>only get one chance at life
>not born a psychopath
Only get one chance at life
Other urls found in this thread:
psychopaths are damaged and underdeveloped tho
Can you define psychopath?
I assume a psychopath is someone who enjoys hurting people -intentionally- and knows how to.
I only ever met one person I considered a psychopath, he posted my contact info and told people to act socially awkward to get nudes from me, a nice user told me, I was clueless, I was almost pimped out to r9k, he knew I was sex repulsed too, so being used exclusively for sex made me freak out, I had a primal fear and cried when I found out.
The poster back-fired though, since I actually have nice people who defended me and told me what happened so that's the only good thing
Lmao consider yourself lucky
I can spot psychos from miles away and I'm certain a lot others can too
Once you're detected as a sociopath, your life is over
why would you post nudes
how did you not understand that was for sexual purposes?
it seems so obvious that you wree being pimped out to r9k I don't get how you were unable to see that
maybe but they also don't really have to deal with pesky things like emotion or feeling the need to be loved or anything like that
fuck things would be easier as a psychopath prolly
Nothing else to say except call you an uneducated idiot.
Uneducated idiot :^)
Not really, isn't it normies who enjoy making fun of people....? sociopaths are accepted.
It was one person only, and he was the one who asked me for contact, it was one on one, in private.
not a public posting.
I told him my personal info to prove I wasn't a catfish, then he /TRIED/ to pimp me out to r9k, but as I said, a nice user told me about it and was actually nice.
...not a idiot, who even thinks of pimping someone out to a general audience? It was so weird,
I think he left r9k, but I'm not sure, I assume he did since he was upset enough to make the thread and /attempt/ pimp me out to begin with.
I obviously abandoned the account for my own safety, nothing happened, a nice user told me everything before any real damage happened.
If anyone's a psychopath is him, I was obviously being friendly by giving proof that I wasn't a catfish,
Captcha is annoying
you know tits or gtfo is a joke right?
>aspie that is often accused of being a sociopath
Why would anyone want this? It is horrible.
Last time it happened was a few days ago at lunch, an old woman collapsed and my brother was wasting his time thinking and talking about it. I told him he should just eat unless he can actually help because its a waste of time to concern himself with it. He started accusing me of not caring like I was some massive asshole. She wasn't my mother, I didn't know her or any of her family members which were present and the chances of ever seeing her again after today were non-existent. I knew the staff would call for paramedics because that is what they are trained to do and so the entire situation was completely out of our hands.
Yes I'm sure her family were worried and she might die but why pretend you even care? I honestly think the normies that pretend to care are more sociopathic than people that are honest about not caring.
you can be a manipulative cunt without being a psychopath, being a psycho doesn't give you special powers, they just have less boundaries
i don't know what types of kids you hang out with but a psychopath would never do something like this.
how do you know they're sociopaths
here's the problem user
you're not really a sociopath or a psychopath, you're just autistically blunt, so normies think you are
psychopaths and sociopaths are gud at blending in
im not an aspie but ive been accused of similar despite not being either kinda path
I know this which is why when I am accused of being one it upsets me greatly.
if people call you a psychopath you're not a pyschopath
I wasn't being specific enough, sorry.
I shared a fantasy on here, and he asked me for my contact, I told him my personal info and sent nudes, since my fantasy was sexual, I assumed he added me for that, but I treated him like a friend but he then blocked me, made a thread posting identifying info about me,
and /tried/ to pimp me out by posting my contact info, I did get contact requests, but a nice user told me what happened and I deleted the account,
he told people to act awkward on purpose in order to get nudes from me, that's what set me off that he was a psychopath.
I met here on r9k, he's definitely a psychopath, no one would try to deliberately pimp someone out to a general audience, people were telling him to post my contact so they can get "some" to
Hopefully that explains it better,
Anyway, the reason I shared my story is because he was actually a psychopath, he knew I was sex repulsed and convinced r9k users to ask me for nudes and intentionally not treat me like a person
wow he really spilled his spaghetti all over the place
shit he was throwin that spaghetti at the walls and random normies passin by the chimpout
Checked and kekked
Also, user, could you explain what your definition of a psychopath is? my definition of it is someone who knows how to successfully hurt people, and that's what the dude who posted my contact info did.
