So basically what she's saying is, don't interact with women at all

So basically what she's saying is, don't interact with women at all.

Attached: IMG_6865.jpg (750x639, 83K)

>"i only date white men"

the tweet

She makes a good point about that shit she said tho

I have a hot friend who says she hates being looked at unless it's a cute/hot guy looking. I'm ugly btw I just used to tutor her so it's the familiarity thing that lets her look at me.

not really. she's complaining about the one downside to the great gift of being a selector, and it's disgusting.


Yes we have been over this before. If you are not Chad you are not allowed to talk to women. Now keep your head down and stay in your lane.

I didn't even finish reading what u said

How did you conclude that?

Quads of truth potentially?
Can you expand on what you said though?

some girls are polite and some are honest. both don't want you, so maybe you shouldn't interact with women.
what's the point of this thread? you didn't know this already?

Women exclusively want to receive attention from Chads, nobody else. Lesser men should never try with them.

>don't interact me with the sole purpose of sticking your dick in me ie get to know me first
How hard is this to understand?

please don't

even when it's "chad" most girls are acting against their better judgement when investing in a relationship

just please let civilization burn already, you only want to keep it around so you can get laid and that's not a secret to anybody

Attached: 1487462750178.gif (332x173, 1.51M)

>niggas are so creepy and weird. 9/10 i dont feel safe around them.


We have been telling you that no woman will be interested in you unless you are Chad time and time again.
I don't know why some of you still bother trying

You just mad wh*te chicks dig the Black men because they're just so big

we wuz dildos

Well, the digits do not lie.

Do not gaze upon women, do not breathe the same air, do not occupy the same spaces and do not even think or fantasize about them since that's rape. Keep working and paying taxes so they can get free abortions, condoms and tampons though.

Attached: 1526839379935.webm (392x296, 768K)

ask 3 white women if they like black men

>Keep working and paying taxes so they can get free abortions, condoms and tampons though.
no, just move to Iran or North Korea or go boil pinecones or live with the Inuits. just stop trying to pollute the genepool.

these repeating digits only amplify the truth contained in this post

Yes yes and fuck yes
wh*te kid BTFO, make way for the kings of the Nile river.

>I only want Chad to hit on me fuck you you subhuman incel how DARE you try and approach me
Repeal the 19th boys things are getting very grim

>kings of the Nile river
>did not understand how weather worked so just prayed not to have their farms destroyed by seemingly random floods
>didn't build dams, canals, anything to mitigate the damage
>stay this retarded no matter how much pity/resources are thrown at you just to shut you up

>implying might be a better fit for you, soya enthusiast.

Attached: 1535220861700.webm (1280x640, 1.86M)

>26k rt
>almost 100k likes
and normies will still say that you have to try and talk to women

>implying you wouldn't be polluting the genepool

Attached: gb2.jpg (400x400, 49K)

You quite literally have to talk to women.
It is about your needs and wants.
Who cares if a bunch of random women get peeved by you hitting on them.
It's all about you.

t. I recently reached the 30 sexual partners mark. You don't want to know how many times I've been rejected in any way imaginable. It does not phase me at all.

I am thankfully not a nigger and my ancestry is most likely less diluted than yours.

>Who cares if a bunch of random women get peeved by you hitting on them.
>It's all about you.
wow you sound just as myopic and entitled as the whore in the OP, enjoy your hepatitis faggot

Yeah men should stop approaching women because some of them might not find them attractive enough.

I get tested every 6 months, squeaky clean.

She sucks dick very cutely

As if we would let you into Iran.

i can tell you as a guy i hate it when a swampdonkey gets a crush on me

don't reply to nigger LARPer, fool

I think this just means Men in general :p

Well, let's break down what's she saying.

>I don't like male attention
What defines "attention" here - does she simply mean any social interaction whatsoever (implying that she views any social interaction as one that's sexually based), or does she explicitly mean sexual attention only?

>Unless it's someone I'm interested in or familiar with
Slightly telling. I think we can safely infer that she's exclusively referring to sexual advances

>niggas are so creepy and wierd
I think that's a rather broad statement to make about a few billion people, but to each their own

>9/10 I don't feel safe around em.
This strikes me as a cry for help, more than anything. The fact that 9 out 10 people on the street (who are male) make her feel insecure to the point of "not feeling safe" likely indicates some form of generalized anxiety.
Or it's just another vapid cunt posting stupid bullshit on the internet.

