Can anyone tell me why Normans are obsessed with incels? I just dont get why they are a problem
Can anyone tell me why Normans are obsessed with incels? I just dont get why they are a problem
r/IncelTears raiding this place hard.
>reddit is trying to fuck this place up
color me surprised
But why? What good does hating incels do?
It's mainly women who feel the need to shill, exactly like jews, in every thread relating to incels because if MGTOW catches on among them their feminist utopia of Chad fucks Beta bucks is kaput.
The media made a big deal about it so they pretend to care. Why did the media make a big deal about it? Because it's something to throw blame at and get views.
I agree. I also think women are trying to blue pill incels into beta bux
Well Im going to need them to fuck off this board very soon
They aren't
You only think normans are obsessed with incels because this board is all you ever experience on the internet
Welp found a norman. Multiple subs and other social media tell me other wise
No, i'm just a robot who realizes a lot of us (you) are brainlets who think that just because we stick our faces in the dirt, we think the dirt is all there is
>hurrdurr ur normie!
the usual response when someone says something you don't like, heh
has a point. If all you ever visit are echo chambers you should expect to hear only your voice repeated back to you.
>im just a robot
>having to state youre a robot
You hit for that meme pretty hard, norman. Now tell me why you are obsessed with incels
The subs dedicated to hating incels are unironically echo chambers. Tell me why they hate incels
Probably because they also have some form of mental illness.
Obviously an illness for validation
That's true for literally every echo chamber
Yes, continuous craving for validation is indicative of a mental illness.
Okay boys wrap this thread we are just repeating each other now.
Becouse incels want to shoot Chad and usually normans like him
newfags normies on the internet just found out the word incel and want to jump in with everyone else in hopes it gives them attention.
its fucked though because now normies will just call anyone they don't like an incel when they don't even know what one is.
its like calling someone a cuck when they obviously aren't.
Normies love making jokes about people who are off worse than them. It's not necessarily malicious.
The n*rmie fears the Incel.
We have nothing to lose and nothing to live for.
They do it to make themselves feel better
I hope they fear them. Its funny to see them overreact to anything an incel says
> Can anyone tell me why Normans are obsessed with incels? I just dont get why they are a problem
Spend your days dealing with Anglo-Saxons, and its hard not to. They showed themselves to be super-cucks at Hastings. And obviously their males can't compete with Will's shiny Norman bling. Who's Gertrude going to invite to her dung-wall hut for literally unhygenic intercourse? It certainly won't be Harold's beta self plowing her non-bathing ass.
But yeah, both incels and Norms suck. Like everyone. Sage if you get the joke.
Jow Forums is officially dead. Incels ruined the board.
Because you losers are easily triggered lmak
Fucking this^10000
Because the existence of people who unarguably ruin their just world fallacy worldview makes them extremely uncomfortable
I've heard both normies and robots use and also claim that the other side uses this
Guess they're both shitty
we sacked their villages