When national socialism is back at full strength in about 15 years, will robots inherit the earth?

When national socialism is back at full strength in about 15 years, will robots inherit the earth?

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no, because you guys don't want to work
if you worked you would not be robots

And what makes you think national socialism will make an outstanding comeback?
I feel like an event like this would be highly unlikely

He thinks Jow Forums is real life

>they're not aware of the all protesters saying hail Hitler and giving the roman salute RIGHT NOW in Germany
Whether you like it or not, there's only ever two outcomes to society. Communism or National Socialism. And thanks to all you autists on the left, people are swinging right instead.

It's not entirely serious but nationalism is growing pretty fast in many places now when people start to see consequences of diversity.
It's not unlikely that Europe is nationalist again soon and while national socialism is less likely, it might lead there when nationalism is stronger.


and there is no hope for you

ns is dying on even pol though

>people aren't using nazi flags or saying heil muh furhur at the end of every post so that means they're not nat soc anymore
Lmfao I can tell you don't spend a lot of time on Jow Forums if at all.

Hahahaha are you retarded? If National Socialism returns you'll be subjugated by Chad even more than you are now. The outliers, those who don't fit and and those who are a burden on the country are seen as almost traitors by the NatSoc, you'd have it infinitely worse than you do now, infact you'd probably be fucking dead. I feel like all this nationalism and fascism shilling is instigated by racist Chad who wants to have even more power and you guys suck his dick as if doing so will make him like you finally. Disgusting fucking bootlickers

>who are a burden on the country are seen as almost traitors by the NatSoc, you'd have it infinitely worse than you do now, infact you'd probably be fucking dead
We're talking about National Socialism, not Marxism, you yamaka-wearing commie fuck.

Pic related, rabbi. Go liquidate yourself.

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>He thinks Jow Forums is real life

Insightful. Your post just made me realize why I'm here and not on Jow Forums. Jow Forums has little to do with real life. But Jow Forums is all about real life.

Jow Forums is obsessed about stuff that rarely has much impact on people's lives (like social justice wars, or libertarian ideology) -- topics that can certainly be inflammatory, but in reality often have little to do with people's lives. But Jow Forums talks about the truly important questions that are on people's minds all the time, like "why can't I get a girlfriend?", or "is my life going to get better when I get older?". On Jow Forums, you get to see people grappling with real and personal issues -- but on Jow Forums everyone is just posturing by sticking his political dick out and bragging about how long it is.

The blackest pill of all is when you realize this dichotomy means that all of Jow Forums is characterized by a fundamentally and deeply Jewish nature (i.e., obsessed with using complex verbal arguments to debate intellectual theory and ideology).

If you're too stupid/lazy to work we'll just let you starve, if you're ugly/socially awkward we'll bully you and harass you until you kill yourself.

You're welcome freaks.

1 miilion plus 1 time i've seen this quote
you're deluded nazi tard
All normies feel le.depressed at some point
famous powerful politicians with wifes were not robots.

The personal really is political though.
How does it feel to know that the reason you can't get a girlfriend is because of the hegemonic influence of cultural norms and policies specifically engineered to create social disorder for authorities to exploit? Or that your alienation and directionlessness are an immediate, tangible result of social engineering programs implemented by (((individuals))) in positions of political and economic authority to subvert peoples' natural tribalist tendencies for the sake of creating better wagecuck consumers? Those things aren't real to you? Or do you just not notice the forest in favor of the individual trees?

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There's no political system that would benefit socially akwards losers. People like us are destined to be bottom of the barrell don't matter who is in power.
If anything under national socialism we would either be sent to forced labor camps due to being lazy neets or straight up killed for having unfit genetics.
I honestly will never get the obsession so many losers on Jow Forums and other sites have with nazis.

What? Where did i say anything about Marxism you fucking mongoloid? You're literally doing what is in your pic, promising robots a Utopia if they just destroy the Bourgeoisie, the Jewish Elite in your case. Gas yourself retard.

You're pulling the standard Marxist switcharoo, that is, attributing to Nazism the very real atrocious practices and policies of the Bolsheviks. Unlike the fakeass holobunga of duh 600 gorillion, that shit ACTUALLY happened, which is why nobody talks about it.

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Not personally a nazi but could see how some robots could become one. Hitler was literally a robot who never had a gf till he was 50.

But user that's what happens now.

