Did any of you robots live in a Dorm room before?
If so, what was that experience like?
Did any of you robots live in a Dorm room before?
If so, what was that experience like?
first semester i was with some dude that had a bad drinking problem and once punched some dude from our floor in the face in the lounge room. during winter he called one of his friends to stay with him and they drank hella captain Morgan and hit golf balls across the street to the other dorm. they were both on the golf team.
second semester i moved across the street to the other dorm and got a room with some dude that i saw maybe 2x the entire semester so i,had the room to myself. used to piss in the sink and record music on the floor with a tape recorder and read and shit. he just kept a dresser with like some clothes and pills and I'd see him come in, take some shit and leave every once in a while. idk where he slept but it wasn't in my room cuz i had moved the mattress to make room for recording equipment and nobody cared.
2nd year i moved to an apt with a Nigerian grad student and it was chill af
Didn't you make this thread a few hours ago?
Why were you wondering that user?
It was pretty bad desu. Lived with a wannabe nigger so I spent my days at the library
I am in one right now, and lived in one last year too. I pay a bit more to live in the dorms that offer single bedrooms since I don't think I could handle sharing a room with someone else (how the fuck do you fap). The possibility of having to interact with my norman roommates worries me, but I don't see them that much. This dorm sucks compared to last year's though in terms of location and room size.
I lived in one for a summer
my roommate was an asian engineering student who left at 5am and came back at 10pm every day
she was awesome
I lived in a dorm for one semester. it was ok, even though I was sharing my tv with my roommate. we shared interests in games and anime. Unfortunately I became super depressed while there and only left my room for class and to get food. Lost contact with roommate. took a break from college, when I came back got an apartment and basically the same thing happened again, both with and without roommmates.
my roommate was a nice, calm guy. not a Chad or a robot. he seemed like a non-religious mormon; told lots of G-rated jokes. it' was great. kind of became like an automatic friend. But unlike a friend, I didn't need to put much charisma or social skills into making the friendship happen. As college roommates, it just happens for free (+tuition cost). automatically had someone to go to the cafeteria with, automatically meet people through knowing him, etc.
But we were a good match. If you don't agree on stuff like loud-music/drugs/alcohol/sex in the room, it can be difficult to live together. If one or both of you is petty about shit like vacuuming or typing too loudly, it'll be irritating. you don't have to like each other, you can be apathetic; but if you dislike your roommate, it can be hell.
What the fuck are you up to you jew
being homeless is better than ANY roommate
Posting other threads that have nothing to do with this.
Don't place the kike card on me, you fucking Jow Forumstard!
Just started living with one. He keeps the thermostat at 75 to 80 and snores louder than most people scream.
Well without a roommate it is pretty comfy. With one it is only comfy when he is gone otherwise I just stay out if the room.
Is pissbottle use acceptable in dorms? I'd hate to have to walk down the hall just to pee.
I did during my Freshman year. The guy was a social outcast and very anxious, but had a great heart, was very good looking, and honestly to this day the funniest human I have ever met. I helped him get laid with a couple of the girls that lived on the same floor as us and helped him meet his first gf. After that year I went to a different college and never saw him again. I doubt he browses this board but if so I hope you are well, Nick.
I lived in a dorm for a year. I knew my roommate from before, and we grew close friends during that year. We shared kitchen with 5 other people. The others kept to themselves and were anti-social, while me and my friend would sit in the kitchen and play guitar and make up joke songs. Those were good times. It can be meh if you share kitchen with people who are really messy/lazy.
Just moved into one, been here a few weeks now. It's not bad. Maybe a little lonely when you don't know the people you're living with super well at the start, but so long as everyone has a basic level of cleanliness it's fine.
I'm not sure shared is a thing in British uni/college. I had a single room twice. Own bathroom once
It really isn't. I know no one who has gone to university and shared a room. The worst I've seen is a whole floor sharing two kitchens and bathrooms
I lived for 4 years with other students. It was not absolutely terrible, but still far from pleasant. The last I lived with was a dirty Colombian zoomer who never cleaned, used my own stuff without permission, and kept on making loud noise during night time. So I got sick of this shit and finally decided to rent my own flat. Now I live like a god. Fuck people, honestly.
>"Muh beautiful relationship with my room mate"
Kill yourself.
>used my own stuff without permission
I fucking hate people like that. I had a nepali flatmate who lost or broke loads of my kitchen utensils. He broke 3 mugs, 2 plates, lost half my cutlery.
I told him to stop several times but he kept doing it.
>If so, what was that experience like?
turns into a den of stale sweaty clothes you are avoiding doing laundry, stinky shoes you avoid buying new ones, so you have to brapbox it to mask the smell
Had this cool roommate that liked to suck dick and take it up the ass.