>creepy guys don't exist
>rapists don't exist

t. robots who literally never leave their house and/or talk to people

That's not what she's saying. She's saying that 9/10 men are creepy and/or rapists. I think that's an unfair representation.


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if youre ugly youre fucked these days. were currently undergoing a great genocide of ugly men. ugly men (incels) are systematically beijg weeded oit of the gene pool

a lot of guys have trouble knowing when to back off, she's not wrong

a creepy guy is just an ugly guy

no a creepy guy is one who
>can't take no for an answer
>won't back off
>is overly sexual when the mood doesn't call for it
>talks about weird things

etc. etc. etc.

>i reject 9/10 men
I guess the 20% rule is just an average.

Attached: vegeta wtf.jpg (363x343, 52K)

"A lot of guys" is not a "majority of guys". I don't believe she's correct in assertion that nine of ten males can't read basic social cues.

There's also the possibility she's bad at communication. Guys can't read social cues that aren't there. In her case, more direct communication would probably be beneficial.

Who are you even mocking? Literally no one thinks that.

>almost 100k likes
This is why I just don't try anymore.

Attached: shrek.png (225x268, 84K)

How does this make you feel honestly?

ambivalent. indifferent. nothing i didnt know honestly. i wish i was kinda mad but i cant find it in myself to care. jsut another reason that shows me i was right.

It makes me feel super good whenever I get a match. I love being selected by the selectors

a lot of guys also have trouble making any sort of move in the first place, guys who the woman in op's photo will never take into account, see, or even be aware of their existence. she gets the 9/10 figure from guys who have approached her, not guys in general.

it's nice to see someone at least being honest for once

That is too beta, no offence.

Women should not have that much power when they "select" you. In fact, it should be you who select them, as well as them selecting you. For instance, my female coworkers regularly tried to place me and one coworker in situations where we would be close and she would be flirty with me. Some even tried to explicitly ask me to ask her out. I decided that I didn't select her, so I implicitly defused every flirt and rejected every advance.

Women do not have the right to sex on-demand, while I wait like a cuck to be selected by the powers that be...

>girl likes me
>reject her
>still alone

>girl likes me
>accept her selection
>have sex
I sincerely hope this is pasta

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You fail history. Huzzah.

Seconded. What you mention is an everyday sort of thing. Relationships are a type of coordinate game. Economic models are of limited utility and are an oversimplification. I've literally logically proven that a given woman wasn't worth my time to her satisfaction in a friendly and agreeable way on several occasions.

Standards are there for a reason buddy. Being alone is better than being in poor company. Or being intimate with poor company

Mostly indifferent. I don't ask women out on the first place so I know this doesn't apply to me.

Maybe you just have sex with any fucker that walks through the door but that doesn't sit right with me. Stinks of desperation.

ugly guys who mind their own business are still described as creepy by women

Women like that are describe as "crazy bitches", to use the clinical term, by most of society. Honestly, if a random guy sitting by himself sets you off, then it's clear who has the loose screws.

Being ugly = being creepy

This. At least the bitch doesnt hide what she really thinks.

>>don't interact me with the sole purpose of sticking your dick in me ie get to know me first

In any other thread, you'd jump in to say that interacting with women in a way that doesn't clearly signal your interest and is designed to get to know them first is predatory Nice Guy manipulation.

You're all such fucking scum.

>Yeah men should stop approaching women because some of them might not find them attractive enough.

The use of the magic word "safe" should let you know that they're planning on using the police power against you eventually.

Because millennials are fucking scum, the word "safe" now trumps everything. If some nigger cunt doesn't feel safe, all rights disappear, all property rights are void, all institutions crumble. "Feeling safe" ultimately justifies your enslavement or extermination, as far as the SJWs are concerned.

You guy's are blowing things out of proportion. Common sense is too underrated these days. These are crazy women, whose logic can be torn to shreds in a minute or two at the longest. Don't use it to justify being spiteful asshats to as many people as possible. Oh wait...