We would still be at the bottom of the barrel though, he's right about that.

First read this Then read thisNow laugh your ass off

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What the fuck are you talking about retard? YOU brought that point up. And it is exactly what you're doing. You know why people say this to you? It's because you are the other side of the same Jewish coin. Both you and the Jews aim to brainwash people with your ideology so you can shape the world in a way that is convenient to you. There is no real difference between you except what lies you use to rally people to your cause. Gas yourself faggot.

present proof or gtfo

Give me a percentage my man because otherwise it's meaningless.

Percentage for what? The protesters? Literally all of them are doing it, and there's thousands.

literally one of the most Jewish posts in the thread, by culture if not by content

Canada will have a robot PM in 15-20 years

>one of the most Jewish posts in the thread
>explicitly calling out the Jew
Are you niggers literally fucking retarded?
Ok, how about "Bowling Alone" by Putnam? Against his own ideological leanings, his motherfucker accidentally proved that ethnic diversity erodes social trust and harmony and fosters alienation, paranoia, and disorder. First world systems of political and economic power have been aware of this for decades, and they STILL actively encourage racial diversity by financially subsidizing it through various means, diversity quotas for instance, or turning a blind eye to illegal immigration.

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The fiercest critics of Israel are themselves Jewish.

You should reflect deeply and think about what led you down this path, because your (pseudo)intellectual pontifications make me think you'd fit in well at a Torah study group.

>hurr durr teh alt right is just full of memes and no one uses fact or statistics like us based Shilldawgs amirite?
>facts and stats gets posted

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Das Kapital is also full of statistics, friend :)

Which has never worked in real life. ;^)

Hitler was a volcel chad.

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Communism destroys identiy so I find it ironic that people with identity issues would subscribe to a movement which hates them and their individuality and tricks them with the illusion of GIBS FREE MONIES. Just look at how many people start attacking Trump and end up getting rich off it, it's rather deceptive.

While people say National Socialism is racist I think it does appeal to more racist people I don't believe it's out of hate but rather LOVE for ones country and trying to preserve it. I imagine the people complaining about borders are the same idiots who can't colour in between the lines too oblivious to notice that is how you create unique and diverse cultures.

When did you get the mistaken impression that I thought otherwise?

tell that to the japanese

>da joos r why u no gf

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What are women most affected by? Other women, parenting, and social media.
Who control social media?
Who creates the laws?
Who owns the vast majority of wealth and is the actual 1%?
But yeah please ignore the people who think all juden are evil. Obviously your next door neighbor Scmack Goldstein is probably not plotting your downfall every day that he wakes up in the morning before going to the mosque.

This shit is literally a meme parody of Jow Forums. Nigga is literally and unironically using a point that is used to parody Jow Forums

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>da joos r a hive mind and every single one of dem wants to use socials media to make it so womens don't date r9k loser faggots

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I literally said the fucking opposite you literal fucking retard.

>da joos r NOT a hive mind but dey still wants to use socials media to make women no date r9k loser neet

It's not so much why guys can't get a gf, it's why guys cant get a good wife.

um sweetie

Just remember
Chad is eternal

>omgg I am fat loser r9k neet that no shower whyy can't I find cute non loser woman?? fucken joos they did this, it not like I am loser faggot

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It will be in full strength but only for non white countries.

Enough. We're all tired.

>it's why guys cant get a good wife.
Not our problem you keep having failed relationships, norman. People here cant even get a gf let alone a wife.

>if you don't want to live in Somalia it's only because you blame the Jews for not getting a gf

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>if you dont want to want to gas the jews it means you want to live in somalia

That's not my point.
This isn't a robot problem, it's a societal problem that goes further than Jow Forums.
Sure normies can find somebody to fuck, but even they can't find a girl with good values who would be a good mother to their children.

How much of the total german population supports it you retard.

If you hate ethnonationalists and anyone who mentions the Jewish question, you might think that you don't want to live in Somalia but you want politics that will move Somalia to you.
Ethnonationalism and stopping Jew owned media are the minimum requirements for keeping nice white countries.
And for some reason you think that everyone who think about these issues is a loser that blames the Jews for not getting a gf.

