everyday i wake up and i feel like i'm at the end of my rope when it comes to this NEET shit. I wince and cringe when my dad asks me what i've been doing all day. I can't keep a decent sleep schedule, i can't think straight, i've been losing memory in the short term like crazy and i can't seem to get a grip.
NEET feels
Two years neet here. If only you knew..
That's youre consciousness making u feel guilty for doing fuck all every day. Learn to let it go.
just get a job. almost year long NEET here who had unemployment for 6 months. 4 months now with absolutely no income and shit is unbearable.
i go to sleep feeling so depressed and the nightmares i get genuinely just leave me feeling even more depressed in the morning.
finding a job that isnt mcdonalds is hell because of my employment gap and my motivation being at an all time low.
I genuinely don't know how long it'll be until i kill myself, my mom and sister are the only ones im worried about.
was in the same situation, then got a job for a while thru unemployment agency and was able to move on my own with the cash.
if you can get NEETBUX when living alone you should be golden
>i've been losing memory in the short term like crazy
this is a sign of major depression.
are you seeing a psychiatrist user? antidepressants are not a meme and could really help you
>antidepressants are not a meme and could really help you
NEET here for a year and a half. I'm with you on the memory loss.
...I can't think of anything else to say. You probably know the rest. It's bad.
duloxetine made my life actually tolerable tho
Half year NEET here, enjoyed it like heaven First but it's all starting tu crumble... man there goes hour day another day... suddenly it's wednesday again. Ill just clean my place tomorrow ...
Either accept the fact you're a loser and just not goce a fuck or get s job. That is really your only options. If you can't cope with being a neet, getting a job and having some responsibility will solve all of your problems
i'm not ashamed of being NEET, i'm just afraid of other people judging.
i don't need a psychiatrist. There are things i need to take care of then i'll feel better.
I was NEETing for 7 years and I'm glad it's over. Get out while you can user, it won't get any easier.
i want to be NEET i just don't want to have to deal with my family.
10 months on disability for depression and anxiety, I cry multipul times day and have constant fear like my adrenalin never stops or something.
I worked in a dog pound before and that didn't help my depression but I was fired for not coming in because I was to sad and scared
unemployed for like 2.5 years now, welfare office forces me to do a 1 euro job for 3 hours a day. i want to go back to be a full blown NEET again, this 3 hours work + 2 hours commute wasting my whole fucking day, i dont know how wagies do this for 8 hours a day
>no job
>no friends
>no money
>Running low on food
>Internet bout to be cut off
>Live in the middle of nowhere
>Listen to nigger music all day long
Being a NEET is fucking amazing desu...
>affording a psychiatrist or even antidepressants
>be a neet
>have a lot of time to research about stuff
>gets into carding
>makes shit ton of money without getting out of house
might be caught by the cops any day tho, but hey I have helium
Are you new to the NEET life? The freedom can be a little overwhelming at first. Get some hobbies. I like to have small 8 hour vidya sessions following by movie marathons most days. Sometimes I like to play with the dogs and other times I'll watch my dad cut the grass while my mom gardens.
I've been a neet since 16, I'm 26 now. Have fun
Wagie here. I'd like to remember more the good things about being a NEET but sadly I only remember the bad things about it. Even the whole "drag your ass out of bed to go work" thing pales in comparison to the depression I had being a NEET. Do remember some good times with it though, just not enough to want to do it again.
That's literally the definition of being ashamed you chucklefuck
16 years a neet here and a true wizoooooord
>make $780NEET bux a month
>parents have total control over it and if I wish to purchase anything I have to go through them
>can't pay for paywalled lewds
how do you make this much?
What's it like being a wagie ? I'll probably have to become a one next month .
and even then I'm not sure myself. but it doesn't feel like a lot. when most of it goes on bills...
I'd like to be a NEET since I hate going to class and just want to sit at home, get comfy and play vidya all day. But NEETs have to live off practically no money. Also I'd problem end up depressed as a NEET.
lookup passive income
the idea that it's possible is the only thing keeping me alive rn
I was neet for 4 years. There were good times and then lots of bad times. Now you're more than likely white so your parents aren't going to sick the cops on you but mine did. If I even slightly acted "uppity" they would have wasted me with their swiss cheese maker. Thankfully I frequented Jow Forums and read all the stories of nigs around police.
But it's hard to keep in your anger in such circumstances. Now I have a job and I'd rather be employed than neet honestly.
my mom does this. she divorced my dad after 25 years of marriage and got a $5MM settlement.
now she just sells stock gradually to pay for things.
What is carding user?
How much money do you get and is it easy?
I know about passive income, you'd probably need to have at least half a million to start with before you got anywhere close to a comfortable living income though. Once I become a wagie I'm gonna try and save up as much as I can to work towards an early retirement, although that's always easier said than done.
look it up I ain't your mom
not always, if you're smart enough you can start a small business and have some employes or something like that
At least get a part time job like working once a week, that's what got my parents off my back a few years ago.