Imagine your mother thinking this when you were little.
Imagine your mother thinking this when you were little
i have a feeling this is a response post to the whole raising a daughter is scary because she might grow up into a slutty whore argument. that being said a mother can actually stunt their sons so this is definitely more concerning.
aw that was very sweet.
Stupid fucking instawhore talking about "love" and "respect" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
statistically she will probably raise an incel
20% of the men are fucking 80% of the women
I just find it ironic that the single mom who shared this on facebook hooks up with a different gangbanger like every week
Monkey's paw twist, he turns out gay
>I hope
Well, a parent has quite the direct effect on their children. So whenever I see someone HOPING their kid turns out well, you just know they lack the responsebility to make it a thing.
The same parent(s) who will give the kid an iPad because it's easy. Let it grow fat, because they love the child.
And when the kid is old enough to "take consequences of their actions", they will then claim they did their best, they did it out of love andh ow the kid didn't WANT to eat healthy, so what were they supposed to do?
The general I-am-not-responsible-for-anything and avoid agency shit.
>One day a girl is going to fall for him
this roasty is gonna ruin her kids too
Then the kid grows up to be a bitter incel who spends 20 hours a day online
roasties like this think "loyalty" means dumping you before they finally fuck their secret backup guy
She's more worried about how her son is going to treat some random woman than about how she'll treat him? Well given that his mother is a misandristic cunt I'm going to guess he won't treat women very well.
You spend too much time on the Internet. That's what stunted your growth.
No they're not. It's like 2% of males older than 18 are virgins.
Why is that ironic?
The post literally starts with "raising a son" retard.
Hes got half his daddy's genes, so its 50/50
How does that disprove anything that user said?
maybe his mom shouldn't have let him spend so much time on the internet
Evidence tells me that most girls don't want to be treated "right" or being "respected" its basically irrelevant if not unattractive
Hmm. You know, my mom always told me, a woman should at least two knives on her person. One in her pocket or purse, and a second, smaller, razor-sharp lockback in her bra she could use as a clinch pinch or to fuck up the eyes if someone tries to molest her.
I never really got why she felt the need to share that philosophy with me, considering my lack of need to wear a bra. I couldn't pin down if she considered this vital information I must pass down to her eventual granddaughter should she not be there to relay it, or if she thought I was gonna rape a woman eventually and would rather I forewarned than get maimed, or what. Never actually pinned that motivation down.
my growth is fine, you just need to acknowledge the problems women present in raising their sons wrong as oppose to men raising their daughters wrong. if a mom holds her son back from dating at all he may never accomplish anything in life, if a dad holds his daughter back from dating entirely she will become a study focused pure virgin girl guaranteed a good guy who cares.
My mother attempted to kill herself immediately after giving birth to me. OP picture is rather tame in comparison.
This is how incels are made.
Kek she means raising him to an hero.
>starts with
try reading the whole thing next time, cletus.
Yeah every kid always listened to their parents. Are you fucking retarded?
Why? Guys learn to date on their own.
>be woman.
>reward assholes with pussy 24/7 for decades.
>have son.
>no, son, don't be an asshole.
>son, girls love nice gentlemen.
>son treats girls as you instruct
>girls reject him for years in favor of the assholes.
What do women mean by this?
It's literally about how she's concerned with raising her kid. Retard.
The whole "women go for assholes" is a beta myth perpetuated by those passive aggressive, manipulative "nice guys" . It's not real life.
My mother was exactly that.
I then ended up here with you guys , and her questioning me why i don't have a gf for the past decade and counting. Its funny how things work.
This. women who want their sons to be perfect often raise degenerate, manipulative whores as daughters.
>Yeah every kid always listened to their parents
maybe his mom should have insisted more
>one day a girl is going to fall for him
basically just admitted all females are retarded
>It's literally about how she's concerned with raising her kid
Holy crap you're thick. How can you not understand that raising him to be a doormat isn't the same thing as caring for his well being?
Where did she say she's raising him to be a doormat?
Again, you're living in some fantasy land.
it's funny how every time a moron says virgin and incel are the same thing and expects anyone reads their comment thinks they're not retarded.
ofc it only seems like one autism child that gets triggered when they hear about the 80/20 rule even though it's true.
You're both fucking delusional and its hilarious.
Shit isn't so black and white.
Women sport fuck assholes all the time.
Women then settle down with the nice guy.
Society counts this as the nice guy winning.
Pyrrhic victory.
>why is that ironic
get the fuck off this board, roastie.
