you are given the chance to breed with webm related and pass down your genes with her

> you are given the chance to breed with webm related and pass down your genes with her
> you will be sacrificed to the fertility goddess right after the deed is done
would you do it?

Attached: 1535943745702.webm (533x750, 1.91M)

Jesus christ you guys are getting creepier and creepier

Stop shilling this whore. She is not the best looking woman in the world. And she has no tits. Now fuck off with your roast.

dude you're fucking creepy

Leave then, redditor

pussy aint worth dying over nigga

probably. wish her hair were lighter.

>if I accept I bring another innocent being into this world against their will only for them to know suffering untold
>I fucking die
Hell no.

No, not worth it
>I don't want my gremlins to grow up without a dad, like me :(

Her tits are fine, its all that body fat and her oversized ass that is the problem

>all that bodyfat
>nearly visible abs
Pick one.

>oversized ass
user, you are gay. The only thing bad with her is ass is that it looks bad with her small tits. If she had bigger tits she would be near perfect bodywise. But yeah, you gay nigga.

I saw a model on the movie Eraser pronounce amateur as Ah-Mate-Ter.

So no.

Some of your genes being copied isn't you winning. It's inanimate objects winning.

>have vasectomy
>endless breeding cause the deed is never actually done

ITT: normies

if you wouldnt do it GTFO

Fuck no. A single child which isn't being properly cared for and may not survive at the cost of ones life is not a good genetic investment. That's also assuming the pregnanacy is carried to term without complications or that she actually even gets pregnant with your child to begin with.

fuck you faggot if you don't understand that life is suffering and the human race needs to die out then you are the normalfaggot.

>still caring about the human race

chad thinks he belongs here kek

I would fill her pussy full of my cum in seconds

Gayfag or whore, what are you?


Fuck roasties.

Attached: 1520297887420.png (137x137, 4K)

If you have visible bodyfat youre basically obese. "Thicc" is just a twisted normalization of obesity. If an observable portion body jiggles when you walk then you need to lose weight. Even if you are able to objectify her fat then you should at least consider the saggy, fully obese mess she will be by her thirties.

No, what the fuck? Of course not.

Nah. I'm not into athletic women and I like being alive. Get some help bro.
Fucking based. Kek.

Wtf she's not black?

Depends on what's supposed to happen to the kids.

you're such a larping roasty lmao