Do you mean me or the person who I'm sure is a psychopath... user... obviously I'm the victim, and vulnerable, otherwise he wouldn't have posted my contact info and told people to /act awkward/ on purpose to get nudes from me, he thought of me as subhuman.
>Also, user, could you explain what your definition of a psychopath is? my definition of it is someone who knows how to successfully hurt people, and that's what the dude who posted my contact info did.
You're retarded, use the actual definition of psychopath not you head canon definition.
....did you use headcanon in a non-fandom context?
This thread is wild.
Well, my "psychopath" matches part of the definition, he tried to maliciously pimp me out to r9k, that's violent and abnormal behavior,
I'm saying the guy who tried to get nudes from you spilt the spaghett.
"Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is traditionally defined as a personality disorder[1] characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits."
thas prolly a good definition
I know I prolly shouldn't ask and this is likely a bad idea but, but have you got disc?
Oh, thanks I understand.
Yup, impaired empathy, that's my dude who /tried/ to pimp me out to r9k, he failed though because I had anons who were nice and told me what happened and exposed him.
So I guess its no big deal, I don't know if he'll try again though, We'll never know for real though, since I assume he left r9k after trying to pimp someone sex repulsed, like there's no going back from that, that's the most incriminating thing ever. Poor guy, the same anons who replied to him told me and helped me instead.
Why would you want to be a psychopath?
you know why, you enjoy the benefits of being one
Dont use psychopath as fucking weeaboo you are.
I do not have one unless I can recover the account I lost. The interface confused me and I never enjoyed the groups I joined because they were too hierarchical. Why do you want to talk to me?
What are the benefits?
I don't see any.
I expected my story to blow up the thread, it actually happened, no for real that's the most incriminating thing anyone could have done, he /had/ to have left r9k after that, he acted so confident too, like I wouldn't notice that lots of people were adding me all of a sudden, and that I'm sex repulsed too and even told other anons that I'm sex repulsed,
>he played himself lol
>I shared the story since he's a psychopath, he wanted people to use me for their own personal gain, but a user told me and saved me and defused the situation,
I'm born without desire for sex or romance and it's frustrating feeling empty or not being able to understand affection like others. It's hard to blend in with others when you legit don't care about connecting with others on a very personal level. People try to befriend me, but I don't know how to talk to them. I've had a boyfriend before but the relationship wasn't very successful because humans cannot be happy without each other without sex. I can't provide sex or genuine romantic gestures. Guys see my huge tits and imagine a bunch of sexual things they want to do with me, then when it comes to the sex I have no interest in it. It makes me feel like a bad person. It took me awhile to become accustomed to cuddling. My best friend is a guy and he's shorter than me. I see him more like a pet, but I would never tell him because I know that would hurt his feelings. He's to cuddle with me and it works out for hme as long as I see him the same way I see a rabbit or cat.
>/act awkward/
What's with the forward slashes around these words, is this a new meme?
It's to explain my story better, he only /tried/ to pimp me out, nothing actually happened, someone needs to tell his mom that her son pimps out vulnerable people, yikes. He's definitely a psychopath as I said,
your 'tism sounds cute and I want to talk to more people
look, im not the psychopath here, so i dunno what they are, i just know you benefit from them, you absolute roast
Hardly any benefits to being mentally ill user.
dis is b8 post m8
perhaps people would be more sympathetic if you were not a psychopath
i dunno if id even consider it mental illness, seems more like just having a differently built mind
abnormal yes, probably only qualifies as illness as it harms others
....user, are you saying I'm the one who did it....?
He made the thread without my consent and treated me as a subhuman, anons asked him for my contact so I would send nudes to them, I did /not enjoy/ it, he posted my contact and I did get requests, he did damage knowing what he was doing.
There's no benefit to being a psychopath unless you're super intelligent or talented.
