Big boobs, but no interest in love or sex

>big boobs, but no interest in love or sex

anyone else get no satisfaction from sexual intimacy or romantic gestures, but feel frustrated by not being able to enjoy such basic human interactions? I've had boyfriends before, but I was never into the kissing part, just the best friend part. Then they break up with me because they don't want to have sex with someone who isn't in to it. My best friend is a guy who also not into relationships and he's short and young looking so I don't really see him like other guys. Although he does enjoy playing with my breasts I see it as an endearing thing. He never goes any further and respects my decision to not have sex or have a relationship.

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>My best friend is a guy who also not into relationships and he's short and young looking so I don't really see him like other guys.

I hope this isn't a LARP, but an accidental reveal that even FRIGID ASEXUAL BITCHES don't see short or baby-faced guys as being legitimate sexual beings.

Like, the asexual girl LIKES the short guy with the baby face because she ASSUMES he's not actually a man.

That is some funny shit.

it sounds really fucked up, but I would never tell him that I see him in the same light as I do with cats or rabbits that have bonded with a human. He's like the only guy I can tolerate cuddling with. I'm not like this with every short guy .

Do shrooms or acid...and increase dosage until you true self reveales itself.cause you broken girl

And/Or MDMA or Extacy...for increasing the stimulations or pleasures.

could be used at the same time as shrooms!

You sound like a typical ugly faced woman. Just saying

I don't want to rely on drugs to enjoy sex. I'm not a romantic or sexual person. The issue I have with intimacy is knowing how to be affectionate. Being extremely friendly is straining to me and I often feel fake for trying to connect to others and people can see through my act so I don't really bother trying to make friends .

>I see him in the same light as I do with cats or rabbits that have bonded with a human

Well, that's how all non-asexual women see short guys, so maybe you're not as unusual sexually as you think.




*not knowing how to be affectionate.

no more in sex if everything I do is an act and not a genuine performance of lust.

Don't bully manlets

Well, you don't have to rely on drugs. Drugs are tool. What I was saying is to use 3-4 times drugs to try increasing the odd of allowing yourself/ inner self to have pleasure and intimacy.

If you don't feel comfortable with people intimacy, using drug 2-3 times could potentially help you develop a little bit more that side of you.

Lastly psychadelics, will definitely change the way you see people but also the way you see yourself....and utlmately help you change or identify the many interpersonal issues you have.

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>tfw look like a male model but hardly care about sex and just want a nice understanding gf to cuddle

>Don't bully manlets

But manlets

a) got no reason
b) have to finally fucking LEARN. That they're rabbits.

Manlets are already discriminated against. They don't need to learn to be oppressed even more.

Sounds like no one has ever given you an orgasm. Including yourself.

it's not a matter of not knowing how to masturbate or not fucking a Chad. It's a mental thing. I don't get horny. I don't get all lovey dovey over a person.

You don't need to fuck chad to get an orgasm, chad doesn't give orgasms usually he just pleases himself, the girls lie and say they orgasmed and he's the best they ever had because he is chad. Chad doesn't know he is bad at sex. Betas work to make the girl orgasm.

That's beside the point though. Have you ever had an orgasm?

I've had an orgasm, but it was mostly physical. I didn't go all "OH GOD OH GOD YES YES! FASTER FASTER!!!"

So it felt good or nah? Because the good feeling is not from the physical reaction to being touched it's from the release of dopamine in the brain. You might just need some vitamin b. Take vitamin b daily.

Or even better eat some fruit. Eat bananas daily. It's good for you. I bet you have a shitty diet. Anyway post some tits?

There is no hope. Women just hate short dudes.

I agree with this guy, mainly the last part

It felt okay, but I felt like there could have been a lot more to the orgasm. I don't get into a trance when it comes to masturbation or sex. My friend given let his use his massage wand once, but I did not feel okay.

My diet is mostly chicken. Chicken tacos, Chicken adobo, chicken curry. I don't really eat out much and I always regret buying junk food . When I do eat chips, it's mostly chips and salsa. I don't eat much fruit. :)

Yep. You need vitamins. Your diet is shit. Chicken is very low quality protein and chips are terrible. People shouldn't even eat chips. Switch over to red meat and eat fruit and green vegetables more often if you want to get better. This will work. Otherwise carry on complaining and not doing anything to fix your problem. Choice is yours.

Meanwhile post your tits.

I like chicken because it's cheap. I can get a good amount for under $10. Steak is usually pretty costly.

>I see him in the same light as I do with cats or rabbits that have bonded with a human
holy fucking shit please tell me you're joking.

He never once asked me out or tried to have sex with me. Even when we were living together he tried to creep on me. He only went as far as to decide to grope me sometimes or join me for a bath when I got some bathbombs.

but you said you see him like a rabbit because he's short. that's fucked up.

*even when we were living together he never tried to creep on me

It's kind of hard to not see him in that light because of how pet-like he is.

this is the post that pushed me over the edge.
short men are literally pets.
im gonna kill myself tonight.

please don't offense to it. I'm broken. I'm sure that there are women out there who don't mind short men.

no there aren't. women hate short men. you cant just say offensive things and then say "no offense".
I mean your'e literally asexual and yet you even hate short men.
its over

I don't hate short men. I love my best friend very much. I care a lot for him.

user you are right but don't kill yourself. Women aren't worth killing yourself for.

yes you do hate short men. you dont see them as real humans and you would never be attracted to them.
women cant just say "I dont hate __ but id never date them". That means you sexually hate them.
its over

If I was capable of love and he was doing better in life than I would consider dating him.

you cant save face now, it's okay I understand, you and women as a whole hate me and men like me. i have accepted it and i will kill myself so that i dont bother you all with my shortness anymore.

NO NO NO! Please do not take offense to it!

this thread is cringe gold

please don't post this thread on Jow Forumscringe

You're fucked in the head
You didnt' need to write all that tripe

How big are those tiddies though

Are you up front about this with your boyfriends, or do you string them along because you enjoy what they provide?
I don't see the issue with an asexual relationship as long as it's established as being such and agreed upon, but leaving it open to interpretation probably leads all of your former boyfriends to wonder where they went wrong with you.

Im sorry to say it but if you dont enjoy sex period you will most likely never get into a healthy relationship and marry.
Theres some causes and semi cures for it, but if none of them work your basically fucked.

It's all a process. Slowly get more in touch with your body, in touch with lust and pleasure.
Men are going to be dissatisfied if you can't fuck with them in the longterm.

>tfw no asexual friend who lets you play with her breasts

I'd rather never have such a friend than having it but being seen as a pet by her. That's fucked up. Of course, this thread is nothing more than OP larping but it does sound fucked up nonetheless.

You better never ever get guys come to you this close. You hurt them.

Also tits or GTFO.

This entire thread reads like bad bait written by bitter virgin lanklets.

she can think whatever she wants as long as I'm having a go on those boobies 2bh