Who /military/ here?
In my exerience, it seems like
>officers are happy, upbeat, and love their job
>enlisted guys are miserable, depressed, fucking hate their job, and want to die
Is this true everywhere, or is it just where I work?
Who /military/ here?
how much free time does one have in the military?
How are you able to post on r9k, for instance? Do they take away smart phones for basic?
Do you really have to shit within a couple minutes?
Isn't it true that militarymen basically expect their wives to cheat when they are on tour?
>how much free time does one have in the military?
depends on your job I guess
>How are you able to post on r9k, for instance?
I'm on my lunch break
>Do they take away smart phones for basic?
Do you really have to shit within a couple minutes?
If you mean in basic training, yeah you're usually rushed around.
After basic your life goes back to normal (relatively)
Any Marine robots here? I'm tempted on joining the Marines, there's a recruiter office very close and see Marines walking around there. But I'm weak and fat. Should I still sign up?
Only join the military if you are an extremely motivated, type A persnality turbo normie. I joined thinking I would be ok as a robot, and I'm absolutely miserable.
And I'm not even in the Marines. That's supposed to be the toughest branch.
Any Bundeswehr veterans here?
The german army was so fucking easy.
Everyone was out of shape and they were already dying while i was still doing everything good, also the officers cant fuck with you or they get fired etc.
I now have no respect for other german """"soldiers"""", the basic training is like an intern school for autistic people
Saying aye aye sir doesn't sound hard senpai, what branch are you in? I'm also thinking of joining because I feel kinda hopeless(can't find a job). I'm 21 y/o btw.
Isn't the Bundeswehr mean to be absolute shit and an absolute disgrace? I read that they are thinking of allowing EU citizens to join just to make up the numbers.
I am an Irish citizen so it's something I might consider if I just get sick of the 9-5 bullshit and I want a couple of years adventure in a foreign land where I can pretend to be Chad and hold a gun. I speak some German.
>Saying aye aye sir doesn't sound hard senpai
You sound retarded my man. You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
No, it's true that they can't hit you or cuss you out anymore. But basic training is the easy part. I'm talking about when you get into your actual job. You have no idea what you're getting into.
If you're a robot, you will absolutely fucking hate your life in the military.
Infantry rifleman or Abrams crewman? Which one senpai?
03xx or bust
>non sof combat arms in peacetime
I was going to join the military. Everyone I knew said it was a bad idea. My mom was upset that it's dangerous my friends and siblings said they didn't think I should do it and a teacher I respected said it's a good career but that he didn't think it was for me.
Marine in a combat MOS here, ask me anything lads
Are you happy or do you think joining was mistake?
I used to be in the NBC special force of my country, in the SIBCRA troops. AMA.
I fucking hate my life and we do the same shit everyday. A field op would reduce a robot to a blubbering mess. Its a true hell lad. I dont regret joining tho, it got me outta my parents house and I make my own money now. Also managed to lose khv status through it, not a Chad by any means but less beta for sure
How'd it help you lose your hymen?
How old were you?
Who here /cook/?
>one week left until I can leave Ft Lee
I've been in for almost a year, still in one of the mentally difficult tech schools for Intel. I fucking hate what we're learning even though most robots would love it, and I'm most likely going to fail thesxhool and be given a new job or push for a medical discharge. The only good thing about joining the military so far is I've started to become better at talking to people and there's a ton of short haired cuties that aren't interested in me once they realize how autistic and awkward I am.
The formatting lf this post will suck because I'm forced to phonepost, the network is is shared by everyone living in these dorms so it's banned fro posting on Jow Forums.
There was one of those threads the other day where you give yourself points based on how much of a normie you are in different categories, and I scored myself now and 3 years ago (before I was in the army.) Went from the high end of robot to a mid level normie score, something like a 30 or 40 point increase.
I've got a steady income, a place to live, and I'm somewhat sociable now (even fucked 16 girls since joining). However, I wouldnt recommend it to most robots. It's not going to turn you into an alpha and you probably won't be any happier unpess your life is truly shit now. I dont regret joining, but I can't wait to get out.
No its easy ae shit and everyone passes everything, doesnt matter what you do
Exactly my situation.
FFL here, officers own us and don't give a fuck, enlisted immigrants are expendable.
I am planning on joining somewhere too and figure marines cause why not? But what are the specific downsides and upsides
Air Force sounds perfect for you.
All you have to do is make a tinder and put in "i a murine" then some pics in uniform and you'll be good. After sifting through the gold diggers all you gotta do is settle for some 5/10 and you good
>literally been in two wars for the last almost twenty years now
Do NOT join the Marines. They are literally the dumbest fucking branch and have the highest rate of PTSD. I have talked to several people and it is a concensus that you should join the other branches before resorting to joining the Marines. The other branches literally get better housing, gear and etc.
yes, 42A sucks, but I'm basically 9-5 (still 4 am for PT though)
Officers and anyone above Sergeant are a fucking brainless dickheads. I hate how many filipinos and niggers there are in the Army.
