Fembots, do you like this dick?

Fembots, do you like this dick?

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too thin, actuaIIy

Looks nice for me. If it haves a nice smell that would be great
I like the hormonal and kinda dirty smell of cocks, not the rancid smegma smell tho

that's a fat cock, though
So do you mean the way a clean uncut dick would smell after like two days of not showering? Like a guy who is usually clean but is on a camping trip?

Dick smell is hormonal? I thought that would only apply to pussies

wow looks like mine!!!

>tiny white dick
No thanks. I'm only interested in BBCs
I'm a white femanon btw

you're lucky, girls would love your dick

It looks better than a lot of them out there. Despite how most Americans think, I prefer how uncut looks. At the same time, a random penis means absolutely nothing to me, so if you were expecting girls to come in here and salivate over it, that most likely isn't going to happen.

It's not even my dick

But the horny guys pretending to be girls who never had a dick in them and fantasize about it will come in here and salivate.

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What about this cock?

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I know that. What was the point of this thread though? What are you trying to find out or gather? Especially when these are above average penises and half the people posting are going to be tools thinking they're clever posting how it's not a bbc.

how do fembots feel about small and thin?

Probably means he won't be able to cheat on me, which is good.

I just wanted to gauge what the ideal dick looks like.

And how do you like this one?

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None of those cocks is good. My taste in cocks is too specific. I am a cock connosieur.

let's see what you like?

tfw my penis is like 6 inches but I saw my gf's post history and she said it was small and she probably fucks other guys behind my back

It looks really thick and scary. I think a penis looks best if it has at least a little vein showing through the skin.

do any femanons here like an average cock that supposedly looks nice?

LiteraIIy the perfect girth.

im actually joking, but this gif is hot

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have you ever had a bf with a dick like that?

do you have any dicks you like saved?

>tfw they did the so-called "beauty cut" when I was a baby

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I don't. I don't save porn or look at it much.

t. cutfag queef

could you draw one on MSpaint?

I'm uncut and love my dick but I don't think the smell has anything to do with hormones.

It doesn't have any smell unless I go more than a day without showering, in which case it just has a light musky smell

I never had a bf and I couldnt really look at the dick of the only guy I had sex with.

if pusy smells, i guarantee you our uncut peckers do too. we probably are just used to it

Pussy smells way more strongly, it's a canal that secretes fluids.

I know when my dick smells or not.

Regardless, there's nothing wrong with having a smell, as long as it's not too heavy. I mean, that's part of what makes real sex as opposed to me fucking a pocket pussy.

True, I do imagine penises have a hormonal scent, it might be fainter than the out right wave of fish pusy, but whether it be hormones or pheromones, it's gotta be there. Have you ever gotten a little turned on if a girl has a little bo? Not a lot obviously, but like a little if your dancing or fucking or whatever. I imagine same applies to wieners.

I fucking love girl smell. Small amount of armpit, pussy, ass smell really turns me on.

And yeah I agree that my dick does have a scent, however I don't think it's hormonal. It's definitely not a strong scent though, unless I skip a day or two of showering.

>I fucking love girl smell. Small amount of armpit, pussy, ass smell really turns me on.

Me too user. And hair too, love a warm head of hair in my face.

I don't know if my dick has a standing scent, I had the flu this year and skipped 4 or 5 days of showering. My dick and balls smelled fucking terrible, so who knows maybe it is more noticeable? Or maybe since we aren't attracted to dick we don't smell it, or we don't smell our own?

Truly life's greatest questions.

4-5 days of not showering is pretty extreme, though. My dick would smell after that period of time, but not with my usual routine of showering every day.

I don't think my dick usually smells much because a girl was sucking my dick once and randomly mentioned that my head is so clean.

Stop posting on this board, normalfaggots.

nice trips bud. I never skip showering unless I'm too sick to do so, so that's my only evidence. I also skipped a couple days of showering this year when I got oral herpes from a roastie. IF you've never had it before it makes you surprisingly sick. This year has kind of sucked.

PS, yeah, if you wash your cock, the head should be clean, I don't get why people freak out over foreskin, my dick is the easiest thing for me to clean in the shower, and looks circ'd when I have a boner.

Don't get it.

i'll be your bf user
in seriousness, why is that, did you get raped?

Hope you are gay

So you made out with a chick and got herpes? That sounds terrible

Cleaning my uncut dick literally takes two seconds. It is super easy.

Balls definitely smell more, and every guy has balls.

We had sex with the lights off and covered with sheets, it kinda just happened. I could touch but not see.

