Would robots date a very tall girl?

Would robots date a very tall girl?

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only if i can impregnate her

Literally everyone on Jow Forums would do that.

Depends on how tall she is desu

Short guys gross me out it looks so pedophilia

Yes, in fact I'd prefer a significant height difference, be it taller or shorter. I think it makes stuff more interesting.

Upsies, me want snu snu.

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>that pic
Damn that's hot. Too bad women like that don't exist

Considering both my biggest fictional crushes are tall, muscular women, fuck yes

If she comes with a ladder, sure m8

When I was younger, had a relationship with an adult woman so there was a big height difference during that time. I can't imagine a longterm serious relationship like that though, most women want to have a bigger guy.


but yeah, short and tall girls are qt and i like them, im 5'9 though, so im not sure if tall girls would like me.

i know its near average height but it fucking feels like every teenage girl is around my height nowadays in the uk.

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God that pic is so fucking hot, not much of a /d/ tier giantess fag but very noticeable yet still practical and not retarded size difference like this is hot as fuck and really works with my femdom fetish too.


Yeah but said girl would be embarrassed by my existence and I would get made fun of for the rest of my life.

The taller the better, desu. I think a one foot height difference would suffice.
so gibs now pls

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ur fuckin with me rite?
that's what ive always wanted, but im tall myself so its unlikely ill ever get tall gf

I'm 6'4" and compensating for girls way shorter than me gets annoying fast so yeah I'd kill to date a girl near my height.

So how tall are you??
2 seconds not original

I'm 5'10, but I often feel like a complete manlet, even in the presence of women. I would date a taller girl, and it is actually possible for me to find one.

tall girl gang reporting in

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How tall? I'm not surprised that this isn't original.

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Yes but a tall girl would never date a short guy so its pointless

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a foot taller than me at the absolute most. any taller could make cuddling/sex/etc cumbersome and she'd look super lanky.

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Yes, I love them. Gib tall girl please.

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Posting this on r9k is like asking someone in a desert if he would drink carbonated water as opposed to normal water.

I'd date a woman of any height if we got along and liked each other.
Although I must say tall woman small man does look aesthetic to me for some reason.

All girls look short to me.

I'm 6'3". I will never find a taller gf. Or a gf in general.

My girlfriend has an inch on me and I don't think I would mind if she had another three or four on me.

yes, i'd love to have a tall gf

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On the spot, yes.

I'm a 5'9 turbomanlet so yeah, that sounds good OP.

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It's my fetish to date a girl one foot bigger than me.
But I'm already around 6'6" so my dream will never get fulfilled.

Yes. 6'4" so I doubt she'd be much taller, and I want a higher chance at a tall son(s).

Yesterday I walked by a tall girl, I'm an average 5'10'' guy and she looked like she was 6'3 nordic blonde, it was incredible. I felt tiny next to her, even emasculated. Her ass was huge too and her legs were shaped like a horses. I was in awe and felt butterflies as I passed her. So much power, what a goddess. Never ever...

Yes, but a tall girl wouldn't date a 5'9" manlet. My dream is to impregnate a tall women and have babies taller than me.

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im 5'4, so a majority of girls are tall girls to me... now i just gotta find one willing to date me

What about a girl who was around a foot taller than you?
Would that be too tall for you?

That would be perfect

The feeling you get from being next to a woman who's taller and bigger than you is really nice for some reason.

That's the dream actually

Keep larping, brainlet.

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>only seen a couple girls taller than me in college so far
>I'm 5'8"

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>best female friend in college is 6 foot 1
>have never managed to convince her to let me worship her like the Amazon woman she is

what like a 7 foot tall girl? 8 ft.? 11ft.? 20ft.? 40ft.?
Probably not. she'd have to force me into dating her she'd have to be some super aggressive alpha dominant super soldier yet also gentle with me in a relationship. Not that I'd get a choice if she just raped me.

I'm 6'3" and I can think of nothing better than having standing sex with a woman my height. Gibs me dat Amazon gf.

Would a very tall girl date me? I am 5'7

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I'd date one, yes, they're very good.. But I'm a manlet so it's not like I can choose.

As long as she doesn't have giant face that you see with 7ft and above.

im so fucking retarded I just image searched that without realizing the title was there fucking kill me

Yeah but they wouldn't date us so it's a moot point

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Where does the "nobody likes tall girls" myth come from?
And where does the myth come from that tall girls and short guys are compatible?