The SEA's and mexishits join for a free pass to citizenship and benefits. God I hate them so much I just boil.
I'm an officer and love my job.
I think a lot of the ire from enlisted is due to the fact that they are CRIMINALLY underpaid. However I've met a lot of enlisted that love their job.
It's what you make of it.
Howdy there officer it's your boy suicidal E-3 here. What do I do if ive been in for a little less than a year and I know the military isn't for me and I'm unlikely to last the full 6 without killing myself
Same here user. Except my teach was all for it.
Wtf are you literally me
Is the pay alright at least?
Seek help man. There are a boatload of opportunities for you. Do those interest you because if they do I can help you access them.
Join the fucking airforce. Army has been fantastic but it ruins your body after some years
Go for the long game. Join the air force. Dont go marine and or army for fucks sake. All that pride fades real fast when your younger than 30 and your fucking knees wont work anymore
Instead of trying to join the army I've been a neet for years ha.
Man, I've been NEETing for 3 months. Literally dying. I hate not doing anything. I enrolled into uni just to fucking do something.
I was taken to the hospital for a week as an inpatient at a psych ward after telling my chain of command I was depressed an suicidal, after a week in the psych ward I told them I felt fine so they would let me leave because that place was exactly like pic related. I have no idea how I'm still in the military after literally telling them I want to kill myself.If I do get kicked out though I'll lose the only friends I've ever made in years.
Why are you depressed, user? What's so bad?
>No its easy ae shit and everyone passes everything, doesnt matter what you do
That's what I mean. It's easy as shit so it's a fucking disgrace. It's not a real army where the officers put hard pressure on the minds and bodies of the soldiers.
The French Foreign Legion is 10000 times more awesome.
I can't pinpoint what causes it, I just know I've felt abnormal since I was at least 9. I joined the Air Force to see if it would change things and give me a sense of purpose and it didn't work. I'll probably seek help again when I inevitably fail out of this tech school.
You'll probably have a bar to continued service placed on you but I guess your CoC doesn't want to chapter you out. Honestly, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you should probably finish your enlistment then get out. If that's not possible, why no just fail your APFTs until you get dropped?
What do you hate so bad about it that you're willing to kill yourself?
Man just try to pull through it. I've been diagnosed with clinical depression. It's a bitch. There are days where I just don't want to get out of bed. And days where I just want to slit my own throat. But, you gotta find some happiness in the daily things you do. Some joy in it.
Focus on spending time with your friends. Or think about the shit you'll do after you're done for the day. Find some hobby and focus on that. I've found that focusing on work and distracting your mind numbs the pain. If anything just think about how it will be better once you get out of the military.
Hang in there user, I believe you can do it.
Senior enlisted are fucking garbage
To answer your question, you can have your smartphone in basic IF you can hide it. Just bring a charger and use it in the head. Also, keep it turned off and let no one know or else they will use it or snitch on you if you do not let them.
It is expected of you as a military man to fuck foreign women while on tour so
I've been neet for 3 years.
Looking for a job currently.
How do you do it man? Don't you get bored as absolute shit?
Seconding. I have a decent admin job and I still want to fucking die
Take it from me. I failed two room inspections and got a counseling chit (besides my superiors lecturing me for half an hour each time). Now I get a room inspection everyday (my supervisor comes over) and if I fail again I get a pay cut and if I fail once more I will get kicked out (and I am only E-1). I want to die pretty much all the time, this place is pretty depressing, and there are no robots. There is a lot of bs you can get away with as a civilian and working a job that does not cut it here. They expect you to be a professional which is total bullshit
Arent officers only paid like 30k a year though? Its more than enlisted but still
Why don't you just become an officer?
Day 1 2LTs make ~50k when you factor in benefits like bah and bas.
O-3s at 6 years make ~90k
Well the Air Force I imagine would not be too hard if burger
Seconding. They watch junior sailors like hawks so they can inflate their own ego and tell you what you did wrong while simultaneously patting themselves on the back for quote un quote patting you on the back
>couple weeks away from freedom
>pretty much done with process of getting out besides actually signing out to be free
>unit still wants me to do shit loads of field training with them
>also hates me for doing the getting out process too soon
Never join the Army kids, even when you thought you're close to freedom, they still get their last drops from you/
exact experience here. believe me or not I challenged my CPO(professionally of course) about their treatment of personnel here and the mess is harassing me now. They literally stalk me and I came home to them looking in my window one day. Im getting the fuck out
How do I tell my NCOs how fucking suicidal and depressed I am? I've spoken to a therapist, but I feel like if I tell my NCOs about it they're just going to be like
>stop bitching and get back to work you lazy dirtbag
I am very very very unhappy most of my time is spent watching the food network.
