Dogs are so fucking annoying
Clingy fucks who never leave you alone
They'll start barking at anything at all hours
Ignore them and they start whining and getting sad
Kind of like robots if you think about it
Stop acting like clingy faggot dogs
Dogs are so fucking annoying
If only robots were like dogs. Then you could euthenize them for 100 bucks.
I've compared myself to a dog due to this before.
Wish there was someone who could tolerate my clinginess.
Why not just fix your clinginess?
Guy hates dogs because he cannot train a dog.
Good job
It's not my dog, I'm watching my mom's dog and he's such a faggot piece of shit
Train him then
I've trained him to leave the room when I call him a stupid faggot
i dunno where to even start fixing it, user
im just hoping i can find someone who can bear with it, or is equally clingy
That's a start. Now work on faggot sit faggot hush faggot lie down
This is why can't things never get better.
Ops dumb cunt of a mom can't even raise a dog correctly, yet has a kid and fucks him up. The fuck up kid then is mean to the innocent dog.
Please stop the cycle op.
You're trash. Don't breed.
Join the military and fight for our freedom tm
>Kind of like robots
Girls like dogs
Sorry I want to be left alone to my own devices and yet this fucking dog is all up in my shit begging for attention
This is why cats are superior, they fuck off most of the time
I love my mom's cats. Her dog is a faggot though.
try throwing the dog at a wall.
>put treat in bone so they can't get it
>give to dogs
>hours of silence
Actual brainlets
Not really. Normies like dogs. They think they're cute and funny - they can post photos of their fucking dogs on Snapchat and instagram.
Robots are like the dog that gets left behind at the shelter but for some reason never gets euthanised. Just clinging onto nothing.
Big dogs leave you alone. I have a lovely pitbull who just hangs out around the house. Goes outside,comes In and lays down.
But I also trained her all that
>tfw no clingy wan wan
tfw i value the life of my dog above other human lives.
I hate having to deal with other people's dogs since 99% of them can't train them
I don't want to hear some shitbeast barking for 4 hours straight because it has "separation anxiety". And no, I don't think it's cute when it licks its diseased saliva all over my face.
Yeah too bad youre like the dog leeching for love and training that isn't there.
Here's a thought, get a fucking job you pathetic piece of shit.
But you won't because your a fucking fat retarded faggot crying about his mommy's decisions.
7 years old going on 27
Haha what a fucking loser
Not even a dog will be your friend.
There dog sees you as its lesser and fucking bullies you.
Fucking pathetic
I can see you rolling around squealing like a pig in despair while the dog fucks with you constantly.
Haha oh wow
lol you're projecting a bit there my dude
Hue hue hue
Im not a loser I'm in charge of my life!!!!
Reeeeee dog get away from meeeeee
Reeeeeeee mommmy the dog!!!!!!!
>be me
>Post on Jow Forums about how my moms boyfriend's dogs brother picks on me and looks at me with his dog face and makes me cry
>Get called a dumb retarded faggot
>Pic related your dog bully who takes your moms food stamps
I never understood what was with normalfags, especially females and their weird affinity for animals and especially dogs, yes, it's a dog, but I don't freak the fuck out in excitement every time I see one. Maybe I'm just autistic. I never owned pets growing up so maybe that explains it. I like dogs don't get me wrong and enjoy playing around with them, but I never had one of these normalfag dog freakouts when I see someone walking a dog.
sounds like you have psychological issues