It's honestly just funny at this point
Why the fuck can't these fucks leave us alone? We get bullied and isolated by everyone in real life but online suddenly everyone wants to force all their bullshit agendas on us in the one and only place we HAD left. I hope all you cretins fucking die
>both Jow Forums and /lgbt/ raiding r9k at the same time
That would be like Holland raiding the Netherlands
>Why the fuck can't these fucks leave us alone?
Because pol and LGBT are so shit and boring they have to do this to be entertained. Personally I hate the fags, keep that shit on your own board
You forgot several /lgbt/ threads in the catalogue, boi.
Really? I thought i got em all. I just skimmed over the catalog so i could have missed some. Post em boi
I agree
GTFO failed normies and /lgbt/ rejects
This. Whenever you openly disagree with these fucks they immediately drop any pretenses of "our robot friends" and openly tell you they fucking hate you. There is mutual repulsion, we hate you and you hate us. Why can't you just leave us alone? We have no political power, no one listens to us or even knows we exist, we can't mean anything to you. Just fuck off.
I swear only literal faggots and unfunny losers say this
We need Jow Forums to beat the LGBT scourge from this board
Except they don't do that. They just post racebait.
Up there in the long lost of fagshit including "boyo" and "senpai". I've noticed that such phrases are popular amongst discord users too. OP is now exposed for what he is.
/lgbt/ is worse than Jow Forums, but both of them need to go back to their containment boards
f -a m
>implying it isn't just a robot who also goes to Jow Forums
>implying it isn't /lgbt/ false flagging to rile people up over MUH POL MENACE
Jow Forums as a board doesn't give a fuck about this one you nunce. Even when people go over there and post "sand halp traps are spamming the board" they're told to fuck off.
>oy vey someone exposed us quick call something that makes him look bad
I was clearly saying that as a joke because this guy said it. Neck yourself
>"I was only pretending to look retarded"
Did i say literally all of Jow Forums comes here to raid? Fuck off you strawmanning retard. It's obviously some discord group from there. But is still Jow Forums.
Every day i pray that both you and /lgbt/ are exterminated. You all ruined this board with your constant internet bitch fights over who gets to yell the loudest.
when you see /r9gay/ getting 300 replies a thread and actual meaningful threads getting archived
>guy says "boi"
>i reply with boi back as a joke
>trying to spin something this minor, literally a three letter word into an elaborate conspiracy
I geniunely hope you die
>tfw i find Jow Forums more annoying than /lgbt/
I think this is because I'm used to seeing Jow Forumsshit fucking everywhere and it drives me nuts. Or maybe I'm just a faggot and I didn't know it.
>being this autistic
Whatever you say kid.
>the damage control
>"i-i-it w-was a joke guise, i'm only pretending to look retarded"
Yeah that's usually how people are on r9k. Quite telling though how you're trying to insult me for being autistic. I thought you were also robots?
That kind of hurt shouldn't be allowed here
Well no it's all a big ironic meme :^)
>Well no it's all a big ironic meme :^)
For you it is, Jow Forums normie.
Le ebin chroll
>I swear only literal faggots and unfunny losers say this
>I was clearly saying that as a joke
Again, let me be clear. Jow Forums either doesn't care about this board, or outright hate it. They don't even have a discord, otherwise I'd be fucking aware of it since there are days I will lurk on Jow Forums literally all day. Fucking moron.
Can't blame them, it's like being in a zoo of catastrophe. Only this zoo is always in stock with new disasters.
Ok man you made the point. You can stop repeating yourself now.
Why would you try to convert animals at the zoo to your ideology?
I don't even know why you're trying to argue this point when its a well known fact that Jow Forums shills on this board amongst others.
>trust me there are no discord
Lol what?There are tons of them, there were even sjws screeching about them and news articles being written on them a while back.
Well the only posts which are mine are
But thanks anyway.
>there were even sjws screeching about them and news articles being written on them a while back.
if only these journalists who wrote the articles had any legs to stand on
>a well known fact
Coming from the faggot that has barely at all if ever lurked on Jow Forums. I'm just going to keep repeating myself. If there are raids Jow Forums the board is not responsible for it.
