Is Chris-Chan gonna be okay? This is the third begging video with Barb in it

Is Chris-Chan gonna be okay? This is the third begging video with Barb in it...

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kek, why does Barb look like a total nutcase

At this point, you can probably count on Barb dying and Christine being evicted for paying for toys instead of rent. Also for sleeping next to her husked-out corpse.

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She's been senile for years and is incredibly close to death.

Do you think chris chan could ever rape someone?

I do want chris to be homeless.
It might actually do him some good.

unironically, why are people so fucking mean to chris. he's a total mess but he gets literally zero positive support online, and every commenter on youtube/twitter is an absolute asshole.

Becoming a raving lunatic on the street will do him good?

I hope cole will take care of him I don't want Chris to die man

Because people want to relive the heyday of his trolling

c-chris is threatening her to do videos right? Just look at her face, someone should call the police

He currently receives disability, meaning he's in the system for the state. He also is known at his local church and has received constant help/advice from someone who works there.

If shit hits the fan, he will just go to the church and they'll set him up on the government's teat. He will never be homeless, reign in your schadenfreude now

The more you learn about him the less sympathetic he becomes.

Maybe he should stop fucking uploading his life online. If he is getting any kind of mental health support he should have already been told this multiple times by licensed professionals. If not, he should be, since he is living off taxpayer dime for medical disability. He's clearly capable of physical labor. He has a driver's license and a car and there are videos of him driving around, a lot of working niggas can't even afford that shit.

holy shit who got the leaf-blower on chris chan's mom?

There's a dude called BasedShaman who is actually really nice and sincerely kind when talking about CWC

>he still tries to put curses on people

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lol, dude doesn't even like his own content. Top comment here

saw a few of his vids, it's clear he's a normie who looks at internet people like they're some sort of zoo animals and is trying to make a dime off this kind of content

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Because being bullied in school for acting like an autist taught me that compassion is for faggots and doesn't solve anything. If had to suffer for acting like a retard, then he needs to do it too.

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>youtube bubble is popping

objectively bad ideology desu

compassion is good as long as it keeps you motivated to improve and not relate and rot.

Well, where were fags like you when it happened to me? If I'm not getting my happiness and innocence back ever again then no one deserves to have them either

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you dont need innocence to be happy.

just because you fucked up doesnt mean all others have to suffer. thats school shooter mentality desu

>you fucked up
If it's all my fault and I fucked things up, then Chris-chan is in the exact same situation and deserves the same
Chris-Chan is kind of mean to Barb. Do you think he's abusing her?
I'm a dumb bitch and linked the wrong one. Also didn't Null(?) say he was taking care of them financially? Why is Chris begging at the end of the month again.

He makes 1200 a month in NEETbux. He can go to a cheap motel, rent a room on Craigslist or get a studio apartment or section 8 housing. I don't know why he'd be homeless given all of those options.

he definitely is abusing her, but it only comes natural due to the shit he got when he was younger

Plus it's not like he lives in a super expensive state like California. He has options to live places.

Chris-chan hasn't been okay for a long time.

i think you are forgetting hes a complete idiot who has no idea how to manage his money

He makes 1200 a month in tax free NEETbux. You'd have to either be an idiot or live in an expensive state like California to be homeless on that amount.

He doesn't because people keep bailing him out and his survival doesn't depend on it. He can buy all this junk without his lifestyle changing.

He'll change his tune when buying $1000 in Lego merchandise means he can't pay rent.

either he learns to fend for himself or he gets thrown into assisted living.

can't one of us just go to Virginia and put the poor fucker out of his misery