How was your day today robots? Mine was good
How was your day today robots? Mine was good
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thats because they won
One of those is a religion. Christianity and of course ze jews also killed thousands of people but it's a religion and not an ideology so it's not as closely connected to the deaths.
Religion is ideology.
>270 million
What's the source of that claim?
Yeah but it's more than ideology. The swastika is, aside from Asia, only connected with Nazism and thus an ideology that inherently doesn't respect basic rights.
The hammer and sickle is associated to many different ideologies that are not, at their core, incompatible with fundamental human rights.
Islam is a religion that is rich in culture and history apart from deaths in their name. During the middle ages, the Islamic world was the most developed, with significant advances in math and the sciences.
this lmao wtf famalamadingdong
>The hammer and sickle is associated to many different ideologies that are not, at their core, incompatible with fundamental human rights.
>Nazi Germany only killed 6 million Jews and that's it
Whoever made that image is a real jerk.
Why are we obligated to respect your concept of "fundamental human rights"? You're basically expecting everyone else's ideologies to build on your ideology as a foundation.
>inb4 right to private property is a fundamental human right
It's not, idiot
Holy shit your retarded
I want you to give me a source for the information, if you are going to say these things you need to at least explain how you came to this conclusion.
What's the list of human rights, then?
>>The hammer and sickle is associated to many different ideologies that are not, at their core, incompatible with fundamental human rights.
Well, remember, communists don't think that individuals possess any rights, particularly members of the bourgeoisie.
Therefore this sentence seems reasonable to them.
It doesn't occur to them that Nazis didn't think that Jews were actually human, so as a result THEIR philosophy wasn't "incompatible with fundamental human rights" either.
an american jew made it up and spread it
>Nazism and thus an ideology that inherently doesn't respect basic rights
>not, at their core, incompatible with fundamental human rights
This goes for national socialism too.
>It doesn't occur to them that Nazis didn't think that Jews were actually human
What? They just put them in camps because they were associated with the enemy (communism). Just like we did with the Japanese.
>270 million
How many were niggers and jews? Because they don't count. White Sharia is the only solution for the west.
>It's not, idiot
Wow, on the basis of your mere assertion you really have convinced me.
How about the right to be free of involuntary servitude? Is that a fundamental human right, or not?
>6 million
Excluding Slavs, Roma, gays, cripples, mulattoes, casualties caused by war, POWs, and other civilians
>Roma, gays, cripples
For every gypsy, cripple or faggot they killed they should have been allowed to deduct one Jew from their total
lol,i was just pretending to be originally retarded!
>nazis only killed 6 million
I'd accuse you of thinking goyim aren't people, but then I don't get how you get those high commie and muslim death tolls.
Capitalism is based on involuntary servitude, user. Proletarians have to sell their labor in order to survive.
That swastika is the second most sacred symbol in Sanatana Dharma. You need to make that swastika tilted.
cringe op pic
> She is known for her anti-Islamic writings, opposition to the proposed construction of an Islamic community center near the former site of the World Trade Center, and sponsorship of the "Draw the Prophet" cartoon contest in Garland, Texas.[1][8] She describes her blogging and campaigns in the United States are against what she terms "creeping Sharia" in the country.
>She is an ardent Zionist.[54] She encouraged Israel to "stand loud and proud. Give up nothing. Turn over not a pebble. For every rocket fired, drop a MOAB. Take back Gaza. Secure Judea and Samaria. Stop buying Haaretz. Throw leftists bums out."[69] She regards much of the Israeli media as "Jewicidal" and the kibbutz movement as a failed idea and a variety of slavery.
That's basically what I was taught at school
Fuck off it's my shit
>6 million
Outside of war causalities its about 300,000. And that was due to bombing of supply lines and the subsequent starvation, disease, etc. inside not extermination camps, but relocation camps that were quite comfortable.
All 3 lines of text are incorrect. Amazing.
>During the middle ages, the Islamic world was the most developed, with significant advances in math and the sciences.
You mean, it was rich with the spoils they plundered from others and pretended as though they were fruits of their honest labor and not murder and thievery.
Marxism is taught in schools, too.