I have literally never used algebra once in my entire life aside from in school. Honestly what was I point of it all, I hate math so much. Who the fuck needs to graph a parabola????
Why algebra?
Algebra is basic shit, it's almost on the level of counting with your fingers. It's just something everyone should understand because it's part of the basis for a lot of fields.
Now post this on
Cause every STEM field will requires you to know algebra and with that many possible professions it's only logical to include it in high school education
math is the reason you can post this shitty thread from your laptop to the world web
>It's just something everyone should understand because it's part of the basis for a lot of fields.
such as....
>I have literally never used algebra once in my entire life aside from in school.
Why would you admit you are a brainlet?
Any science, math, or social science
Any field involving research, since algebra is the basis of statistics
Are you actually 12?
>Doesn't work a technical job
Heh get back to work button pusher
you're in the Internet dude, everyone here IS a brainlet
You're a brainlet if you think you haven't been using algebra in your daily life
Maths (kinda obvious)
All engineering fields (you can bet there are over 15 different types of those not even getting into really specific ones)
Biology and geology use maths its an excellent way to model real events
And the list goes on user, now pay attention to your highschool math teacher
You need to understand the concept of a variable for even the most basic of Python programs. You need statistics to understand machine learning and game AI. You need linear algebra to do fancy physics and lighting when making video games. You need algebra to calculate annual returns on EE bonds after the value doubles. You need algebra and calculus to do your physics homework.
Literally everything besides Art, Women studies, Gender studies and literature.
Algebra is one of the most basic concept required to understand abstract thought and approaching the natural world.
Dumb zoomer
Why do so many people hate math? Its not even hard until you get past calc.
>Women studies, Gender studies
even these subjects involve research, which involves statistical data and therefore algebra.
Because most people don't think for shit, most kids try to solve math problems by memorizing, they never really learn how to use logic. So they hit a fucking HUGE wall when they try to solve algebra problems.
After that, it's just sour grapes.
If you can't understand algebra you might just be functionally retarded.
You don't need to memorise anything, its all basic logical thinking, you might not use the formulas they teach you specifically but the intuition being able to properly manipulate numbers will give you you'll use every day.
>involve research
fake jew research
if they knew anything about how numbers work, the whole degree falls apart
They memorise problems instead of solving them.
I still cringe every time i think back to how all off my class knew how to solve tanx = 1/2 but if you switched it to cosx they had no clue.
you need to understand that school doesn't teach you stuff you will need in life. if you wanted to learn life skills you should've dropped out of school and went outside.
The moment they look at race and crime and apply common knowledge of statistics they will see a pattern
just curious, what do you do for a living, user?
Or you know use the huge ammounts of free time you are given both on holidays, breaks from school and others and learn those life skills you desire
Besides no one expects you to have decent life skills before 21
you are just too dumb to even understand how to use it. Unironically kill yourself. I apply calculus, probability as well as discrete math in my daily life.
Y'all are retarded. If you were scientifically literate you would know that correlation DNE causation and you're supposed to keep your assumptions (i.e. racism) out of research. Black people are arrested more? Must be genetics. Fucking Jow Forums.
>Implying different cultures don't exhibit different behaviours and hold different values
If black people kill more steal more and not by a small margin then it means that they need to fix something
I understand the argument for algebra and how it's important, but what's the point of pre-cal and anything above for practical use in my day to day life?