I only had sex twice and the last time I couldn't even see her butthole because it was in the dark

I wish I could have got a good view of her bare doggystyle butt

I just want a girl who will let me look at her butthole

Yeah, get this. I went out with a chick from TInder, we fuck two nights in a weekend, the second night she's being a thirsty bitch and biting my lip in public. I'm not cool with PDA, first and foremost. The next morning, she says "I feel guilty, I have a cold sore but didn't want to say anything". She had an ACTIVE cold sore!

I have to literally explain to her (she has a masters degree btw) that cold sores are herpes, and I will likely get it.

Bumps start up as her annoying ass leaves my place, three days later I have a mouth full of sores and a 100 degree fever.

Tell her, she doesn't care, just wants to come over and suck my dik. Ghost her.

I've had a second out break and it was way easier, just one sore, easily hideable, no fever, though my mouth hurt. Can't say I'm thrilled, I'm well known for having safe sex and eating box, now I can't do it in the heat of the moment. Could be worse though.

So now you have oral herpes forever? How does that work?

And was she a good fuck at least? I think you should have let her suck your dick with a condom or something.

Behold, the price of degeneracy.

I actually love PDA, it's cute and it makes me feel special.

Also, I notice people treat me a lot nicer when I'm with a girl.

Yup! I'm only contagious when I have a open sore, and the second outbreak let me feel it come on without knowing (felt more like a fat lip than a tingle like doctors will tell you).

She was an ok fuck. She would have been cuter if she didn't have 15 extra Prozac pounds, but she was one of the better looking tinder girls I've fucked (I've really, really fucked down on tinder).

But she could never come because of the ssri's kind of made it boring, I couldn't come because she wasn't even close, so I just had to jack hammer away, and then when she got bored, just bust quickly. Plus she was a SJW/Feminist, would never have worked out long term.

She had a nice ass though.

Getting my dick sucked wouldn't have been worth it, better to use me being under the weather as the beginning of the ghost then having her come over blow me, maybe fuck a little, then send her packing and telling her to fuck off for giving me herpes knowingly.

You're damn right, I've paid the price for my hypocrisy many times.

To each their own. I was ok with it last time I was in love, but that was a long time ago, and we actually had more privatish displays, like when we got into my car or the elevator.

did you bust good nuts in/on her at least?

Yeah, nothing mindblowing but good enough. I don't know why but i rarely fuck in spoons position. we did that and it felt fucking good, it's like putting doggy and missionary together.

have you been with girls that made you bust mindblowing nuts yet? how many girls have you gone through?

Yes. I've had what felt like shotgun blast nuts and I remember most of them.

I've slept with 7 women, 2 of them where escorts.

First epic nut was to the girl I lost my virginity to. I was horrible that night, could barely keep it up, then came in her unprotected. 3 years later I visited her in a different state, we drank and fucked. I ate her out then we fucked for 20 mins? I felt like I was going to come so we took a break, then I was ready again and she was more or less said make it quick. Fucked for 10 more minutes and felt my balls explode into her (i.e. the condom). I had made her come, and I had a unbeatable nut. Mission accomplished.

My ex (who was friends with homegirl who I lost my vcard to, fun fact they have they same style pubes and taste the same, never brought that up, my ex gf already jealous I fucked one of her friends, and made out with two others).

We got into a fight on superbowl sunday, after her work party and I kind of cooled off her for the night. We stayed in a motel because it was late and she gets horny and starts elbowing me.
>what do you think user?
>yeah right.

She turns the TV on sings along with the theme to Charmed. SHe's only in her undies. 20 minutes pass before I'm running to my car for a rubber. We fuck for a long time (trojan bareskin, if you don't have a micro cock they are insanely tight) Really good make up sex, even missionary is hot, she's sucking on my neck while I'm plowing her.

She gets on top and I eventually come grabbing her tits. Great nut.

Last amazing one is really straight forward, an amazing blowjob from an escort, came in her mouth felt like I was going to pass out from the sheer force of the nut.

How bout you?

Are these all white chicks?

And I've only nutted from two different girls who I didn't pay for (happy endings).

The first one was super tall and I'm a short guy so that made sex difficult, plus I wasn't really attracted to her. She did stroke me tou

The second time I fucked her but was super tired and with my inexperience, I was trying to jackhammer her and tired myself out in like 2 minutes. So we lie on our backs next to each other, and play with each other. She stroked me off and it felt amazing. I think it took about 5 minutes and god fucking damn, that was a fucking massive nut. I was squirting for like 30 seconds all over myself and her. The next morning she gave me another handie (she was bleeding a little so we couldn't fuck) and I busted a fat nut again but it wasn't as intense as the night before.