>Feminist socioeconomic policy and the state-sponsored ascendance of female hypergamy are demonstratably responsible for the disenfranchisement of young men on multiple fronts; the "success" and "freedom" of women demonstratably comes at the expense of men.
>Feminism is and always has been essentially a form of sexual/cultural Marxism.
>Marxism is at its core a philosophy of Jewish subversion and supremacism.
Fyi cocksuckers, I didn't just attach a picture of Edward Bernays (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays) because I think he's cute. I chose it because of the role he played in utilizing media and public relations to help cigarette companies in the early 20th century market their poisonous product to the female demographic for the first time by appealing to concepts of "female empowerment" and "freedom" and shit (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torches_of_Freedom). Does this at all sound familiar to you faggots?

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>This isn't a robot problem, it's a societal problem that goes further than Jow Forums.
Yep, so not our problem, norman. Fuck off and go tell your sob story somewhere else. We don't care

>If you hate ethnonationalists and anyone who mentions the Jewish question, you might think that you don't want to live in Somalia but you want politics that will move Somalia to you.
>literally "If you don't want to gas the jews it means you want to turn your country into somalia"
how is that any different? I don't care about Jow Forums delusional. As long as the government is functional and strong holds to the constitution, America will be fine. It has worked for years and it will work now. We dont need to implement fascism and similarly schizophrenic ideologies to keep the country functioning
>And for some reason you think that everyone who think about these issues is a loser that blames the Jews for not getting a gf.
No actually i think the opposite. I think you're delusional failed normie cucks who got cheated on or lost your job to a better performing brown person or chink and now you want to subvert us into doing your dirty. Kindly crawl back into the shithole you came from

>your dirty.
Your dirty work*

>word salad
>academic mumbo jumbo
refer to

Of course robots are MOST affected by this, but it's not exclusive to them.

You are a Jew, trying to cause social division.

Hitler could've had any bitch in all of Deutschland

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Hey Pablo, how about you and your 20 goddamned cousins fuck off back to your fucking village and stop letting democrats pimp and exploit your taco munching asses in exchange for fancy modern nigger tech that you couldn't steal back in Mejico?

>hail hitler
cringe and bluepilled
>Roman Salute
based and redpilled
Make your choice, worm, and chose wisely.

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How the fuck is it our problem that you keep getting cheated on by your whore gfs? We CANT EVEN GET A GF IN THE FIRST PLACE, retard. Go to boomer facebook groups, their issues are more along the lines of yours.

You're a norman jew trying to subvert us into doing your dirty work

Nice response shitbag.
>Durrrrrr only J00z make abstract political and philosophical arguments!

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im up for anything that involves killing kikes

How the fuck do you even get to that conclusion from my post? The constitution does not allow unlimited immigration. Are you dense? Kill yourself normgroid. You will never, ever, ever convince any robot of your bullshit. Fuck you, i hope Tyrone cucks you some more and Pablo keeps stealing your jobs. Keep crying bitch nigga

>most [studies] have found above-average verbal and mathematical intelligence in Ashkenazi Jews, along with below-average spatial intelligence
Reminder that proficiency at abstract verbal games is literally genetically encoded into the Asheknazim.

This. Back to Israel, faggot

The rising tide raises all boats nigger.

>And what makes you think national socialism will make an outstanding comeback?
Capitalism is shitting the bed and Communism's image is tainted with prissy weirdos offended by their own shadows; Fascism wasn't called The Third Way for nothing.

>below-average spatial intelligence
Explains why their art, architecture and music are all trash

>Muh magical Jewish intelligence!
Fuck off, I am so fucking sick of citing this damn rebuttal baka. voxday.blogspot.com/2018/04/the-myth-of-jewish-intelligence.html?m=1
>First, you will note the usual definitional switch we've learned to anticipate. A subset - Ashkenazim - is substituted for the full set of Jews. Second, if one takes the trouble to look up and read these studies that are often referenced but never cited, one is immediately struck by the fact that the studies are a) misrepresented, b) old and outdated, c) invariably authored by those with an observable bias, and d) the samples reported are always limited to a very small subset of the subset of the set. For example, the primary source of the "115 IQ" claim appears to be a 1957 study by Boris Levinson entitled "The Intelligence of Applicants for Admission to Jewish Day Schools" published in Jewish Social Studies,Vol. 19, No. 3/4 (Jul. - Oct., 1957), pp. 129-140.