>Women like that are describe as "crazy bitches", to use the clinical term, by most of society. Honestly, if a random guy sitting by himself sets you off, then it's clear who has the loose screws.

No. They aren't described like that by anyone but the people here. And the fact that people here describe them that way has led to this board being described as a cesspit of misogyny.

If you went on the Today show tomorrow morning and dared - DARED - to suggest that any woman in all of history who described a man in her general social space as "creepy" even if he never interacted with her at all was even a little bit "crazy", you would be hounded out of polite society.

If you posted what you just posted on Facebook in a public post under your own name, you would lose your job and would be similarly driven out of society.

The only place that sentiment can be expressed is on an anonymous message board.

shit like this just provides unintentional evidence that proves what blackpill theory has been saying for years. Note how easily "someone I'm interested in" is replaced with "Chad" and what a weak and see-through facade the original statement is. Social media has massively inflated the value of physical looks and appearance and this is a unique phenomenon which began in the 2000s and has been observed, analyzed, and turned into new theories by anonymous internet circlejerk keyboard psychologists and philosophers. It directly contradicts outdated bluepilled normie prescriptions like "just be yourself" and "just talk to her bro"

So after 5 minutes of reading about blackpill at surface level or seeing a mainstream media segment with the talking heads making disgusted and smug faces at the cameras, fb normies have come up with new dumbass arguments. There are average looking guys with gf's all the time, look at this ugly dude with a gf, etc. They just ignore or misinterpret slightly deeper level elucidations like 80/20 theory (which isn't even set in stone), the LMS (looks/money/status) triangle, the importance of e-fame and internet clout, etc.

In the end, this all contributes to polarization and accelerationism, which will eventually end in some sort of Big Happening.

Attached: instantblackpill.jpg (750x460, 25K)

>paying attention to logic
I doubt this comment is original.

>If you went on the Today show tomorrow morning
you know that's because you women have cucked society to the point where free speech doesn't exist anymore. to criticize women is social death, that's why it can only be done on corners of the internet, corners of the internet you still seek out to stamp out opposing opinion because it threatens your control.

Just say whatever the fuck you want. Who gives a shit if it is social suicide or not. Nobody. Why? Because you aren't as important as you think you are.

I do this repeatedly in real life. And so do many others, both male and female. Then again, I live in a blue collar area. We tend to be pragmatic, I suspect that the majority shares my opinion and opts to just ignore the crazy broad until she goes away. Just like I tend to do if I don't feel like putting in the energy or time in telling the crazy off.

Just like the other guy. Do you even socialize, bro?

Your post reminds me of a file that failed it's own md5sum. No tampering or shenanigans, just a programming error that resulted in self-negating logic.

Way to narrow down complex sets of phenomena into a result that satiates your spite. The blackpill is clearly bull to people that socialize among disparate groups of people. Its like the oversimplification that leads to the worst possible outcome. Quit shilling this crap, desu.

>If you posted what you just posted on Facebook in a public post under your own name, you would lose your job and would be similarly driven out of society.

You don't even have to publicly out yourself, they're already raring to start a witch hunt. Pic related was the CEO of Reddit. Most SJWs probably sympathize with her. They're basically saying fuck your actual programming skills and education, your merit, intelligence, and experience, your economic value - if you have Wrong Opinions you should be terminated and blacklisted. This is a bit detached but along the lines of commissars in the USSR just shooting any academic they didn't like or sending them off to a Siberian gulag.

Attached: tweet-ellen-k-pao-ekp-18h-ceos-of-big-tech-companies-32652317.png (500x312, 36K)

haha what the hell
>hey ceos you might have guys who don't get laid within your company!

^5 cuz, and seconded. The cap is nonsense from a crazy person.

I'll play devils advocate for the crazy broad, just for a second. She might mean 'incel' as in one who subscribes to the blackpill bull, rather than those who can't get laid. To be fair, blackpill IS a nihilistic philosophy that espouses seven shitty colors of rape, murder, and anarchy. Like some sort of rainbow pulled out of the devil's asshole.

