
>put on clean clothes
>walk down to local family owned convenience store
>get a drink and some of my favorite snacks
>listening to my favorite music as I eat them and am typing this
>feel happy
>thank you, snacks.

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you go user
you deserve self-care, enjoy your snacks

thanks friend. Remember to take care of yourself.

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How is happiness? It's been a while for me

It was fleeting, but I def felt happiness. it was nice. It was like a nice breeze on a hot day.

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I haven't showered in over three weeks. Hoping I can be bothered to do exactly what you've done tomorrow, OP.

I believe in you, friend. You can do it. You just gotta try.

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Absolutely baste and redpilled, user.

I will try my best. I'm also gonna grab some ingredients to make some yummy burgers.

Do you leave the house in your current state ? For your own sake, I hope not.

i just love apu he looks so qt

Only if I'm desperate for cigarettes. Otherwise, no.

since we're sharing happy stuff

>be me a few minutes ago
>gets a text from my crush who told me she preferred we stayed friends
>"I think I'm just scared of commitment, but I don't want to miss this. I love you, do you still want me?"


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>trying to flex on depressed neets.
How nice of you.

Congrats user, hope it goes well!

I was just trying to tell you all I'm feeling good. Sorry if I made you feel bad :(

I wanna smash him in his down syndrome'd face :)

>put on clothes for uni
>they look especially good today
>bad class time
>teacher ends it pretty early
>lunch time at the restaurant
>owner gives me a discount
>couldn't sit near oneitis during next class
>she walks to the trains with me after it anyway
>train is crowded
>older ladies compliment me on my height
I gotta say, today was a good day.

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I understand that. Every once in a while I get this moment where everything makes sense, and I know things will work out, and so far, they are, I'm working, catching up financially, going to uni, and so on. But no matter what goes right I feel like I'm missing out on the happiness I should have

Something you can relate to?

I relate. I don't know if we'll ever be able to get it. Are we just supposed to be the ghosts who drift through life. I'm not sure

Good for you fren. Gonna make some pizza soon, just got to wait for the dough to rise.

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Good for you OP, hope I get to enjoy the simple things of life again someday