A tall girl can ask "do guys like tall girls?" and every man on the planet is ready to worship her.
A short guy can ask "do girls like short guys?" and he is met with silence at best and ridicule at worst.


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this is adorable though who wouldnt want this

Ugly dykes, that's who
>not wanting a bf who loves and adores you so much he is comfortable being a little weird around you
Women are so fucked

>And where does the myth come from that tall girls and short guys are compatible?
because tall girl and small boy is the best combination

My gf of 6 years is taller than me. I dont even like girls shorter than me anymore, I dont even view them as worth my time. Also I find it funny that girls think its weird for me to be completely comfortable with my gfs height.

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she looks like a horse gross

I'm 5' 5" and would date a girl who is 7' without hesitation
>had a thing for a girl who was over 7' that I worked with for a time. She was obviously already with Chad though

I'm happy for you user. I hope you both the very best in life and your future endeavors.

Thats my wet dream

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In a heartbeat, i wouldn't even consider saying no

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I like tall girls because they usually live slightly uncommon lives and have some difference in personality because of that. A lot of them get bullied or had to come to terms with alternative value systems since they can't fit the image of demure mice girls and what comes with it.

(and hot, but the above came first.)

I want a 2 meter tall girl

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Hell yes. I just want the best for my hypothetical children; for them to be tall. I don't want to hinder their existence all because I'm 5'4".

Yes but she has to be taller than me by at least a full head.

only short lads with a u t i s m does THAT


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I mean, I'm not a girl but I do think short guys are cute.
Its unfortunate girls don't see it that way.

I wish I could be a smol lad so I could do somethin similar.

pic related is original text

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I would love to, but i'm 6'2" and in my experience girls taller than me usually want men taller than THEM so they can feel more feminine in comparison.

Its fine because im trash and will never date ANYONE, but it still hurts a little.

>tfw 5'6"
I still got hope for a nice tall gf r-right...

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>be manlet
>have amazon fetish
It's only natural selection to balance it out

>ITT: Manlets dream of a brighter tomorrow
Dont give up hope lads, we're all gonna make it

>tfw 6'4 lanklet
>almost no hope for a gf taller than me
Where all the 6' women at?

I'm 6'4" dude, a "tall girl" to me hardly exists.

Would, but girls would rather die than date a dude shorter than her...on heels.

I'm 6'3" so it'd be interesting to date a girl who could even come close to my height. Plus we'd make Greek god tier children.

I'm 6 foot something. Am I doomed to being taller than any woman willing to date me?

im 6'4" and even though most tall girls seem to crush on me ive never really met one that looks like a model they just look kind of awkward and broad unfortunately. i think the tallest girl ive ever been with was like 5'9" and my current gf is 5' flat

I am rather tall boy so probably. Short girls are adorable but I don't want my sons inheriting their manlet genes.

i used to think this too but i once you love someone you dont think too much about that. plus my parents were short and i came out okay so i can see another upset happening in the future

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Just make more kids to reduce the chances. If there's still some manlet genes, the natural selection will take care of that... hopefully.

definitely, i'm 5'6, i wish a tall girl would gfd me.

i do want a few kids but i honestly dont think of my son being short as the end of the world. im not ready to be a parent yet but i hope that when i am i can help my son or daughter get through whatever issues they are working at not just height

>not realizing you've failed at life and channeling all of your work into your son so that he become genetically better than you by breeding with a tall girl with good genes

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If she capped around 7-8 feet yes. What I'd want even more is to watch her grow week by week

You forget that we're robots and we'll date just about any girl.

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hey guys 6'5 here hows the weather down there mates

my chad son will supass you when i breed with a tall girl

if she were relatively thin

amazon is good, ogre is not

Speaking of which, where would a 5ft7 guy come up to a girl of say, 6ft5

>amazon is good, ogre is not
take that back

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Of course I would. An Amazon goddess to worship and cuddle and fuck.

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When I see an attractive tall girl my dick nearly flies to space. Too many girls are all 'look at me I'm so small and cute aren't I? smol ppl problems xD'

It's a shame every girl wants someone taller than them.

what is the sauce on this senpai?

Yes but tall girls don't date short men.

Robots are right around the corner at least.

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Monster Shitsume, at LEAST user posted the only good girl from the series.

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I'd feel so inadequate. Tall women don't need me.

she looks alot better without that horn

I personally like the horn.

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