Why do men nowadays have to teach women what good music is...

Why do men nowadays have to teach women what good music is? Is it even possible to get a 20s gf that likes the Beach Boys without Chad showing them to her first

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damn this post reeks of underage.

theres a line in this song that your post reminded me of

in all seriousness though fuck off

some people just like different music though
"good music" is a subjective definition


Women are followers and have to be led. It's how it works for everything. Everything they do, everything they are, is molded by male leaders who think outside the box. Women are not people on their own and have no individuality.

Remember when you were a kid and all the others kids started liking something, and then you started doing it too?

Well women are much more like that then men are and mostly rely on other people to tell them what's appropriate, what's safe and what's considered good and bad.

Obviously there are exceptions but that's the rule.

The good thing about this aspect of feminine psychology is that it's usually pretty easy to get your girlfriend to like the same things you do.

>Women are followers and have to be led. It's how it works for everything. Everything they do, everything they are, is molded by male leaders who think outside the box. Women are not people on their own and have no individuality.
[citation needed]

Science fiction was invented by a teenage girl.

>good music
>Beach Boys
pick one, faggot.

Where is the source for that? Also it is fiction lmao

You listen to music for dogs, my dude.

if you ever meet a woman with decent taste just know chad fucked that taste into her

Nigga the beach boys are trash, Sam Cooke, Bob seegar, Jimmy ruffin, ray, johnny cash, Orbison all fucking better

do you think i only listen to that song on repeat?

Damn OP, where did you firt learn about the Beach Boys?

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I checked out Pet Sounds when I was sixteen at my public library and never looked back.

Everyone likes different music. If you are this into your own musical tastes, it means you need a personality.

Sounds like a generic robot post.

>not knowing who mary shelley is

>Sounds like a generic robot post.
The truth can be incredibly simple at times.

When I had gfs part of my charm was me melting her heart with unknown beautiful tunes. Males dominate musical history and I like being a part of it. Why are zoomers so effete?

still searching for a goa or Techno gf

imagine not knowing a musical masterpiece and then hearing it for the first time.
they are blessed

>Science fiction was invented by a teenage girl.
>Believing twitter maymays

You need to place that statement right up your ass.
The the definition of sci-fi is a super broad, there are as far as stories written in india talking about "robot" ants digging for gold in the ground to serve humans.
Saying a person invented sci-fi is the same as saying someone invented music.

Im not even writting this to look down/mock women, i just get triggered when i see dumb asses in social media always bringing up this same statement as a way to defend themselves.

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Shelley is pretty widely considered to have popularized science fiction literature, though, similar to how DFW "started" New Sincerity.

Not untrue in the Victorian age. She didn't "invent" shit, just put out a legendary story. Who cares? This has as less to do with OP's question than you'd wish. Woman are quite capable in many creative fields, etc. its just that they are outliers.

>muh good music
>some pop shit
every single time

>popularized science
>Same as invented

I agree with your point, but my austism spiked when i you said it was "invented".
That shit as been around social media and being thrown all the fucking time by femenists who want to look cool for knowing her.

good /mu/ bait, bad Jow Forums bait