Be skellington

>be skellington
>have almost no interest in dominating anyone or accumulating social status
>shy, socially anxious, introverted
>just want reciprocal relationship with a cute gril
>just want to be loving and supportive
>this combination of traits literally disgusts women on a biological level

I wasn't meant for this place, I don't want to be alone, but my choices are put on a constant facade of confidence and domineering attitude, or to be myself and be alone. Honestly I'll take the latter. I just want a girl who loves me for me. I am not opposed to self improvement, just to acting in a way that is out of touch with who I am. Seems like a good idea to just stop playing this game.

I know other bots gotta experience this, come, tell us about how ugly your personality and physicality are to women.

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>be skellington
>acne scars dominate my face, back and ass

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low test

see a doctor about it

>be me
>drepessed little shit
>First day on college
>Class begins
>Sits away from everyone
>Teacher says I have to present myself
>I barely can speak
>Words finally come out
>I hear people laughing
>Girl talks to me
>Knowing she just feels sorry about me
>I act passive agresive
>She goes away
>Feel like shit
>Only 2 classes that day so I get back to my dorm at 12:30
>No one is there.
>spends rest of day crying knowing that it's just the first day and everyone already hates me.

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Given how hairy I am I doubt it's a test thing, but regardless that's a compete normo answer. The point of my post was basically about not wanting to be controlled by ape instinct. Besides I won't go to the doctor over potentially cancerous growths, you think I'm going to go in over some perceived hormone imbalance?

Same, I don't completely know why but I'm so lethargic during the day like I don't want to do anything but stay in bed and do whatever the fuck.

I really get sick of ask the fake bullshit introductions. I thought after high school that shit would go away, but no they do it in college, and then you sometimes even end up having to do it at work.

It's a normies world, keep up or get left behind. The worst part is its second nature to them, they don't even deliberate about it, it just flows. How could they ever understand? Which of course is where all the shitty norman advice comes from.

user, if a gilr or any other person approaches you, don't be passive aggressive. It's fine that you're socially inept and autistic, but shoving people away is a bad idea, no matter how much it fucks with your ego.

I don't have any ego, I just feel like a rug that everyone uses just to say they are "nice people" but yeah I'm pretty autistic for socialization nothing that I do works. If someone goes near me, they know I won't do them well.

>be manlet
>it's over

Deep down I am the same creature as you but I have built a rough outer casing due to years of anger and resentment which make me come across as a weirdo/schoolshooter. Deep down I just want to he accepted for who I am and not have to play these weird dominance games.

My personal opinion is if you come to the level of awareness where you understand the dominance games are happening, and still actively participate in them willingly you're a piece of shit. Most people seem completely unaware and intuitively participate in it, it's just natural to them. The end result being even if you don't want to you're forced to participate, last you be the "cuck" or the rung on the social ladder everyone uses to go up a rung.

>tfw 5'9 manlet
manlet disorder is literally the worst thing that can happen to a man these days.

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>Be a skeleton
>shy, few friends, likes video games and anime
>Nigger hair
>Have a grill that's talks to me, fall for her instantly
>Have to act like someone else to not be weird
>She invites my her house on Valentines
>Fucking ask me to help her know if her crush has a gf cuz she thinks I am gay

Currently on collage waiting for some grill to like me

Yeah I really know that "falling for any girl who actually gives you some attention" feel. That next but is further than I get though, even if it was meme tier. Regardless you can't really wait for a gril to like you. We are mental aberrations. We are not the standard and no girl wants to put in the extra work when they could do nothing and have someone worst come to them. You either play the game or you drop out. As someone like you who went through college without a single girl I talked to beyond passing and no real lasting friends to speak of, I can tell you, you either put on the facade or remain alone. Nobody will save you. Nobody thinks about you at all. It's a but hyperbolic, but I imagine you get the message.

Fuggin phone autocorrect, worst was supposed to be just and the buts are bits

Hello me. I feel you on a diffirent level OP. This has been my entire life, I had chances with more than 3 girls, but I always sabotaged them because I felt like I would have to put on a mask and constantly fake my personality.
I have only been truly interested in a girl a handful of times. I always go through very very long periods of not caring about tfw no gf, and then I fall for someone special. About once every two years. It always turns out that my feelings are one sided, and I end up having a bad case of oneitis that takes forever to get over. I am going through one right now, and it feels worse than ever. I feel like I am never going to find love, because I will never ever just go into a relationship with a girl that I'm not truly interested in.

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Im really glad there are other skelly boys like me here.. im currently with a girl who wants me to be this big strong "daddy" for her, and all i wanna do is watch amine and cartoons, make dinner together, and have reciprocal dominance during sex.

The worst part tho is i can't actually go hard on her in bed cuz she's legit too fragile, and doesn't have a high sex drive, but has tricked herself into thinking she does, so she's not wet enough half the time, and requires like an hour of foreplay, and doesn't like dominating me cuz it's "not who she is."

Fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

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what leads someone to make up such a stupid humblebrag for people that they will never meet?

I'm the exact same way. I'll be assertive and stand up for myself when it's necessary but in not out to dominate anyone. I also hate people trying to dominate me. I just want to be on an equal level. That's how real people do it, lad

Damn user, that hit me hard, I know where you're standing, I just hope one day we could find those qts who would love us for the pussies we are.

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Are you me?
Don't worry, we look like rad jaguars. Mine are from keratosis pilaris, but they look similar enough

Literally me, sometimes I didnt went to School because of acne