Proud of me dad?

>Proud of me dad?

Attached: 1536105360093.jpg (640x729, 37K)

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whose cock is it anyway

I imagine the tranny on the dad's computer typing this on his facebook, wearing the old man's head like a hat.

>welcome to Colin's life where the genders are made up and biology doesnt matter

Attached: drew.jpg (480x360, 16K)

He's getting old in an original way.

>things you say to pretend you're not dead inside

Attached: whoseline.jpg (600x492, 37K)

Oh, for fucks sake.


is he joking or is this real?


I like how the mother's smile looks genuine but his looks like that one smiling dog picture.

forty keks

>if only you knew how bad things truly were


>putting all our eggs in one basket
parents who have 1 (one) child deserve for their offspring to be gay/trans/furry

>28 years ago
>your wife gives birth to a son
>imagine what his lif eis gonna be like, that he will one day start his own family and have his own kids with his own wife
>28 years later

Attached: 23321321321312.png (258x330, 194K)

this bros

when i find my qt aryan waifu i'm gonna put so many babies in her it'll make a rabbit look infertile

feel bad for him

Attached: 1675778691279.png (673x379, 302K)

>son is balding
life could be worse robots

>unironically using the vocabulary of an alt right autist

>wanting to have multiple kids

I hope they all hate you

u mad bro


Hate to tell this to you, but "aryan" has been a commonly used word since long before the internet was a thing, and hasn't surged above normal usage since the "alt-right" has become a thing.
And for Christ's sake, it's only okay to double space to separate paragraphs, not different lines of greentext.

Facts. I'm a generic dead end but my parents at least had 3 other kids and 1 already reproduced so they accomplished the goal. Having only 1 kid is retarded

I'm actually jealous of them. My dad never even liked me very much, let alone loved me unconditionally like Colin loves his daughter.

His dad did him more damage than help.

Remember to redpill them once they hit puberty. Warn them about the non-white problem so they don't put themselves in danger.

they could have at least tried to have nice hair rather than pube hair. the fuck is that on their head anyway.

Attached: C2veeVYUAAA2IBy.jpg (511x830, 68K)

>parents had 3 kids
>none of us are going to reproduce
I'm here, one of my brothers is a basedboy, and the other is mgtow. The basedboy is most likely to reproduce obviously, he even has a girlfriend unlike the other two of us, but he doesn't like kids and his gf doesn't seem all that interested in reproducing either.

Attached: Pepe Devilish.jpg (396x482, 48K)

He's always looked like that though

manwha user, what exactly do you post?
i've seen you across 4ch but i never really bothered to ask before

why does she look like a hon when they probably have enough money for so many feminization procedures. she doesnt even look like shes on HRT desu

time to dilate!

god damnit this country of mine

That guys parents are fucking cucks

Lel. Atleast he isn't a completely braindead retard that thinks being mentally ill is an acceptable gender.

>parents had 3 kids
>one passed away
>one is trans
>ive never had a gf and I'm pretty sure they've given up on me.

what's up with that hat
to distract from the weiner maybe

so never, kek

Imagine becoming a tranny when you have those hair genes.

Why does he not fucking shave?