Why are Asian people so fucking racist?
Why are Asian people so fucking racist?
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American here, I can confirm black people do all those things
>black and chinese men peacefully side by side
>some turd at CNN decides to spin it into RACISM
Indian here, can confirm that Asians are extremely racist.
Looking at Japan as a place of residence because of how you don't have people using the streets as restrooms like India and don't have school shootings like the US always crosses my mind.
Then I remember that as Asians, they're also really supremacist.
Guess I'll have to be the first one
Nah Asians are actually super fucking racist, I'm Asian and can confirm
Asians are basically whites that haven't fought the two world wars, they're basically on the cusp of killing each other half the time. Why are Asians racist? Same reason as why whites are
Make a loo for your poo and stop trying to find a new country for you.
I will beat you to death with your own intestines you fucking faggot
From 15th of september I'm vacationing in Goa. Come by and say hello. Don't let your dreams be dreams pajeet. :^)
>splat splat splat splat splat splat
good luck beating anything to death with intestines user
Maybe its not problem in them
god i hate indians
i will shit in your curry
Not brainwashed by Jews.
isn't china trying to colonize africa?
I mean, China, Japan, and Korea literally fought in the second world ear
Why is it that all non-African humans appear to have this terrible racism problem where they ALL somehow think (despite the total absence of evidence) that having African people around means drugs and crime?
It's such an irrational belief, and it seems like people keep UNFAIRLY believing it. People of all different types and nationalities and races. WHY? WHY is EVERYONE so unfair?
>some dickbag writes a headline
>it must be true
>I mean, China, Japan, and Korea literally fought in the second world ear
Japan fought in the First World War also.
In fact, they spent that war...conquering Korea.
This basically.
Someone had to.
I keep hearing mixed statements on Asian racism. Some say Asians hate niggers very much and instinctively cover their noses around them while others say it's just a soft racism in which they will tolerate you if you learn the culture and aren't disrespectful while you visit.
And those buses look like they are from New York. Is this clickbait or do Chinese buses really look like New York buses?
Dunno but enjoy white people while they're still around because, well, lmao
hol up, non indian brown here and i thought azn ppl would at least be cool with brown ppl. at least here in toronto most azns i meet are bros, while white and black ppl treat brown and azn ppl like shit
none of that is wrong lmao
This is why Asian countries need more migrants, western countries are much more diverse and less racist/more developed as a result.
WHITE migrants O N L Y
Which part of this irrational?
Primitive insect minds. Chinks are dumber than niggers.
>asian countries are unironically racist and nationalist
So much for the asians having high IQ meme
lmaoing at these hebe journalists lack of subtlety and lack of honesty
Ashkenazi Jews Welcome!
Yeah because that's totally not exactly what happened everywhere else in the world.
Asians are literally worse than niggers, they are tribalist and maintain connections to their home countries. At least black people integrate and can become full fledged citizens who are indistinguishable from the white natives.
I'm asian but not a chink. Chinks have tiny dicks so obviously they would hate on africans
>be .5 cm bigger
Pls don't equate chinks with all asians
Not all asians are racist and have tiny dicks like chinks
That's just recent immigrants vs. ones from centuries ago user, black immigrants in Europe (and the recent ones in America) also have ties to their home countries, just not the ones whose ancestors were shipped across the oceans centuries ago.
>throwing the chinese under this gay liberal bus
for shame
Haven't the gooks suffered enough already?
they annexed Korea in 1910
Japs =/= chinks
Remember that the japs killed the chinese en masse 70 years ago
New York buses don't have that livery
>that pic
Pure cringe back to Jow Forums
tfw shamed somebody so hard he deleted his comments
What DID they mean by this?
China isn't that racist to blacks, it's just stereotypes that are more common with blunt personality and just lack of knowledge of anything outside of china.
Asians also are extremely racist to other asian races far more.
>they are tribalist and maintain connections to their home countries. At least black people integrate and can become full fledged citizens who are indistinguishable from the white natives.
You're full of shit. No immigrant truly lets go of their roots. Most Black Americans are a special case so they made their own identity that's quite separate from white culture.
that's rich. indians are the most racist people i've met. not that i even care, in fact it's one of your only good traits.
I support blacking asia, blasians are master race
They are angry manlets with micropenises and can't compete with more masculine foreign men
We out here takin yo women next, poo boy.