Jow Forums has literal explicit porn ads now all the sudden

>Jow Forums has literal explicit porn ads now all the sudden
What the fuck is this shit? This is disgusting.

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When did this bullshit start? What fucking kike let this happen?

s4s no longer safe

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I think I'm going to be sick. I don't want to see this crap.

i'm ok with porn ads on porn boards but not Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, etc

might have to remove this site from my adblocker whitelist. I'm convinced there's too many intelligence agencies with too much interest in this shithole who will create fake companies and provide funding to prevent it from going under even if ad revenue fails

shits been on /b/ and all the porn boards for a while. Why it's on every other red board now, who knows.
If it dissuades phoneposters from coming here I'm all for it

Does this just start today for you as well?
For a moment I wondered if I had a virus or something. I don't want this garbage in my history. This is absolutely outrageous.

moot would've never let this happen. I miss moot. Hiro is a fucking scumbag.

For me there were no ads at all for one or two days and now it's all just this cringy porn crap...

>he doesn't block ads
Get out of my board norman

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Moot literally has let this happen in the past you newfag

I'm using the Jow Forums pass and i still see porn adds.
Fuck hiro moot.

Traps ads too. the fucking worst

>Why it's on every other red board now, who knows.
(((Why))) indeed

fuck gook. Chink scum

If you keep blocking the ads, the board will die. simple as

Chinks own your sorry as, kekekeke.

>browsing without adblockers

Good. I want this place to burn. I'm 12 years into this shithole. I want my freedom back.

>be in public
>decide to check r9k
>trap threads and explicit porn ads cover screen
>instantly close browser
Please make this a fucking blue board

What's the fucking point.

Newfags already spam this place with shitty porn/fetish threads. The spirit of this place is dead and gone.

Over on 22chan, there are no ads at all aaand porn/traps/gays/etc. are banned... Sooooo Why dont you come over there?

There should definitely be an effort to protest hiro about it. He's already been running lots of background datamining for revenue but this is absolute greed driven bullshit. Its not like its some last resort to keep the site going, its just to line his pockets more

You're still shilling the slowest moving imageboard on the internet? Have you at least deleted the gay and redundant boards like /greentext/ yet?

more or less, but imma delete greentext soon... But i've added some new boards

Just did


install uBlock you dumb newfag.

Just how old are you? The way you address the community makes you sound no older than 21. You might ask yourself if keeping your site up is really a worthwhile use of your time and resources, or if its just a project to feed your ego.

Thats not the point. Theres no excuse for Hiro to be this greedy at our expense. I used to defend the guy even when people brought up that he is likely datamining but this is ridiculous.

>Jow Forums passes will help keep the site ad free!

They did when the guy who invented them was still around...

>it's ok that the ads are shady because I don't see em
what site do we go to now? i went to the vidya board on 22chan & it was a ghost town, i want somewhere to talk about games that's fairly active & not reddit.

>be in public
>decide to check r9k

Dumb phoneposter

leave then faggot. nobody forces you to come here.

I can't even scroll all the way to the bottom of the page now because of what filth I might see when I get there.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Fuck gook moot. Slimy little chink faggot.

Hiroshima has been datamining and using malicious ads ever since he came here, if you didn't leave Jow Forums already you likely won't do it now.

i concur. removeporn ads

So you're content to just roll over and take it as long as you can use an adblocker to put it out of sight & out of mind? I think its dangerous to send him that message because eventually it'll get to the point where simple adblockers won't be a strong enough defense

> Cant get a decent Adblock on phone because its an iJew
> This fucking website its the only thing that keeps me alive and functional

And no, I didnt buy it, its a gift (read: thank you for doing overtime like a slave!) from the company I work for.

Once i see my that adblock and minerblock aren't doing their job anymore i'll leave this site for good. Right now it's still somewhat browsable.

Stop browsing Jow Forums from a phone then.

Gook moot has abandoned us. Jow Forums's fate as a red board filled with tranny porn has been sealed for the forseeable future. Go fuck yourself Hiroyuki you damn slant-eyed gook

>So you're content to just roll over and take it as long as you can use an adblocker to put it out of sight & out of mind?

Not that guy, but...yeah, of course.

