Is being born a male chink god's cruelest curse?

Is being born a male chink god's cruelest curse?

>usually ugly as shit with coinslots for eyes
>shorter than all other races on average
>smallest dicks on average
>feminine and weak
>their own women refuse to date them, even other lesser races like black women don't want them
>soulless, emotionless, beta passive aggressive personalities

Seriously, what's the advantage in being asian? Literally nothing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Higher IQ and you dont get fat
Also if you're jap you get to sniff your younger sisters pantsu and read untranslated manga.

Is being born a male whitey god's cruelest curse?
>usually ugly as shit with egos for compensating
>more effeminate than all other races on average
>smallest dicks on average
>feminine and weak
>their own women fuck blacks rather than them, even other races like asians don't want them
>soulless, emotionless, omega passive aggressive personalities

no. far from it. def not wypipo status tho

There's a solution to both of these problem. MOVE TO ASIA
For asians
>you look normal here
>you dont compete with races
For whites
>you look normal here
>asians think white dick big so u get adventage in meeting girls

>the chinklet dicklet cope
How does it feel to be an inferior microdick chink?

fuck asia. your solution can lick my scrotum sac

>the cumskin cuckold cope
How does it feel to be an inferior cuckold cumskin?

this is bullshit. now stop

stop. youre not even asian or a guy are you? nope just making more trouble.

t. the seething angry chink
stay mad little dick chink

and YOU. wouldnt it suck to be smaller and have a weaker dick than the asians you love to trash talk? it would be pathetic.

>t. the seething angry trailer trash
>stay mad little cuckold hillbilly, it's not my fault Tyrone fucks your sister behind your back

hey dumbass, you are a little bitch arent you?

why chinks are eternally btfo:

>their own women are repulsed by their inferior genetics and tiny dicks, so are all women
>all men and women recognize that asian men are the absolute bottom of the barrel
>can never pull hot girls of other races without buying them money and gold diggers

>will always get seething angry from bait threads

Lmao this little bitch chink can't even come up with good insults, because white people can't be insulted. We're just outright better than you.

asian women have the same genetics. whatever. a lot of guys have to pull out the cash for sex, basically everybody except chad and every race version's of chad.

im not angry at your weak shit talk. but i know how these things will compound into something bigger unless i stomp it out.

are you white? i bet youre a mongrel.

Lmao this little bitch trailer trash can't even come up with good insults, because asian people can't be insulted. We're just outright better than you.
>why cumskins are eternally btfo:
>their own women are repulsed by their inferior genetics and tiny dicks, so are all women
>all men and women recognize that white men are the absolute bottom of the barrel
>can never pull hot girls of other races without buying them money and gold diggers
>will always get seething angry from bait threads

>y-you're not real white
Lmao stay mad subhuman monkey

i knew it, youre a white mixed mongrel calling me a subhuman. you see, white people have more class than this so thats how i knew.

youre than asian femthott


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>the chink is STILL coping
>the chink is STILL a seething angry buttmad faggot
Laughing at your life chink. Too bad what I said is true and you repeating what I said doesn't make you any less of a pathetic beta. Whites are the most desirable men and statistics proves this.

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i have nothing against russians, youve got issues, boris.

whites are top tier. asian women bragging about it is just ironic because men and women are from the same gene pool.

Do you even realise how shit it is to be from the east? (Not the south east, balkanfags have it easy too)
>either fat or skeleton
>everyone hates each other (even close family)
>streets littered with criminals
>main jobs are plumber, thief or mcdongers employee
>people either absolute normalfags or absolute autists, no inbetweens

this is how that asian thott copes - by sleeping with white guys and making hate posts against asian guys. its really not a mystery why some half asian sons turn out messed up, the mother is batshit retarded.

thats poverty. russians that move out are clean and arent criminals. they stick to their own here in the US.

>tinder economy
>"""statistics""" whose samples are biased from he get-go
Last (you), you white trash hillbilly faggot, you talk so much shit behind a computer screen and you think it makes you """superior""" yet you're still on r9k uou pathetic worthless beta faggot, have fun licking tyrone's semen from "your" woman

not that i give a shit how their children turn out. asians usually havs more class too, so i can only imagine what kind of hideous asian is making posts like these, she must be a legit 1/10.

stop. i know you arent asian. that person youre talking to isnt white.

Russian in US = Americanised
Russian in Russia = Real

LMAO the seething angry chink is STILL coping

You're grasping at straws like a desperate retard. Asians are pathetic.

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so you came in here to have a "who has it worse" pissing contest? what about the russians living in st petersburg or moscow, they must have a much higher quality of living than the places youve nentioned.

again thats living in poverty, and not a reflection on your people.

shes not asian. and youre a self hating retard bitch thats a legit 1/10.