On one hand I do want a friend but on the other hand I want real life friends not online ones. Are you Australian?
Cool "psychopaths" from movies aren't psychopaths. They are more likely normal people than any of these labels.
Psychopaths irl are just nutcases with no emotional control and sociopaths are those people you see creating conflict with everyone.
There are schizoids and paranoids who fit the personality you alude to better. Chances are, a normal person would be the one tricking a psycho/sociopath, not the contrary as in movies with an intelligent and sophisticated manipulator.
>It's to explain my story better
how does it help with explaining your story?
Do you know how to greentext?
>superficial charm
>love nothing more than yourself
>psychopaths most prevalent within high ranking politicians/businessmen/lawyers
>not blinded by stupid things like feelings
>not able to feel sorry for any menial things you may do
>long-term relationships are meaningless to you, only want short-term total control
>never have to deal with feeling bad over others' misfortune
>you may have caused such misfortune
why wouldn't you want to be a psychopath?
oops, that post was meant for this sorry
unfortunately no, sorry user
That's not really what it feels like at all user.
It is considered a illness. Medically, and otherwise.
>That's not really what it feels like at all user.
Yeah, sure, there's that whole internal endless emptiness with an undertone of envy for some of the positive emotions that others can feel but it's still okay.
Not really. Psychopaths are good at hopping between lives. Once somebody's got them figured out they set off in search of new people who aren't familiar with their tricks. Basically every fraud and con artist.
it's to stress the word, since the important thing is he only tried to pimp me out, a nice user told me before things escalated.
>be me, share a sexual fantasy of mine, here on r9k
>my "psychopath" asks me for my contact
>I give him it
>We start talking, I give proof that I'm not a catfish, tell him personal info of mine
>we talk for a few hours, I go to sleep
>I wake up and my account was blown up with friend requests,
>I add one of them
>one of them tells me that someone made a thread about me, shittalking me
>I find out, he told everyone everything intimate of me,
>a user says something like "well let us have them"
>he sends my contact, telling people how to act if they want nudes from me,
>"just act "awkward" like them if you want nudes from them, says my psychopath
>End story
I literally had a panic attack and cannot like at the thread without primal fear, thanks to him my fear of sex intensified, he played himself since he scared me by trying to pimp me out without my consent, welp, he played himself by traumatizing me, imagine being this self-defeating.
what does it feel like then?
it may medically be an illness, i dont feel like classifying it as one cause it seems like giving leverage to a malicious non-human entity
"no im actually just sick, pls im a human too its just that im sick"
you didn't refute other user at all tho, he is rite
it seems alot better for quality of life wise
My quality of life did not improve in anyway.
stop bein vague then and say why it sucks instead of b8ing for (u)'s
The inability to describe what i "feel" is part of the issue user.
>replying to cvnka in late 2016 + 2
They are a full time larper and attention whore btw
Also extremely boring in DM's
well, she's boring and bland on Jow Forums too lmao.
im only liked when im edgy.
not a real issue
>i-it actually really sucks guise believe me
>n-no i cant say why part of the reason it sucks is cause i cant say why
i am bored, it is late
I don't even consider myself one.
Well I have skype and steam if you want to be online friends but I don't expect such a relationship to last.
People only like you when you larp. Which is 24/7, and even then, you only have less than half a dozen real orbiters.
After 2 years of lying and and catfishing no less.
if you care about whether you're a psychopath or not then you're not a psychopath
t. jilted orbiter
gib skypers
Implying you know a single thing about me.
Since you can't even use the term larp correctly i doubt it.
>redpilled originalfag
>maybe but they also don't really have to deal with pesky things like emotion or feeling the need to be loved or anything like that
sounds like me.
am i..../psycho/?
>Since you can't even use the term larp correctly i doubt it.
>t.piety/cvnka - larped as over 3 different e-girls on Jow Forums alone for attention
Does HRT destroy brain cells or something??