Except they don't view it that way at all. The mainstream and the left immediately attached "entitlement" as a word association as soon as the term gained broader visibility. Everyone now thinks incels think they're entitled to sex. Omg, no one's entitled to sex, you have to earn it you losers. Anyone who's spent time here knows that many realize they don't have what it takes and have given up. They don't even look at how much effort some of these people have put into themselves in order to not get what Chad gets for free. Verbal engineering is a critical component of social engineering, freedom fighters vs terrorists, illegal aliens vs undocumented migrants, etc. By attaching the word entitlement to incels, those who are happy with this result seek to gain an early upper hand.

sauce for the video on the right?

Pretty indifferent tbqh. She strikes me as the kind of woman that says she doesn't want attention but then later wonders why no dude will actually try to form a relationship with her. I mean saying that you feel unsafe 9/10 means that you've either willingly associated with the wrong types of people (because after a while you recognize the signs to easily for it to always be coincidental) and built your basis off of that or you're overly paranoid. Too exhausting to attempt to make an investment if you ask me.

>To be fair, blackpill IS a nihilistic philosophy

Since any philosophy that denies the possibility of truth or the good is ultimately nihilistic, there are just about zero NON-nihilists available for the tech companies to hire.

The CEO is a moron. Why waste the talent of a worker just because they don't get laid? If I had it my way as a CEO the creepy incel types would only ever be fired after a proper and unbiased HR investigation dug up evidence of genuine harassment. If all that could be found was evidence that the accuser found the accused creepy and just wanted them gone for that I'd be all too happy to encourage the accused to file their own complaint or making a note of the accusor's behaviour for records in the event that they try to find a new job and list me as a reference. Wasting time and resources just because you find someone creepy or learn that they don't get laid is nothing but a detriment to the company.

Your desire for nihilism has prompted you to paint the whole industry as nihilistic. Nice mental gymnastic there, try not to hurt yourself with it, playa. Also, skepticism, for instance doesn't deny the possibility of good or truth. Nor does atheism or satanism for that matter. Do I smell a /polster or what?

You are a breath of fresh air. Nicely done, guy.

>Also, skepticism, for instance doesn't deny the possibility of good or truth.

It denies any possibility of actually knowing what either the truth or the good ARE, and taken to a logical conclusion nihilism is the only possible result of that impossibility.

Meh. Just because you haven't visited Kansas, doesn't mean you should behave as if it doesn't exist. Nothing stops you from recognizing untruth/badness, other than say a nihlistic philosophy slowly and painfully eating at the marrow of your soul. Even that wouldn't mask an untruth, come to think of it... No mental jumping jacks can help one out of such a tragic fait(sic). Any forcing of a deliberate untruth or immorality is a moral, social and intellectual failure. As such, nihilistic philosophies are opposed to damn near everything else. Good thing that they're severely outnumbered, and statistically always will be, right, playa?

One part of me is like: "lmao look at this roastie"
The other part of me feels depressed.

What are you even saying?
How is this not original

>Almost 100k likes

Attached: 1520378098632.png (1200x800, 523K)

proof that the normies are actually trying to oppress people right here

get exposed

Worthless. Abandoned. Indifferent.

roastie genocide when

Attached: 1521171594750.jpg (346x346, 19K)

most women are set off by ugly men

>that image
in what conceivable manner would a company even attempt to identify incels in their worker pool that wouldn't involve something 200% illegal or just straight up violating privacy
ellek kung pao chicken is retarded

Attached: yns4hX0.png (854x919, 754K)

That's on them, they are societal failures. There's no simpler way to put the matter. No one I know (including random people on the bus) would expect me to patronize or accommodate such stupidity. Less than a minute of conversation would prove such women to be in the wrong, and none would back them up. The actual world is vastly different from the various media depictions. Those that would even argue otherwise appear to have a fleeting grip on reality to even the dumbest of the populace.

it's only harassment if you're unattractive, my roastie friend has even admitted this. the chad catfish tinder accounts prove this

>Nothing stops you from recognizing untruth/badness

Then you aren't talking about skepticism, and have no idea what you're talking about on this topic at all.

Aporia is fundamentally nihilistic. If you know only that you know nothing, that does in fact stop you from recognizing untruth and badness. To recognize either would require certainty, and certainty is not allowed.