If the ad never renders in my client, it doesn't actually exist. So there's nothing to "take" and no rolling over to do.

pol is fine, no porn ads there

All the ads are now "try not to cum" and bang bros sped up to become completely indecipherable.
>also the cp teen porn ads

You're taking the disregard hiro has for his own userbase. He'll never feel atached to us since we were just bought and paid for but again, I feel like this is the beginning to a slippery slope. Today its mobile ads, tomorrow its full botnet

moot made Jow Forums at 15

Phonecucks BTFO. I hope they start posting vore ads.

This 3d women porn ads disgust me, atleast give me those shitty hentai/fleshlight/dildos ads, I don't need to see generic whore roasties everytime I don't block ads

Jow Forums is already full botnet.

i am btfo. ill have to browse pol

You're assuming that he's a phoneposter, but I use laptops and tablets in public as well.

What a fucking newfriend.

Stealing html code from a Japanese website, just to make the American versions to shitpost about your wifu, doesnt take a lot of brain power user...

Wait a minute what the fuck? These ads have cp?
Fuck gook moot. I never wanted any of this, anons.
Are we potentially in danger just by being on this site right now?

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That's weird, I don't get any porn ads at all. Might just be you.

Yes, you better leave immediately before anything happens!

>disables adblock

Glad I'm not the only one complaining. Who even makes those ads anyway? One of the girls is getting pounded from behind and she looks so incredibly bored I don't know why anyone would ever click that garbage.

He also had a clear purpose, and it was new. 22chan is just Jow Forums but with way less boards and about 300 people.

Good. Fuck normalfag phoneposters and public Jow Forums browsers.

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>The board will die
Do you really think it costs that much to keep this place up? Keep in mind there used to be no ads and no Google captcha shit

It's not joking matter user. It is immoral and evil and disgusting. I don't want anything to do with it.

buy a pass if you're that fucking concerned m8

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>go to /s4s/
>it's literally just a bunch of single digit retards spamming nothing but /trash/ and "le epic memes XD"
>literally zero actual discussion on anything
And nothing of value was lost. Honestly Hiro needs to cut some of the bloat on this site down. Especially since more and more board are either becoming a derivative of /b/ or are just filled with complete trash with no discussions or meaningful posts.

>complains about no actual discussion on a board called SHIT Jow Forums says
>has the mice to call others low IQ


>I don't want anything to do with it.
So leave immediately.

I don't spend time rubbing elbows with retards, so I don't know what their board """""culture""""" is supposed to be, and from what I can tell it's literally just sitting in diapers full of shit while drawing on papers with crayons. Truly the epitome of community and discussion.

It's not supposed to have community or discussion, IT'S A SHITPOSTING BOARD. It's like going to a daycare and acting surprised when everyone is crying or yelling.

I want to know if I am in danger of getting arrested though. user said that the ads have illegal content and no one else is concerned about this? I feel sick. How is this even allowed?

It's not you stupid fucking normalfag. All the girls had fully developed breasts i.e. were of age.

How to tell someone is a normalfaggot:
They are constantly aware of the existence of advertisements on the internet.

This is the content in question (cropped to ommit the exposed breasts). Fuck Gookmoot desu

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t. Gookmoot.
Fuck you.

Text only mode user

>zoomers don't use ad blockers

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i unironically really miss the text only boards.

How fucked are we, bros
I never wanted this. I need to get out of here but I also need to know if we are in danger of getting arrested for being here.

You won't be because there was nothing illegal.
People sperging out were talking about stuff like girls from, who look a lot younger then they really are.

i know right i reallyhate it. I used to kind of be able to browse in public but now it's just straight up unacceptable

Isn't "shit x says" a reddit meme? Why are we naming one of our boards after a reddit queer meme?

They also can't torrent, lol

Youre not moot.


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Because it was originally a containment board, like Jow Forums and /trash/ and /mlp/ and...

Is this true bros?
I still think it's immoral and wrong but it would be a relief to know I'm not in legal trouble at least.

Yes. Now stop sperging out and go to bed. It's past your bedtime.

Nah man your going to get anally fisted by a Chad FBI guy. Better take your hard drive and throw it into the lake.

it's been like this since hiroyuki, dude, get used to it

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>complaining about porn
>on Jow Forums
>on the internet
>in 2018

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Found the newfag. We had insultingly retarded "Facebook of Sex" ads in 2009.

It's not even funny shitposting or even funny because it's bad shitposting. It's just dull AND really low quality. Like it's a bunch of underagers.
Not the guy you were talking to.

I hope it does, the mods here are all boomer redditors.