>st petersburg or moscow are just the main, tourist friendly streets
Man, you're in for a big suprisecif you ever visit this stinkhole

i believe you, im just saying i know its not all like you say. again thats poverty and not a reflection on your people.

theres wealthy areas in russia but i guess the wealthy few have it all.

in fact, youre the kind of thott that white guys should avoid like the bubonic plague because your mental issues will affect your half asian kids.

Why do chinks get seething angry at other races being superior to them? Why is it so easy to trigger beta asian men? I guess when every girl rejects you for being an inferior microdicked subhuman asian you feel upset at white men who fuck your family members, steal every woman of all races, and make their dating pool nonexistent.

Sucks to be a chink.

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I liked it better when we were all frens no matter the race. Come on whites and Asians let's all be frens like robots should be

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hello white knight. enjoy that crazy self hating pussy.

I'd gladly be a chink if i could stop being an ugly piece of shit

>with egos for compensating
Everyone has an ego user, it's just viewed as counterproductive in eastern cultures because it encourages idpol retardation.

>install tantan
>China location
>15 top tier matches in 10 minutes
I didn't even believe how this shit was so easy

its different now since i know whos making these threads. if she was truly happy with whomever's she is with, she wouldnt make these threads simple as. not only is she a hideous, self-loathing asian femthot, but she has an equally trashy white knight bf too. they just cant seem to be happy and have to resort to this.

You can be a fat balding white dude and still get more asian pussy than a chink lmao. That's how desperate they are for a dick more than 2 inches.

why isnt that fat balding white dude bettering himself and going for the higher hanging fruit? he doesnt need to, not when theres millions of disgruntled asian women ready to have half asian kids.

White guy here.

Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general tend to bring out the worst racebaiting. There are forums on reddit dedicated to hating white males and spamming blacked threads on /b/ (Aznidentity and Hapas), and there are many reactionary posts on Jow Forums responding back in equally bad ways because they're tired of the spam.
In reality, both Asians and Whites are the ones who get along together the best. Jow Forums and reddit does not represent either groups.

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and if they were happy, i would be happy for them. but theyre both hideous, and need constant validation with these bait threads. should they ever have kids, they would apply their same standards on them.

Because asian women are an easy lay for any white man. None of them want to have sex with a 2 incher. That's why japs don't want to reproduce, they want gaijin cock.

its almost the same in Latin America if your white. I would still prefer to be a high IQ chink, sex is overrated

its asian females that do this. look. thats how crazy they are for white guys and attacking asian guys. desu, you should pump and dump these asian thots and marry a white woman. i know some guys say that they arent going back to white women, but those guys havent seen the bad side of asian females yet.

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every chinkboi ITT right now

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> threads calling blacks pathetic
>threads calling Indians and south Asians pathetic
>calling east Asians pathetic
>threads calling abbos pathetic
>threads calling Latinos pathetic
>Threads calling non-whites pathetic
>Multiple threads everyday calling whites the best race
>And it's only the Jews making these threads
White man dindu nuffin it was just the Jews

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i know. white men are handsome and fine featured. i actually understand, but when you consider the fact that its an asian female making these baits against asian men, just be careful. if you ever have kids with an asian female like that you better pray they dont look asian. but of course they will because the child inherits the mothers skull shape.

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Asian, black, white, muslim or russian, we're all fucking losers
And we should stick together

Link that thread actually.

its asian females and their white knights. they dont understand the bro code some of us have. thats how i figured it out.

And a little pic for settling things down

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wish i could. it was on sunday i think i just screencapped the confession not the whole thread.

Thier white knights are white for fucks sake, why the hell do these cumskins always attack us for no goddamn reason yes we get it Asian women are whores but why fucking blast in our faces everytime you piece of shits
>Inb4 it was just an Asian woman
It's been happening for years and that thread wasn't long ago.

asian females make these threads and pretend to be white guys, using them as a shield. thats why i stopped flinging shit, something was fishy. when i finally figured out who it was, all of this just became really sad and tragic.

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yep their white knights could be white, could be a mongrel, but the root of their cause is the asian female they orbit or date. whatever. knowing that, this whole thing is just like

>omg just go away

like whats with the clinging?

>It wasn't cumskins it was Asian women you see Asians and whites are best friends I swear bro
Your on par with Asian women who worship pigskin men let that sink in.

why do you keep bringing up asian females? why do you keep bringing yourselves up.

i have a friendship, what do you have, a relationship?

lmao this tard can't even read properly

maybe the problem is asian females, you. if you cant have a relationship with white guys that like you, and you constantly think about asian guys (lol) to make bait for...

maybe asian females cant get over us???

insults, because you have nothing genuine. youre a sad sad femcel

you havent seen me """"worship""" a white gal then.

digitally, of course.

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You are goodu at mathematicu. I'm Indian and we are truly shit. Nothing good came from here even the so called smart doctors are dumb fucks.