Yeah. But they do not get to be MUHREENS OORAH!
bump please anons I need help what do oregano
Do you have to get out? Why not just wait it out?
Talk to the Chaplin. They cannot do anything to you and it is their job to help you
out of the military my man
Quality of life in the military comes down to rank. The more of it you have, the better your life. In the Marines Lieutenants don't do working parties, those are for Buck Privates, PFC's and Lance Corporals.
the military is a fucking awful shitshow, but it WILL force you out of your comfort zone and you will most likely make some friends
>t. Army E-5
Don't listen to this idiot, there would be no where to hide it. TIs search EVERYWHERE.
Put it in your A&B drawer it is fine. People I knew did ir
They don't check the anus
Thoughts on coast guard?
Robot Marine here,
I get paid below poverty level and i basically work 24/7. My job is my lifestyle. I can never relax because i feel like i will be blasted for anything even if i am doing the right thing. The mass punishments and fuck fuck games drive me insane and i think i hate people more than i did before joining. I have to stay in a barracks room that is absolute trash, the one i stayed in before was a 4 man room with no ac and cockroaches. A lot of things suck but i have done things i never thought i could do or would do and have more opportunities being a Marine than i did before.
So far no roommate I've had has used headphones, so I'll have faggots playing overwatch at 3 am with no headphones when I have to wake up at 4:50 to get ready. Im forced to eat sleep and breath military 24/7 for 6 years until I can get the fuck out of here. Things might be better if I got an easier job but I'm stuck in the second hardest academic school in the military (JCAC)
Can confirm that I am miserable and that officers are much happier. 4 more years to go.
Why are you on Jow Forums? Just curious. Currently at sheppard afb about to pcs to dover, every officer I've seen seems like a socially normal person.
Kek sorry I am one of those guys
Right, except you need to be a superhuman to get in there.
Considering I'm posting on this board, I generally prefer the route of least resistance whenever possible.
>4 more years
>6 more years
I would be a NEET for life provided I was a self-sufficient NEET. I.e. not a burden on anyone or anything. A truly free man who can do as he pleases without a strenuous schedule acting as a hindrance.
You must be a professional in the military. Being nothing but perfect when it comes to serving your country is not an option. Marines must be machines you damn cuck.
Signed up for army ranger contract how bad would it actually be? I can get a perfect pft score but I'm currently a neet who is slightly socially awkward
The military? I barely graduated college with a 2.3 GPA and a lot of cheating involved. Also I wouldn't fit in, I'm too weird.
Lazy or brainlet?
Yeah but I do nothing even remotely military besides saluting and quarters so why the fuck am I treated like this?
how does it feel knowing you might die for israel?
How does it feel knowing you could die for no reason at any time and nobody would care?
I`d be fine with that, but then I have Israeli cousins desu
feels better than dying for some kikes, gomer
If you have other options, take them, military is a last resort. It isn't great but it certainly could be worse, I work 8-16, get a nice room to shitpost on r9k in, and my ship rarely gets underway. Yes I wish I was dead
My LT and I are the same age, look similar physically and have a similar personality in a lot of ways. He's like the Chad version of myself
>my LT
>married to an 8/10 qt
>has a baby
>strong pt stud
>Ranger School graduate
>happy and kind, forgave me for being 2 hours late to a formation and hid it from my platoon sgt
Me enlisted grunt plebeian
>incel virgin
>weak as fuck, vomited after running a barely passing 2 mile
>skate by on everything
>easily angered and get into constant quarrels
It's like a real life virgin vs Chad meme desu.
>officers are happy, upbeat, and love their job
They have to act like that.
My friend joined the Navy and he really doesn't like it. Before he left he told me he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life and he hated living at home (his parents were pretty retarded about having a 19 year old living at their house but it's hard to argue with that since everyone's lucky if they're not kicked out at 18). He technically has a place to live and everything but he gets pretty shitty pay and has to live with roommates. He did have the opportunity to leave, but he didn't take it.
He was convinced to go because one of his friends joined the Navy and said it was pretty good.
If I were to go into the military, I'd probably only go with air force since I'm a skelly and I don't know if I could even emotionally handle basic training. My parents were air force and they always say its a good route but I kinda know what I want to do, just very depressed and not motivated to really try.
can you military folk tell me how your usual day goes? Curious as to what you actually DO in the military.
hurry up and wait desu
I would've joined the military at 18 or 19 had I not been such an idiot at the time. Still, joining during a time of war seems like the point. Otherwise, what is it? Getting janitor duty in a stateside fort? Or being deployed to stand guard over a patch of empty wasteland.
Can see why folks in shitty situations do it to get out but it doesn't make much sense without.
it mostly depends on what you did before you joined. i was NEET for almost 4 years so this was a better alternative for sure.
How healthy do you really have to be for the army? I've been told not healthy at all I don't believe if. Burger btw.