Stop impersonating me. I'm not a fembot. I'm not a Burger King worker. I'm not an owner of a small dick, i have a big dick. I work for Amazon not burger king.
Stop it now.
Stop impersonating me. I'm not a fembot. I'm not a Burger King worker. I'm not an owner of a small dick, i have a big dick. I work for Amazon not burger king.
Stop it now.
What are you on about now? oxnaofkdozm
*saves all your reaction images and gives them the same filename*
how do you like that?!
>i have a big dick
You're asian, cuck. Your women litterally worship white men because we can actually grow and not have rice dick.
New janitor better do something about this fuckfaced faggot
His dick isn't big, but it isn't small either. He's also uncircumcised. Don't bully.
This nigger right here. Dont you have better things to do?
How the fuck do you know?
Forget his women he worships white men, I mean Jesus Christ that's one hell of a low point.
No i dont i worship viet girls
You're the kind of gook who deathgrips it to WM/AF daily don't you?
>No i dont i worship viet girls
user we've all seen you do it, you worship white guys that's okay we don't mind.
Thats one of my impostors. I dont racebait or talk about other races.
>I dont racebait or talk about other races.
You hate blacks and you worship white men. That's not an impostor that's you, you even have the Viet girl obsession the "impostor" had.
fuck off avatarfag, go kill yourself seriously, kankermongols like you belong in hell, i'm so fucking sick and tired of seeing that ugly anime girl on my board.
lol damn kid why are you so angry over anime?
how many imposters do you have?
"Your board". Nice entitlement you have there debil.
A lot. Yesterday i saw like 5 of them. One of those 5 is a fembot.
>Mushin imposter
>[TerribleSubs] imposter
>Jow Forums image filename imposter
i remember shitting on your burger king thread
feels good
You are such a sad fuck. Join us in the real world m8 nobody would pretend to be you lol haha