Can't wait for her future son to be posting here with us
>how to make your son an incel terrorist
you're not saying 80% of men are virgins right? if so kill yourself.
What it means is that of all 100% of sex acts performed between men and women, that it is a small number of the same men that participate in most of said sex acts with women.
>It's literally about how she's concerned with raising her kid.
No, it's about how she's SCARED.
And if you're raising a kid, and you're more scared about how he will treat women than with how women will treat him, if your kid isn't Ted Bundy you clearly don't care about your kid that much.
>Wow I am really worried about my son and his relationships with girls
>Really, user? Let me guess, are you worried that girls won't like him? Or that he'll get a girl pregnant by behaving irresponsibly and then he'll have to pay child support? Or that he'll be the victim of a false rape accusation? Or that a girl will break his heart?
>No, actually I'm worried that he might date a girl without "getting to know her heart".
Yeah, OK. Nice to see that your solipsistic cuntiness extends even to your offspring. Even when dealing with YOUR OWN FUCKING SON, this cunt projects herself into the role of the pouty disappointed girlfriend.
>if a dad holds his daughter back from dating entirely she will become a study focused pure virgin girl guaranteed a good guy who cares.
I'm glad it works that way on your planet.
Here on Earth, the girl will start hooking up in secret with a long string of bad boys who will all treat her like shit and then dump her after a few weeks. Then, at age 30, after she's popped out a few kids from her 15-year ride on the cock carousel, she'll realize that maybe she should start looking for a good, caring guy with a steady job who can support her and her spawn.
>Again, you're living in some fantasy land
yes, the fantasy land where moms can properly raise thir sons
>I hope he treats her right
>gets to know her heart
>respects her
So she wants her son to be a virgin well into his 30s.
>No they're not. It's like 2% of males older than 18 are virgins.
did u pull that out of ur ass
My mom wasnt THAT much of a roastie
>if a dad restricts his daughter then she will do what 75% of all women do anyway.
>The whole "women go for assholes" is a beta myth perpetuated by those passive aggressive, manipulative "nice guys" . It's not real life.
No, it's not.
It actually comes from the fact that the number one fucking use that cunts have for their emotional tampon orbiters is as sounding boards for their endless - and I mean endless -litany of complaints about their current boyfriend.
What's probably happening is that the boyfriend isn't even an asshole - the girl is just a cunt. But she has an audience, and she is going to declare the boyfriend to be an asshole OVER AND OVER AND OVER because that's what emotional tampons are for, right?
Not surprisingly, sometime around the 1000th hour of listening to cunts complain about how their boyfriends are assholes, some orbiters draw the conclusion:
>Wow, girls seem to date a lot of assholes
she's gonna raise a beta who never gets girls
>Why is that ironic?
Probably because she wants to bring up a child that has the complete opposite values that she does?
>The whole "women go for assholes" is a beta myth perpetuated by those passive aggressive, manipulative "nice guys" . It's not real life.
No, it's real. You are the one perpetuating myth.
its sad. And i am triggered.
Our mothers get knocked up by asshole chad then raised us to be not like him. Thus creating a male incapable of finding a mate,Just like all of you reading this.
Then, they selfishly shift the blame onto us as they think they done nothing wrong...forever wondering why, as its soo easy to get a gf to give them grandchildren.
"Why dont you have a gf yet user" "All the women are whores now days" "get a tinder and a find gf" You know what mom! fuck off. When has any of your advice ever fucking worked.
If I hear, "just be yourself and put yourself out there," one more time I'm going to have an aneurysm.
but with the statement it implied that theres an 80% chance she will raise an incel, which obviously isn't true.
A kid raised by a mother is likely to be an incel, because attracting women is a skill that women know nothing about.
This. Even lesbians suck at attracting other lesbians.
>make sure to raise son to not be chad
>why don't you have a girlfriend yet wtf I want grandchildren
stupid bitch
hopefully her eggs weren't too rotten and her son gets some strong genes. that's what matters
>One day a girl is going to fall for him
sorry mom
Lmfao hope he leaves her ass and ignores her phone calls to go hang out with thots, then eventually throws her in a nursing home to visit once a year. Dumbass bitch
In truth, she should be afraid that he dies before he meets that girl. Boys tend to engage in more risky behaviors and have weaker immune systems.
damn, i feel bad for you. my mom is based as fuck, didn't even take any money from my dad in the divorce. she also thinks I should wait until my career is well established before wasting time on a relationship.
>Because you made me respect women, mom!
huh... that answer seems... seems to be inaccurate in some way
>one day a girl is gonna fall for him
Sorry for being ugly as fuck mom
Its funny how she don't even realize the damage she'll do, and also Don't realize that she always hated the kind of man she wants her son to be and that he'll be an incel. Only a woman can be this stupid.