Its all the bait threads. I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm not going to assume what OP is, but i can bet that he/she was offended by a bait thread in the past, and went on to make this bait thread in revenge. An Asian reading this thread will be offended, and go on to make a revenge bait thread against whites later on. So the cycle goes on forever.
This is not one-sided, because i see hundreds of bait threads against whites every day, many of them made by Asian guys.

People in real life don't behave this way, its a Jow Forums/reddit thing. In real life, white people have more respect for Asians than anyone else, and we get along great.

Chink male here.

>usually ugly as shit with coinslots for eyes
False. I'm pretty good looking and have very large eyes for any race to the point that I look mixed/ambiguous, which I am. I do have a slightly receded hairline, but luckily it's stayed the same for the last decade without me taking hair loss drugs
>shorter than all other races on average
Yep. 5'4.5"
>smallest dicks on average
I think we'll catch up with a modern diet. Honestly, I'm alright with my 5.0" X 4.5" peepee
>feminine and weak
feminine, yes, weak, no. I'm pretty strong due to lifting weights when I was younger and my good diet. I have a six pack that has made multiple girls want to fuck me on that alone.
>their own women refuse to date them, even other lesser races like black women don't want them
Stacies of any race refuse to date me, but I'm not after them anyway. The nerdy, "beta" Asian girls loved me in high school, more than the Chads and Tyrones.
>soulless, emotionless, beta passive aggressive personalities
Eh, probably, but that's true for a lot of people regardless of race.

Pic totally unrelated I think

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nobody is shit. its just retarded, ugly asian femcels making these to try and get attention. i pity her unborn children.

i dont think so. i never do (make bait/revenge threads). why wouldnt i behave here like i do irl?

all these are laughably false

this is obviously an obsessed asian femcel. shes upset she doesnt have her own little group of nerdy asian orbiters. thats because those guys are orbiting nerdy white girls.

thats why asian females have to resort to race bait. they probably think these will trigger some desire to """""defend""""" asian women from dating white guys.

but come on we all know thats a two way street. what this asian femlet is stewed over is not being better than white women who get orbiters effortlessly.

Aren't you that faggot that was screaming blackcels undermining white and Asian friendships not long ago? How did it change to Asian femcels?

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>is being X race literally the worst

Unless X is australian aborigee or african pygmy, the answer is no and fuck off

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get girls by just having blue eyes
lifes not fair

blackcels post blacked bait

>blackcels post blacked bait
Holy shit it is you what exactly was I expecting. Seriously man what's with your obsession on being friends with whites even when they insult you and then blaming everyone else including our women who only a portion of are whores. Explain yourself user? Let me guess your an Asian woman?

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They can get their boipucci filled with superior white male seed.

no, there are those that do and ones like me where we dont fling shit. "our" women are you for real? are you from r/hapas? i am friends with a few white guys but they are bros, that doesnt mean a white guy cant be making -some- bait or return fire but i dont care. what i care about is whos making the bait and now i have one more piece of the puzzle.

t. asian femcel.

youre one to talk about that topic arent u

>14 posters
>85 replies

Damn, this stormbolt really has some screws loose.

At least I am not a pathetic wageslave. I get money for doing nothing.

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He's really a sad cunt, ruins every thread he posts in.
Fucking namefags

im a one man wrecking crew, which makes me kinda alpha. if you cucks are actually making blacked threads, not only are you degenerates but cucks to another race. bernd ive watched you change from a nice guy to this twisted pro china retard.

bernd is a guy that should go back to asia. he hates the west while on neetbux

Lmao, go back to sucking some Whitoid dicks.

>im a one man wrecking crew

In your mind it is.

>if you cucks are actually making blacked threads

Talking to yourself? I don't have male pictures saved on my SSD.
The only cuck here is you desu.

>bernd ive watched you change from a nice guy to this twisted pro china retard.

I have never been nice, get your perception straight, faggot.

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One man wrecking crew in your head yes, cringy as fuck to everyone else.

yeah you used to be nice. i remember your chess match threads. you became a racist retard over the years. at LEAST you arent making the blacked threads, that much you still have. in my mind or on here its the same in the end.

you get cringes over words on the internet? stay beta

> in my mind or on here its the same in the end.
Schizo alert!

El em ayo, maybe stop being the poster boy for Jow Forums.

are they considered human?

youre calling me a schizo on r9k? well hello pot, im kettle. because im pro west/pro white im a poster boy for pol? please pol gets their ideology from me a lot of the time. if you like asia so much, why dont you go back? go to an asian chan too.

Stay SEETHING my white man

now im white? thanks

Lmao, chess is a game, free from opinions outsides of the game, way to go think someone is nice only from chess threads.

>you became a racist retard over the years.

I have always been what you would call a racist in the 21st century in the West.
You are but a bootlicker of whitoids.
Gotta take some pills against your Schizo tendencies as some others have already pointed it out.

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