Fembot here. looking for cute subs and bottoms twinks, traps or manly men

fembot here. looking for cute subs and bottoms twinks, traps or manly men
i'm from california, but i'm looking for someone to play vidya mostly minecraft right now~

hit me up on discord: Kp_centi#5390

If you're looking for a serious relationship that's cool too!

pic related it's me

Attached: camera_952018.png (212x303, 85K)

probably some "findom" scam, really wish beta males wouldn't fall for this shit but whatever you've been warned

what are you talking about?

Attached: D8CRtMS.jpg (374x374, 39K)

Date in the pic. Thems the rules.



Epic, can't wait to fill you up with my juices

you have ugly tits

>crops image to work around reverse image search
>meanwhile yandex advanced search is a thing
>regardless, a bunch of cuckolds will fall for it
>this pajit will make bank
>this is fine.

Attached: 1403310172200.jpg (500x375, 14K)

Im gonna dox her

Attached: 1535595730648.gif (478x350, 84K)

>mfw op has the same tits as my femanon gf
>checked her nudes to make sure she didn't have same mole pattern

This face fucking pisses me off

im a manly man

>looking for a harem to orbit her online just for playing minecraft with them
I'm not falling for findom shit and those tits ain't timestamped.

She pays in Diamonds

Wow your tits look a lot like mine. Been on HRT for almost 5 years now, since 17

Go to /soc/ thot

Alright, I'll bite.

Accept my friends request, queen.

> Me on that bulshit again

Attached: Triert had a bell.png (1920x1017, 826K)

What part of cali if you DTF?

what's the scam here lads?

Found the original zoomer.