 ripped romantic bad boys and lanky korean gaybois.
They are the same as us but they get a free pass because they have a vagina

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hey you have a penis so man the fuck up and submit to the uncanny canal

Not everyone is addicted to porn, I don't need it nor do I rarely browse it.
Beyond that, yeah I do know my life is dull and lacks stories.
Which is why I'd like to meet a girl that is similar to that, laid back, plays some vidya, likes being indoors and spend time together with their significant other.

My hobbies and stories aren't interesting to girls.
I'm not doing devoting myself to something I hate if that is what it takes to get a gf

You must be a big strong man based on how you're able to easily carry that big goalpost

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Normalfag loser who probably gets cucked by stacey and makes fun of people on r9k to feel better.

Also you should fix your sense of humor while you're giving up your dork hobby and women's sport.

>don't watch porn or masturbate, haven't masterbated in a year
>Hobbies include art, programming, and writing
>Have plenty of stories to share including going through psychosis and an interesting upbringing
>Passions include making scientific breakthroughs, drawing, and the far-fetched one of making myself and others immortal
>Play soccer occasionally, don't really lift
>Spent my childhood in special education classes for social skills, would say I have decent social skills

>implying a big percentage or girls have interesting qualities

but user, I have grown content with the feeling that I'll probably never find a soulmate, so why would I stop doing what I enjoy, only for a slight chance at getting some pussy?

>implying girls are more interesting than me

Nah dude, I would love to meet a girl with an actual personality just once who can hold a conversation. Yeah it's a cliche here but think about how many girls' entire personality is just watching Netflix, collecting cosmetics, and going out to bars on the weekends. I think I'm a little more interesting than that if merely by virtue of reading a book once in a while and being able to play an instrument.

>reading exciting stories about other people and fictional characters makes me interesting

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why do my experiences/hobbies matter? as long as i have the ability to have interesting conversations with another person, why should it matter?

Because women will date you to have a good looking story to portray that she is of high value.

Consider a woman who marries an army soldier and then cheats on him while he's overseas.

Just goes to show that for a lot of us our situation is just a symptom of a much bigger problem.