I think my life is fucking over. I smoked a lot of weed just now...

I think my life is fucking over. I smoked a lot of weed just now, and think I was staring at the neighbor's daughter for a long time out the window because I couldn't see her against the black trampoline. It's possible that I exposed myself, I don't remember. But just now I heard her walk up to the backdoor of her house and talk to someone, then heard "oh my god" really loud over and over again. I'm fucking scared, please help me god.. I think I might kill myself if this seriously just happened...

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What if they fucking video taped me holy shit oh my fucking god

You're just paranoid, chill your tits

how old is the daughter? how lit are your right now??

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No I seriously think it's possible man. I had my window open for awhile and was staring at the trampoline because I thought I could hear people talking but my long range vision is bad, so I was acting really creepy and it's possible that I had been naked for a time when the window was open. Then a bit later I heard the trampoline jumping a bit. I'm fucking scared man..

I'm way too high man this fucking sucks I don't want to say the age but not younger than highschool

Mega gross! Hope you get a fine punishment for your degeneracy!

I didn't fucking think she was there though man and I was way too high acting like a retard. I hear their car moving now. This is fucking horrible.

>Not younger than highschool
Who the fuck cares then? Highschool girls are at the prime age. Every male who thinks this isn't true is in denial.

Dont worry OP, youre allowed to expose yourself in the safety of your own home.

Weed can cause paranoia and anxiety. Chill out before you give yourself a panic attack.

Yea but why would this all happen so coincidentally? Something must have happened out back, then they were yelling oh my god and now a car pulled out.

Imagine you killed yourself over paranoid delusions, that'd be hilarious

Stop being such a faggot and watch some cartoons or something to calm yourself

Be ready to leave through the window if a strange man knocks on your door

Wait what? So you smoked some weed and walked around your room naked with the window open? You should be fine as long as your not over 18 and she couldn't see your penis, if she did amd tells her parents they could call the police and her word against yours you are fucked, I had a park behind my house and for 5 years I walked around ass naked and everyone could see me oh well

Question were you fapping or what, also why the fuck ru looking at (staring) underage girls umm..

We want an update OP what the fuck is going on are you still high? How big is your dick? Ypu also better hope she didnt record you on her phone

Sounds like what happened to me:
>Your neigherbor saw you
>She called her friend or went over to her sibling and "OMG OMG" and explained what she saw
>Chances she'll tell parents are 50/50
>Nobody will call anyone because they will doubt your intentions were sexual

Imagine yourself in that same scenario at that age, you might play it up as an interesting story but you wouldn't give a fuck

With any luck she will post the video of you being a creepalso if the police come tell them you were watching a bird and you are a homosexual should cover you idk what to say about your penis though..

OR she tells EVERYONE most likely will happen it will spread on social media OP is fucked

That's what you get for smoking weed you stupid stoner faggot fucking lmao

>being on social media
If I ever find you in real life, I'm shooting you dead.