>Right in the study, which reported a 114.88 mean IQ for the 2083 students sampled, the author notes its intrinsic limitations.
>This study is limited to applicants for Day Schools adhering to the principles of the National Commission for Yeshiva Education. This sampling does not claim to represent the entire Jewish school population or even those children attending yeshiva Day Schools with a different educational emphasis.
Levinson further admits that the students sampled only represented 38 percent of the 5494 students attending the 16 Day Schools, raising the possibility that the sampled scores were cherry-picked. Now, are we seriously expected to believe that the mean of a partial subset of a wealthy private school subset of a half-European subset is even remotely representational of the average of the complete population set? This is so utterly absurd on its face that for the logically inclined, it alone should suffice to conclusively refute the claim.

Hence volcel. The advancement of his people and nation was his entire focus.
Any personal romantic relationship would be inappropriate for a man in his position.

Yeah, and we're not in any boat. You kicked us out of the boat and now you expect us to help you rise the tide. For what, so we can drown in it? No thanks.

Also i like how you're not even denying you're a norman at this point. I can at least appreciate your honesty.

>i will prove i'm not a jew who uses academic mumbo jumbo and verbal word games
>by posting more academic mumbo jumbo and verbal word games

>so lazy that he only bothered to find a study from 50 years ago and ignored all the replications of a classical result
Classic Jewish trick: manipulate others into doing your own work. Too bad I won't be spoonfeeding you the other papers :)

Truly, he was a paragon to his people.

kys normie

originally, kys

>How the fuck is it our problem that you keep getting cheated on by your whore gfs?

I'm a 28 year old virgin, you retard.
I have never had a gf.
I have never held a girl's hand.
I have never had any validation from a woman in my life at all.

I just recognise that this problem extends outside of Jow Forums.
It just hits the people here particularly badly because we are the lowest tier of men.

Not only that, this is one of the only places to talk about these problems we face, and freely.

>wanted to be with him even though she knew Germany's defeat was imminent
>married him even though she knew they would soon die or be captured
>didn't want to leave his side, committed suicide together

>tfw you will never have your own Eva

Attached: eva.png (624x196, 56K)

What is your Discord, sir?

lmao, did you even read the post you linked?

his "takedown" of one study (out of at least three that establish jewish iq ~ 115) ends with the acceptance jewish iq is still at least 107

since you probably failed statistics class, let me enlighten you with the fact that a population with iq mean 100 has 1 person with iq > 150 out of every 2330, whereas a population with iq mean 107 has 1 such person out of every 482

so, let me repeat, even if you accept the linked post as gospel, ashkenazi jews still have iq > 150 people at 5x the rate of the general population

oops meant to link original334

>When Hitler was 23, Eva hadn't even been born yet.
>Meanwhile normies upset over me wanting a teenage gf
What gives?

>What gives?

gas all normies

Honestly that is really touching.
What happened to dedication like that?
My uncle's wife left him because he lost his job and couldn't find work for a few months.

It's getting pretty brown now and it will continue until the standard of living is as low as poor brown countries or you decide to have nationalism.

The standard of National Socialism would be lost to "robots" who spend their days in laziness and pornography consumption. What was cannot be replicated in this world. The last stand against the Kali Yuga failed. It's all downslope from here. Treat the waters or sink with it.

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Jow Forums confirmed for being the most jewish board.

It's not about hate, rather it's about love and I love Jow Forums.

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Because nobody was willing to rise up and take control like Hitler, he was a robot when he was younger and wanted to be a painter but the jews wouldn't let him. Boths Jews and WNs sell degeneracy yet claimed to hate in it while partaking in it. Don't fall for that trap user, the more you think about it the more you will reflect it and we are all mirrors of the world we have seen.

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traps are surely reflections of the corrupted world, if not avatars of it. Most end up killing themselves, so it comes full circle in the process.

those kind of traps are weird and I don't see the appeal, wanting to fuck a trap is a sign of being mentally weak.

>he thinks Nat Soc was good for robots
Enjoy working long, hard hours in factories for shitty wages and forced to pay taxes and contributions to the party.
Don't want to work? It's the camps for you for being an useless leech.
Don't want to pay 30% of your pitiful wage to the Nazis? No job for you. No job? It's the camps for you for being a useless leech.
Don't talk to people? People will think you're gay or a commie - it's the camps for you

>Whether you like it or not, there's only ever two outcomes to society

Fuck you, and fuck your false dichotomy too.

> national socialism
> right
> S O C I A L I S M
> right