>As such, nihilistic philosophies are opposed to damn near everything else. Good thing that they're severely outnumbered, and statistically always will be, right, playa?

Well, no. All postmodern philosophies are nihilistic. Backing up before postmodernism, existentialism certainly was nihilistic.

Most people subscribe to one or more garbled, munged-up fragments of nihilistic philosophy, even if they aren't aware of the origins of these fragments and even if they are too lazy and intellectually dishonest to recognize them as such. Anyone who mouths doggerel about "not judging other cultures" is a nihilist, for example. They're just too lazy, too stupid, or too emotivist to realize it.

That abstract skepticism you argue for is unreal and merely a mental construct, and an inconsistent one at that. Else you'll punch yourself in the genitals and remain uncertain as to the reality of the pain/existence of such.

Enough philosophy ungrounded in neurology and science. You have schema, and can therefore recognize and classify some things from an internally consistent perspective. As well you can recognize degrees of deviation from such. Inference and forms of logic may not give utter certainty, but degrees of (un)certainty are possible even with a skeptical framework. Unless you wish to argue against the indirect perception of reality that we've cobbled together. That would be science by the way. If so then, that would easily fall into nihilism and psychosis. Logic is a tool for inference and measuring internal consistency. No fancy word games can allow you to toss either science or qualia to the winds.

>Well, no. All postmodern philosophies are nihilistic...existentialism certainly was nihilistic.

Lack of a Specific inherent meaning isn't the same as no meaning whatsoever. A restricted set of "arbitrarily" chosen meanings under (inherent) biological constraints isn't the same as no meaning.

Aporia isn't nihilistic. Assumption of meaninglessness is in fact a choice, and is antagonistic to the unjudging nature of aporia which allows for the maintenance of a infinitude of possible choices without selection. Aporia requires suspension of judgment not the intellectual laziness you mention here:

>Anyone who mouths doggerel about "not judging other cultures" is a nihilist...too lazy, too stupid, or too emotivist to realize it.

This could be equally interpreted as a suspension of judgment. Not very skeptical to jump to conclusion like that. Anyone experiencing uncertainty or confusion seems biologically more predisposed to skepticism -- not nihilistic certainty.

Also post-modernism isn't particularly widespread, not numerically, at least.

"Creep" is just a socially acceptable slur for ugly or awkward men. Nobody will ever rise to their defense when they are maligned. Society has decided that it's their own fault. They should have hit the gym harder and been more outgoing. Just man up.

>niggers are so creepy and weird
why is it okay when she says it but "racist" when I say it?

>Aporia isn't nihilistic. Assumption of meaninglessness is in fact a choice, and is antagonistic to the unjudging nature of aporia which allows for the maintenance of a infinitude of possible choices without selection. Aporia requires suspension of judgment not the intellectual laziness you mention here

In any moment when you have suspended judgment in favor of maintaining an infinitude of possible choices, the good does not exist and truth does not exist.

There is simply no way around this, sport.

And by the way:

>Truth exists, but it is very difficult to determine, and we haven't determined it yet - but we have a lot of possibilities we're still working on an infinitely different sentiment than:

>The structure of reality and permanent and inescapable epistemological limits make it impossible for truth to ever be known, and all claims made to truth are mere constructs of power

And *all* philosophies of the present day hold to the latter, and not the former. *All* of them. In one respect or another.

>Also post-modernism isn't particularly widespread, not numerically, at least.

It's not widespread as a coherent doctrine or system, but as doggerel it's practically universal.

>Anyone experiencing uncertainty or confusion seems biologically more predisposed to skepticism -- not nihilistic certainty.

I think the problem here is that when you use the word "nihilist" as a synonym for "mean" or "destructive" and it's nothing of the sort. Nihilism means a denial that truth or good can exist or can be known. The meanness and destruction is a mere after-effect of taking this denial seriously. It is entirely possible to be a nihilist and to *not* be destructive or angry - you just have to hold that truth does not exist or can not be known, while being too fucking lazy or prudent or cowardly to pursue that thought to its logical conclusions. And a great many people do just that.

Inferior, worthless, ugly, but it's nothing new

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