Guys really dumb question. Was at restaurant yesterday with my elderly as fuck grandmother...

Guys really dumb question. Was at restaurant yesterday with my elderly as fuck grandmother. This waitress kept on coming and initiating conversation with me which is unusual. Anyways I didn't finish my meal and asked for takeout. She came back with it and right when she was leaving she whispered in my ear, "don't forget your takeout." Anyways I opened my takeout today and it said, "502 with a smiley face." Now im not on social media here does that mean anything for like instagram or snapchat or some bullshit? Or am I just reaching?

Attached: 1535826203475.png (300x300, 74K)

That's so fucking cryptic, do you still have the note? Does it say anything else?

No, that's all sadly.

>"don't forget your takeout."
Translation: open it up and check inside right away
>502 :)
Translation: I get off at 5 so meet me outside at 502

Attached: 1528260889031.jpg (638x638, 59K)

Was it 5:02 or just 502?

It was just 502.

That's retarded

Originally ordered piss

Are there any apartment complexes in the area?
Is there a building on that street with the number 502?

I bet she wrote her number but half of it got destroyed. Just go back there and ask her about it retard

502 area code?
502 as in drunk driving?
Megadeth - 502?

Pic of paper with time stamp or it didn't happen cunt

That literally means nothing, but take a picture for us anyway.

This is probably the best thing to do

Yeah, a bit.
A good question would be- is 502 a likely area code to be used where OP lives?

502 is a sex position, it means she wants you to spunk in her meals without her knowing

Hey guys. It's Op. Here it is.

Attached: Photo on 2018-09-04 at 1.48 PM.jpg (1080x720, 107K)

You literally just wrote that you faggot. Girls have nice writing, not shit handicapped writing

Dude Im not making this fucking shit up. I was just asking you guys if this is code for some snapchat or kik or some bullshit

Its incredibly statistically unlikely that all girls have nice handwriting

oh yea that's how the world works

>mm gurl so prettuy not her hand writ because is a bit messs...

she probably had nothint to press down and write on anyway

This looks like an autistic 5 year old wrote it

If your girl writes like this, don't go near her, she's clearly autistic or has some other form of Down syndrome

you're from california?
btw you should go back there now and update us

>tfw no waitress gf who whispers in your ear
go back to the restaurant ASAP and ask what she meant faggot

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Its most lilely just their order numbering system and that was your customer number

No no Canada.

she has a bad gateway. Meaning her pussy is rekt

Attached: 1471365096230.jpg (644x473, 52K)

Yeah yeah that's what I was thinking. :( damnit Oh well see you guys later.

Why would she whisper into your ear like that?

Go back there and fuck her

She wants him to poo in her ear

It's probably your order's number, she simply wrote it to avoid mistaking it for other orders, the smiley face was because she was working the night shift with chad and tyrone.

you should definitely go back there alone
dont ask her anything at first, act like youre there just to eat, but then if nothing happens, ask her

prolly nothing. no need to overthink everything like that

This OP. She was happy from all that alpha cock she was taking between orders, that's why your food took forever to arrive.
Joke aside, it it like most said just an order number. She was being nice because she thought it was cute you were with your grandma. She whispered in your ear not to disturb everyone and/or make you feel awkward for getting takeout.

why tf would she whisper to his ear
either he looks autistic/retarded
or if she smiled, then somethings up

OP here. She did ask me if I had any plans for this afternoon. But she was just being friendly I think. God Im desperate.

Actual OP here. When grandma passed out on the table from too much wine she asked if I wanted to come to the bathroom and get a blowjob from her. Don't know what that meant lads. Any help?

dont fucking lie, OP is a femanon if u didnt notice

You're right. Real real OP here. Before leaving the waitress grabbed my hand, kissed me and slid her hand down my pants and rubbed my vagina. What does this mean guys?

means shes interested in your granny

Way to ruin your bait, a note's easy enough to forage, dumbass.
And we all know you're beta enough to keep said hypothetical note, and hold it close to you while you go to sleep at night.

I don't know if that's true user. After all that she whispered me randomly "And I'm not interested in your granny". Dunno how that is related or what I'm supposed to get from it.

yea yea yeah
if she whispered that shit then you can be sure she's into your granny
that's the other way to say:
>don't lock your granny when you're leaving the house cause she'll definitely not leave to fuck with me for seven days straight
keep your eyes on your granny matey