I have literally never used algebra once in my entire life aside from in school. Honestly what was I point of it all, I hate math so much. Who the fuck needs to graph a parabola????
Why algebra?
Algebra is basic shit, it's almost on the level of counting with your fingers. It's just something everyone should understand because it's part of the basis for a lot of fields.
Now post this on
Cause every STEM field will requires you to know algebra and with that many possible professions it's only logical to include it in high school education
math is the reason you can post this shitty thread from your laptop to the world web
>It's just something everyone should understand because it's part of the basis for a lot of fields.
such as....
>I have literally never used algebra once in my entire life aside from in school.
Why would you admit you are a brainlet?
Any science, math, or social science
Any field involving research, since algebra is the basis of statistics
Are you actually 12?
>Doesn't work a technical job
Heh get back to work button pusher
you're in the Internet dude, everyone here IS a brainlet