This was back in 2016, goddamn am I on a draught. I miss nutting from a girl so much, and I just miss being with a girl in general. I'm really sad right now but if I can bust a fat nut from a girl I would be so much happier. I need to step my tinder game up ASAP.

Jesus Christ, I've never seen what it looks like right after the procedure.

Yeah all white, my ex gf was English, so super white.

Damn 30 second nut sounds amazing.

Sounds like good nuts desu. I can only speak for myself but I'm actually over tinder, too many headaches and low tier chicks, I'm benching myself until I find a decent chick again.

I've been on longer dry spells, keep the faith pal.

Old school, pre-foreveralone r9k poster here. I get laid and I don't care if people talk about sex on this board, but some of these posts are absolutely disgusting. You make me want to get STI tested just reading about your filthy lives. Shit like this is what turns people into Jow Forumsfaggots talking about degeneracy 24/7. In previous centuries you were the idiots who died aged 23 of venereal diseases. Trashy af my dudes, get some self respect

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Was she from England? I love English chicks, they often have really nice asses that look great in thongs.

And yeah, very limited amount of nuts unfortunately but the ones with the second chick were amazing. I need to start busting nuts again or I'm gonna go insane (already happening, actually).

How have you got with your non tinder chicks? Any recent ones? I know tinder is a lot of headaches, it hasn't really done anything good for me yet.

Hopefully we both get with good chicks that drain our nuts on the regular

what's it like draining your nuts from a girl's toes?

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Yeah she was from outside Brighton, I forget the town's name. I was crazy about her, oneitis for a long time, until 6 months ago I just stopped caring what she thought or felt about me.

Non tinder chicks were usually just girls I knew, mostly high school, early college, kept up with a lot of them, but they're slowly starting to fade away.

I made out with one of my ex's friends and sucked her tits in public last year, she wanted me too fuck her but she was too drunk, I said no, she repaid me by ghosting me, go figure.

That's the most recent non tinder girl.

Hope we both get some good ladies too bud, it'll happen eventually, you're on a longer dry spell for me so it's probably more urgent, I'd be happy with some time off if it meant un doing some of my more degenerate habits/ better luck.

a bloo bloo

My penis sticks straight up when it's hard, is this normal?
(Like up to the ceiling)
When I was a bit younger I was convinced this wasn't normal because of porn and thought it needed to stick perfectly horizontally, so for along time I tried "training" it to stick horizontally.

But I've seen someone say that it's better for missionary sex, which I now realize is normal but when I was younger I assumed I wouldn't be able to do doggystyle and assumed that wasn't normal, but I guess if a girl was prone and positioned right I could lay above her if I wanted to.

How good of a fuck was the British girl? Did she drain your nuts?

And was she doing in the US?

And ah I fucking hate ghosts, that's a fucked up thing to do I think.

That sounds normal. And I think it would be better for some sex positions, and maybe even blowjobs

Yeah, she was great, my favorite lay so far. I also made her come a lot with just my dick which felt great.

She lived in the US most of her life actually, I wanna say early teen years she moved?

Ghosts suck, but it's part of the game.

Ah so she didn't have that sexy English accent?

My cousin came to the US from England at age 12 but she lost her accent by her late teens.

You know I mean it points straight up while I'm standing right?

No she very much has an accent. I don't know what dialect but it isn't that annoying BBC one.

Ah that's awesome.

Did she give good head?

Yeah, but she didn't do it often, usually only when I couldn't come because of the condom.

How often did you have the problem of not being able to cum because of the condom?

And what state do you live in?

Fairly often during that relationship, I wore too snug of condoms though, if i switched to bigger ones it was fine (no, I'm not saying I'm hung, just saying tight japanese rubbers may be thinner, but they are also tighter)

oh so you can feel your skin move around more when the condom is looser, right?

Yup, it's also just more natural. Trojan Ecstasy gets as close to raw as I've ever felt.

I'll keep that in mind!

And what part of the country do you live in?

Commiefornia. Yourself?

New Yorkistan

I'm surprised you haven't had any Latinas yet being in California!

Came close, but she was really prude. God damn I wish I banged her, she was so hot. How are NY chicks?

NYC and the surrounding areas are super diverse. Not just ethnicity but in personality type too. I think there are lot of cool chicks around here, but I haven't really had luck with any.

Hopefully soon!

And hopefully soon some nice Latinas will drain our nuts

I admire that head