Haven't been to class in 2 weeks. This anxiety is killing me

Haven't been to class in 2 weeks. This anxiety is killing me.

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Then just don't go.

too late to stop it OP, shouldn't have had social anxiety and other issues in the first place.

try to get counselling on campus if you can

You have to overcome now or never

Seek help immediately, schools likely have free therapy

You have nothing to lose except maybe being embarassed

>You have to overcome now or never
>Seek help immediately
I'm literally too anxious to get help

Also. It's not just the anxiety; when I wake up in the morning, my motivation to get out of bed is gone

You are also too anxious to be making your own decisions.

Right now google your campus and mental health or counseling

Call and make an appointment and go, then do what they say.

Entire peoples jobs are just to help you, and they will not make fun of you and likely cant even put anything down for records

Also skipping classes at this point is not a big deal so chill

Just get over it haha
But seriously, just fucking go nobody gives a shit

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I did the same thing for more than 1 semester. You'll end up regretting not taking the shame of dropping out and going back home when the bills start coming in

hey OP

I was in my final year at uni, I was actually 6 weeks away for finishing entirely

my anxiety devoured me and before i knew it, i opened my email to find i had been kicked off my course for non-attendance. I had even gotten too anxious to check emails so I missed my one warning email. Terrible fucking day, after that things just got even shittier.

Please, please, please try and attend just one class this week. I know it fucking sucks and is super hard but just try one, you can do it.

they see kids like you all the time, it's better to get help now than wait and fail out
I say this as a person who fucked up and will now have to repeat a year of uni

>I had even gotten too anxious to check emails so I missed my one warning email
Holy fuck i'm literally at this point right now..

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hey OP

its too late to go back into class now

Everyone is gonna be looking at you and thinking "who is this guy" "where has this weirdo been all this time"

yeah its sucks :/ i thought that i would at least find online communications bearable but even now it makes my skin crawl, i dont know why im regressing so bad


no they fucking won't
there were 100+ people in my lectures last year, I would not know if any of them were even gone

Thanks for the words, it's nice finding someone to relate too. Tomorrow I will force myself to go. My sleep schedule is completely fucked so I will probably stay up all night, It's already past the point of oversleeping(eurofag).

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You know what to do.
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you can do it user, it'll be exhausting but it really is the best thing you can do for yourself, sometimes

ugh same

GG you're going to get kicked out like I was and loose financial aid. Because the government cares more about some ghetto gangster going to college, then some depressed white guy.

Part of me wants to get kicked out, and then I realize how fucked I would be.

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Don't. You will never be able to go back to college, and end up having to work shitty minimum wage jobs the rest of your life. It's even worse because the kinds of people that work in those are either retarded or will shank you if you look at them funny.

I dropped out and am still living with my ma 3 years later. It depends on your situation. I just realized college didnt offer me anything I couldnt get elsewhere, and while my family is worrying for me I know I will be ok.

But your situation seems different. I would need more info on a real suggestion beyond 'just go to skool bro'

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