How bad is my handwriting and how do I improve it?

How bad is my handwriting and how do I improve it?

Attached: sheeeiiit.png (452x963, 492K)

What are you, 7? Just learning cursive? What's wrong with you?

I do write cursive just not in the pic

Your handwriting is leaps and bounds above mine. It's legible and easily understandable, so don't stress out about it.

Well, you didn't even write some of them right.


Also needs work on the O's. Just write a circle OP you don't need to do the weird squigglies at the top.

I understand T and Z but R and S?
fuck I always thought that is how they're suppose to be

Google motherfucker

Attached: cursive-R23[1].jpg (1024x768, 31K)

Better pic, did you not have cursive in school?

Attached: cursive[1].gif (1500x1025, 308K)

I haven't been to school in 6 years and havent written anything "major" by hand in probably 10

Sure, I understand that. I don't write more than a couple lines a day max. Still never forget how to draw a letter.

I'm sure I've written them like that all the time but never been told to write them in differently
relearning them is going to be hard

what's with this weird ass font? some letters are cursive, some are "normal" and some are a mix of both
I've seen it a few times but never irl, us slavs really like pure cursive

it's cursive but they're not connected
I don't write like this I just practied the letters induvidually

You should be happy with what you got. I'm 28 and this is my handwriting. Tried several times to improve it but it seems impossible.

Attached: hand.png (653x655, 17K)

I like mine because people always have trouble reading it
Rate it /10
not sure why I fucked that w

Attached: 15360896250471008418368.jpg (2048x1152, 723K)

This is another data collection thread. They're gathering your handwriting samples.

Doesnt a cursive o have one of the squigglies to connect the words? I dont understand why he has two of them but the one on the right is normal.

nobody asked for anyone elses handwriting

Are you left-handed? It looks like it.

Not terrible

Find a pen that writes well, consider the following
Tip type (fountain, ball point, no ball, felt)
Pen width
Tip width
Ink type (normal, gel, expensive)

pen and tip width are the most important

I alternate between pens I like and don't like so I can maintain my appreciation for those I like which helps my write well
The friction of a pencil lead on paper is quite different to pen tip on paper, so switching can strange if you do a lot of writing
Try different ways of holding your pen. my thumb and index finger always form a circle but most people strain the fuck out of their fingers so their index and thumb form a bean shape (impossible for me to write like that)
your fingers and wrist work in tandem to write

is it worth putting effort into improving my handwriting when the only times I've had to put pen to paper in the past year or two has been to sign my name
also doesn't help that my fingers are double jointed

Attached: writing.jpg (880x637, 67K)

It's always worth improving basic skills

I'm writing maths down constantly. At it's best my writing is like this which takes time and does my wrist in thus I only write this well for anything important

>is it worth putting effort into improving my handwriting when the only times I've had to put pen to paper in the past year or two has been to sign my name

A poor signature looks absolutely terrible and can leave a very bad impression, I would work on it and doing dates (and anything else that usually accompanies a signature)

Attached: IMAG6132.jpg (3264x1952, 1.26M)

you write the same R as me
why did say it was wrong?

No, very right-handed. I guess I might give off that impression because of how slented I write.

different variations of r

I've had to change how I write certain letters to suit how well my wrist is doing and that the variations I learned just don't work to well in practice
looks up some variants and you might prefer them

I think there is something called "technical cursive" or something which uses different letters which are faster to write
I think my mom talked about it a while ago

Your writing if fine. It doesn't need to look nice, what matters is that people van read it.

Maybe it's because I'm from europe, bit I've never seen anyone write r like that.

I've seen the R but never the S