Misanthrope thread. Talk about why you hate people.
Misanthrope thread. Talk about why you hate people
Based GG.
Because I am one and I walk among them. I also love them. I am a true misanthrope and that includes misanthropes.
even if i have valid criticisms of people i wouldn't have ever had them if i wasn't lesser than other people so my misanthropy is really just another reason to hate myself. which is funny because all the pseuds do say misanthropy is just your self hatred.
They fucked me over
I don't hate people in general. I just hate OP.
its not that i necessarily hate the human race even though they are sad fickle creatures its just that i dont carer what happens to them wether it be good or bad or if im the one impacting them i feel this way for all life in the cosmos tho
why not what have people done at all? they just fuck each other over like the worthless sheep they are i never seen why i had to like anyone at all , we are just surviving and need to be put out of our misery
You seem to enjoy a good meme or two. Follow trends that suit your sensibilities. Like a sheep. You fit in to your contrived and jagged niche to fit in, just like Tetris. You admire fuckers and regret your "not fitting in" to the fucking paradigm. You try because you are a lump of coal under pressure. Do I hate you? No. No, I don't.
People and life are so fucking complicated, I don't know how anyone can be a convinced misanthrope or a convinced philanthrope. The people who subscribe to either conception are either stupid or lazy, as far as I can tell.
>tfw you don't really hate people, you just hate yourself because you don't fit in with people
Self centered edgy faggot
I hate you. Why would I talk to someone like you as a misanthrope?
Am I doing it right?
i always missed the mark wich always fucked me over. i always got told what the fuck to do with my own fucking life and had to be selfless for the sake of being selfless. fuck that and fuck everyone.
I hate people because I love people. I truly see everyone as equal to me, and I love myself, but I also hate myself, so therefore, I love and hate everything and everyone I see. We live until we die, and we try to find some meaning in between. Whether we find it or not doesn't really matter, but we can't stop looking because for some fucking reason we're hardwired to look. People who kill themselves are just the ones who got tired of looking. May whatever gods that be have mercy on our souls. At least in the meantime there's liquor and keks. Yeet.
they make communism impossible
They're complicated and don't bend to my will.
how can i hate animals, I'm one aswell
a flesh and bone horny animal, atleast we have
souls realized or not we carry the potential to reach God, though most of us live like animals or zombies climbing on top of one another to ''see the fabricated light''
this worlds a joke, reaching God should be our one and only concern. everything else is just skipping in a field of roses. ignorant bliss
>thinks this isn't fascist, while firmly believing everyone else is fascist
fascism is authoritarian capitalism that poses as anti-capitalist at first (to get the working class on its side) then goes on to start imperialist wars and crush the international socialist movement, it's not just "authoritarianism"
>Mom makes me go to college to socialize with people
>do well in classes but feel it's all a big hassle since I don't have any goals for a career
>sit near the front
>always get someone who insists on sitting right next to me
>thought it'd be easy to make friends with people being this close but they're boring morons
>single dad who brings his kid to class looks like Jesse Pinkman and doesn't know how to use a comma or what a bibliography is despite this being an advanced course
>constantly bugs people to help him with work like a druggy asking for a fix
>fat black woman who constantly interrupts to professor to ask questions on the most basic and easy to grasp shit like how to do exponents after it's been explained to her 50 times
>fat boomer who just bitches nonstop about his car
>only person in any class I even come close to relating to is some fat neckbeard dude with a lazy eye who brings his switch to class
>everyone who is "up on things" at all is about 18-19, wants nothing to do with me, and already has an established circle of friends they don't interact outside of besides being polite
>almost done with my associates and haven't made a single friend despite trying extremely hard to be friendly and outgoing
>nobody is antagonistic whatsoever but they're all either obnoxious or totally shut down from anyone else and are just there to get work finished and leave
>only people who actually want to be friends are incredibly stupid, have no interests or hobbies at all besides watching football and literally that is it
>wouldn't even mind if it was just sitting in a boat silently fishing or drinking beer, but nope just watching football doing nothing else at all, football and sleep
>nobody watches interesting shows, literally nothing outside of the most normalfag shit like GoT or Harry Potter
It's a fucking nightmare I'd rather be friends with 15 year old 9gag fortnite streamers than these people. All the women are fat and old as fuck too.
I`d argue that fascism isn`t about world domination. It restricts itself to one state. Other states in other parts of the world can believe what they want.
I`m not sure fascism is even about mind control, except in politics, and there you can get away with lip service.
I`m not pro-fascist - as an economic system it sucks balls, and questioning a state is important - but using it as an overall curseword for shit you don`t like is faggoty.
I got a hard redpill on race when I took a math course in a public university.
I was the Mischling. I got in a study group with a dark black girl and a light black girl (later found out her grandma was white).
I breezed through that class with the world`s comfiest A and felt like I was wasting my time. Light black girl got a B because she listened when I helped her study. Dark black girl argued back even when I explained how the maths worked. She got a D.
I can hear their thoughts whenever I'm around them. Their presence fills me with dread.
I just want to go out and be alone, but there's always so many of them. Surrounded with no escape.
I spent the past six months or so doing my best to help this person with BPD with their various mental and motivation issues, I just found out this whole time they were mocking me and saying bad things about me behind my back to our mutual friends, and generally trying to hurt and manipulate me.
They're loud, pollutant, uncaring, egotistical, selfish, shallow, stupid, unaware of their surroundings, vapid, brainwashed, arrogant, and ever swarming, fucking, and making more of themselves. They're a collective mass extinction event and a blight. I wish I was not one of them.
People need either love or hate to fulfill their emotional needs, I guess its easier for us to hate.
Underrated post.
Whenever I feel edgy, misanthropic anger (like right now), with a little introspection I can accept that the root cause is I don't know how to fit in and be happy. I don't have a life and there's nothing I'm really good at. That feels really bad, so I externalize it and think other people are a bunch of shallow and moronic dickheads, and that's easier to deal with. But I'm aware on some level that's what I'm doing.