LOL I thought """le edgy psychopaths and sociopaths were supposed to be smart and cunning
Not dumb as fuck
aren't you a bit of a lolcow?
wouldnt surprise me if random strangers just knew what you were up too
thank you for fixing it, user
maybe, i dunno
check with a doctor or somethin im not a fuckin expert
>Implying you know a single thing about me.
nasally emasculated overweight faggot voice
Imagine being this butthurt over catfishing.
Most people who "know" me only hear things other people have "heard" and just assume its true.
Skype name is cazzac3, I hope I don't regret this.
why would anyone use skype still?
>bantering a worthless degenerate leech festering on my board
Pick another site to shill on
You're all washed up
Don't forget the state
Still as popular as ever.
huh, well that's no good, your reputation is in the trashbin because of what people who've "heard" from those who "know"
I for example, did not "know" that you liked to catfish till this user b8'd u
I've not really seen anyone say anything thats contradictory to conversation I've had with you
So your peak was always utter obscurity with constant insults and resentment from your peers?
Sad and pathetic lol.
If you fall for anything they say at all then you deserve everything coming to you.
I never had good reputation, that's why i was known.
if you didn't know i liked to catfish then you're just a retard. Although, to be fair i haven't done it in awhile i don't enjoy it anymore.
You're doing a poor job at this "user".
I barely even post here, and people still know things i did 2 years ago. Pretty funny more than anything else.
I added you, user
this is not counted as original apparently
I didn't fall for anything
I stopped talking to them cause they were boooring
Just an interesting tidbit of information to learn
I had assumed it was just another orbiter cult, not a catfish
Because I started using it before discord became a thing and I never got the message that skype wasn't cool anymore until later. I also couldn't figure out discord and learning how it works didn't seem relevant because I didn't have any friends there.
>people still know things i did 2 years ago
A couple literal who discordfags know that you larped as e-whores and a psychopath. Big fucking deal.
Idiotic tranny.
Your logic is literally this.
If I get a half a dozen of my internet friends to form a vocal minority on Jow Forums and constantly talk about me and my internet quests I'll become an infamous Jow Forums """"""celeb""""""
Get fucking real
You'd be right
There was a cult until discord banned the server, and account.
Nothing to do with being cool or not, skype is just objectively inferior to discord in everything.
It's pretty funny you think i got people to talk negatively about myself. Seems like you're just making up random things now. Lot more people know me than that as you're already aware.
toasty roastie getting BTFO
You're just a shallow delusional narcissist. No one knows or cares who you are besides a few low life orbiters and bored people with too much time on their hands.
Even the interested people lose their interest after talking with you for 5 minutes.
Are you upset people know who i am, and not you? Is that why you're acting in this manner.
cults are bad, this is why you are a psychopath and why i say you are as a malicious non-human entity
robots may often be assholes but it is still wrong to take souls
i am not that user, but this is a super typical roastie thing to say, i expected more from you
cults are fine when the person being worshiped deserves it, or if the goal is just.
Why would you expect anything from me at all.
This is just my weekly late night shitposting.
I don't know how it is haha, sorry.
>start thread hoping for people to talk about meme psychopathy and clinical psychopathy
>get stupid roastie tripfag spamming my thread instead
> Are you jealous that a few ugly beta nobodies on the internet orbit me and not you
Everything you say is delusional or a pathetic half-assed attempt at redirecting insults
I've embarrassed you enough and I've gotten bored
The end
And how does that make you feel?
share your emotions
the goal is obviously not just and you obviously do not deserve to be worshipped
About time, it's boring listening to you repeat the same non-concise "insults" over and over.
Of course it is dummy. Anything involving me is just.
piety isn't a psychopath, she's too retarded.
friendly reminder to filter tripfags and sage threads with prominent tripfag posters
>Of course it is dummy. Anything involving me is just.
everything involving you seems to be more unjust than just, unless you mean JUST
I've claimed multiple times that i don't think im a psychopath.
Although to think intelligence has anything to do with psychopathy makes this post pretty ironic.
Removing depressed orbiting boys from the gene pool is a just cause user.
There are enough roasties playin mind games on robots.
Your kind is common, you just dress it up with some gothy bullshit, with a hint of murderiness. I'd hardly say what you do is just.