This is a woman:
you know, i was thinking the other day. sure child support and alimony are terible things and very good reasons against marriage and having children, but i think the main reason i dont wanna have kids is because i dont want some kid to suffer the way i did. even if tehre is a fraction of a chance that it could happen, i dont wanna let it
I'm considering not marrying and not procreating for the same reason. Sad thing is, if it were a different time, I'd love a wife and a kid, but I just don't think I have it in me, even if I was lucky enough to have a girl, which i don't
>she also thinks I should wait until my career is well established before wasting time on a relationship.
lol, you are so fucked.
Thanks senpai means a lot. It bugs me the most because its like a broken fucking record. Its brought up every week and everywhere. Makes me feel bad like i am the one to blame , as it is so easy after all. When in fact its all just for their own selfish gain. So they can fb their stupid fucking friends about her idiot son being happy with a partner.. that's what its all about.
In reality i get ghosted - no replies - rejected by women. It has taken a toll on my confidence, since its so easy and effortless yeah. Not only that they keep pointing out good looking women to me. Its fucking suffering.
Its like telling a guy in a wheelchair " hay look at that other guys legs.. they are so good arnt they" Its soo fucking degrading having to hear over and over and over. Thanks for reading my rants.
You are the one to blame and it is easy, you're just making excuses so you don't have to make the effort. Getting ghosted and rejected is part of the process. Stop being a pussy and go get pussy, even Chad have bad days.
love is gay as fuck ahahahah
My mother raised me to respect women and now I can't relate with you guys. :3
im unlovable honestly, so i know if i did get married it wouldnt be to a girl who wouldnt love me, but tolerate me. i dont wanna put myself through taht shit
wtf what kind of mother would think this? my mom always tells me to be wary of women and their tricks not to blindly respect them.
a huge chunk of men remain virgins into their 20s. many resort to prostitutes.
Lol she is going to craft him into a beta who fails and lives with her until he is 30.
Female parents don't know how to make a good man.
your mother sounds like a psycho with a victim complex
how can you care more about random girls than your own son? how can a parent develop this kind of mindset?
Liberal mothers will raise up the most pathetic limp wristed faggots.
Holy shit hang yourself retard
female in group preference
>current year 2016+2
Im actually getting mad at how retarded you are. The mom never said that. Its an expression you dense braindead fuck
maternal preference should override that
>The whole "women go for assholes" is a beta myth perpetuated by those passive aggressive, manipulative "nice guys" . It's not real life.
woman confirmed.
>how can a parent develop this kind of mindset?
It tends to be single mothers and feminist types, they subconsciously hate men and take it out by emotionally abusing their sons and raising them to be incels
nope. mothers dont love their sons if they dont come out chad
All my mom gave a shit about is me being a beta bitch and being gentle with a virgin.
Been with 33 girls none virgins. How you suppose to get a virgin at 18 they start fucking at 12. Thats why they give that anti HPV shot at 12 why can't they be honest and let girls able to breed have sex?
She's projecting. She sees herself in place of the girl and her son in place of his father. She feels the father did not treat her the way she deserves to be treated, and so believes she needs to raise her son in a way that would rectify that. It's not about the son at all.
You can tell by the last few sentences that the father cheated on her, lied about already being married, left her with the kid to raise alone or in some manner betrayed her. Sounds like there's a high likelihood that she will resent her son, in place of the father, as he grows up, and that she'll overcompensate and raise him to treat women well even when the women aren't treating him well.
she probably will
I think this is one of the ways incels are made, they're raised by parents like her who are so self-absorbed that she raises her son to be a momma's boy and thinks she speaks for all women about what's expected of a guy. As a result they end up completely misinformed about how to talk to women their own age
Everything they were strictly taught from a young age about chivalry and being a "gentleman" is pretty much bullshit
>said the single mother who got curbed by a bad boy
women are literally retarded when it comes to defense. people who think like this end up killed by their own knives
I too have stepped into the jbp meme realm
Then he grows up to be an incel or some rapist. That would be cool.
>she'll realize that maybe she should start looking for a good, caring guy with a steady job who can support her and her spawn
Then why should that "good, caring guy" even bother with supporting her spawn? Why doesn't she just get a fucking job?
Look at what she said. She believes she deserves it because that's how boys are supposed to treat girls.
maybe look it up google
based on the way you write ironically (muh u's and ur's) you probably don't have a high IQ to look up anything