Nothing beats wakeing up to a blowjob in the morning.
But said #nohomo so it wasn't gay.
can confirm, heck at my college every room is either an ensuite or set except for the staircase that has enormous rooms (like 30m.sq.)
Yes, it was great because I had my cozy little space that was easy to keep clean and my nice little kitchen and cute small bathroom. No roommates, which was the best.
Also saw people everyday in the corridors and common spaces whenever I got out or came home and heard my neighbours talk and throw parties almost every day so I didn't feel so lonely.
>tfw now live in an extremely small room at my parents'
There is shared rooms at London Goldsmiths but not many I think
Well I saw a robot living in a triple where his Chad dormmates would talk shit behind his back. He setup a closet to wall himself off while presumably the other two Chads fucked girls like crazy and partied like hell. I could hear them from my dorm and the entire building was built out of concrete. So yeah, it's super fun bro
i have a lot of experience on this. none are too pleasent.
had like 4 diferent roommates. will probably have the fifth in a few weeks.
had some guy that wanted to fuck his gf but i stayed and no one fucked. this happened multiple times.
Had a robot tier guy that has chill as fuck when i went out i went with him real nice guy and i friend for life. robot tier because of his inability to get women.
then i had a nigger that pissed on me when he tought i was asleep but niggers are not made to be smart. and he also snored.
the last one nevr has on the room soo it was good
im living in one right now. its pretty fucking big. surprised me when i got there
You can, if you want. It's just that the normies will look at you weird once they notice the piss bottles all over the floor. It gets even worse when they notice the smell coming from the dorm.
It is better to keep it to yourself. And your roommate, if the roommate agrees with your life choices.
I did and it was the best thing I ever did for my life.
The year~ before I spent working a part-time retail job and working out / exercising. This was like NEET training trying to become normal again. I would take so many damn night walks. I was so frustrated about being a virgin.
Then I moved in (2009, age 20... almost 10 years ago fuck) and I followed normie advice like introducing myself to everyone on my floor on day 1 even if it meant knocking on their door. Saying "yes" to weird social moments even if I didn't think I'd enjoy myself and some other stuff. In my dorms every person had their own room.
By October I had fucked a virgin and she became my GF. To transition from a virgin to basically living with my GF and fucking her constantly was pretty amazing. Managed to make a lot of friends too. We'd spend a lot of time after class just as a big group of bros hanging out in the wonderful arboretum behind our dorms, just laughing and smoking weed and stuff. Looking back on it I could've gotten laid a lot more than I did, it's just that I was super inexperienced. It was truly a time unlike any other in my life where everyday felt like an adventure with my friends, my lover working towards an idealistic career.
That girl ended up being a bitch and cheating on me the next year, but I won't deny that first year in the dorms was really awesome. Also like no-one I went to school with actually got the career they want and instead we live in the current pseudo-dystopian society.
I think asking a roommate if they're okay with pissbottles would make user an instant social outcast
It was 3 grown men living in a room the size that's in your pic
>first one guy didn't want to be even be room mates with me
>he actually went through my stuff when I was out to try and find incriminating stuff
>eventually moves to another dorm because he couldn't get me to fuck off
>second dorm I had to myself, I was promised I would get a room mate, but never did, despite it being a double
>third one the college apparentely fucking hated me because they took some random as fuck Pajeet straight from India, and instead of finding a good match just dumped him in my dorm
>the fucking room started to smell like literal raw sewage
>to this day, I've no clue why or how - was he taking shits in the corner of the room and dumping trash in another?
>eventually ask to get moved to another dorm
>again it's an empty one, and again I was promised a room mate that never appeared
Also don't go to a college where one of the past times is drinking because there's nothing else to do, and it gets so bad people keep killing themselves by over drinking and the school becomes legally obligated to put up "please drink responsibly" posters in every single hallway. Because what;s going to happen, is all those drunk retarded normies are going to either:
A) take shits in the elevator
B) take shits in the middle of random floors
C) take really really nasty shits in the bathroom, but never flush, so you have nasty smelling crap sitting and festering in a toilet bowl for a month.
Yes for a semester and got diddled in my sleep by my gay roommate. I have not gotten a dorm room since then, I stay at home and commute cheaper too.
it was ok
>first year of college get shot up by roommate from city who replaced nerf gun darts with tacks and live with a couple other autists
>second year live in a 4-person room and for some reason after 1st semester 2 of them moved out and they never replaced them
>me and the one guy divided the room in half and we each had huge ass sub-rooms
>get walked in on having sex a lot by other guy so much he just stopped sleeping in the room and stayed in a different building
>have entire 4-person dorm to self
now i just live in a house with a handful of autists and a cool guy