Keep repeating yourself, it won't make it any more true. Everyone knows Jow Forums raids other boards. R9k is no exception as you see. I don't care what you say if the evidence clearly says otherwise. You have an obvious stake in trying to cover your ass, so it's no surprise you're denying it really.
>the evidence
>the proof
>everyone know this
>no actual evidence given that it is the board Jow Forums and not either storm front or /lgbt/ passing themselves off as Jow Forums to rile people up
Sure, just like the pee tapes amirite.
>getting triggered by boi
Thanks I'll post it more often now, bois :}
If it walks, looks and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. On hand we have Jow Forums shilling stuff using classic Jow Forums talking points, infographics and meme pics and when it is mentioned polfags come to the defense to call you a kike or whatever. Add to that the fact that is well known and widely accepted fact that Jow Forums has been raiding other boards for years now. On the other hand we have you claiming that it *might* be a conspiracy. What do you think weighs heavier? Occams razor already disproves your hypothesis
>reee these opinions not allowed
Have you ever considered the possibility that Jow Forumsacks may just also browse other boards, and some of those Jow Forumsacks just post their opinions on those boards, without the need of some kind of conspiracy?
It's rare for Jow Forums to actually do these raids on other boards that you seem to think are so common. It's just a matter of Jow Forums being the largest board on the site, and thus defining it's culture in great part, as has happened with every other board to have been dominant at any point in time in Jow Forums's history.
>shifting the goalposts from "it's not Jow Forums" to "it is Jow Forums but it doesn't matter"
thanks for admitting i guess
The guy you were talking to wasn't me, I'm a different person.
That guy was even dumber than you for suggesting an even more needlessly elaborate conspiracy.
I was also going to add to you, that the population of Jow Forums now is reddit and geriatric boomers, both of which don't give a fuck about doxxing/raiding, and don't even know what the fuck that even is.
See > most of old-pol left for other chans after the r_donald invaded, just before the boomer invasion.
Why wouId you do that though?
Shit my bad.
nothing about this is complicated. Its literally just people from other boards who meet up in a chatroom to post threads here at the same time. I'm not debating wether this is a splinter group, it's still Jow Forums even if it is not the majority there.
>people from other boards who meet up in a chatroom to post threads here at the same time
Well lets see
>multiple threads of the same topic being posted at the same time
I'm gonna need proof of that, because all the OP shows is threads with completely different topics being posted hours apart.
More or less the same shit in more or less the same time window.
I have given up lads. I thought about moving to other boards and asking "where can i go now?", and it just hit me. I don't think we'll ever get comfy, pre 2016 r9k back. An entire culture has died. I guess it's time to move on to other things, but i ask the same question. Where? My teenage years were spent jumping from one place to the other and i finally settled here. This place became a part of who i am and now i don't feel like i fit in anywhere else anymore. But "this place" is gone, and the way it currently is is just pure cancer and has nothing to do with what it used to be, and that applies to all of Jow Forums. So now i have nowhere anymore. I feel empty.
Can anyone relate?
>le pol bogeyman
The mass organized faggot threads are much worse than the occasional user calling someone a nigger
I keep hearing this bullshit but never find these migrant hotspot chans, funny isn't it?
>inb4 8ch's deadpol
The thread literally is about both of them being cancer
kill yourself poltard
>conveniently forgets about the dozens of racebait and Jow Forums related threads that are posted daily on Jow Forums.
I do, pretty much exactly like you by the time I decided to really try and become a regular, it all was way past its prime, I just found a post-stormfront, post-r/thedonald shithole that somewhat could resemble some of the aspects of Jow Forums I liked, I can't even imagine where to go because the concept of Jow Forums is rather unique, and the 'alternatives' are either dead or too normalfag/controlled. Reddit is nowhere near the controlled-chaos environment that existed here, and it's too regulated and specific.
>When you have to go to plebbit for finding oldchan-esque sites which bash plebbit
>I can't even imagine where to go because the concept of Jow Forums is rather unique, and the 'alternatives' are either dead or too normalfag/controlled. Reddit is nowhere near the controlled-chaos environment that existed here, and it's too regulated and specific.
This. I'm honestly looking for something to resemble the mix of different unique threads, topics and all kinds of discussions going on on r9k and evsn /b/ before the election happened(though /b/ went to shit much earlier). The election really fucked this place up for good. Now its just flavor of the month memes, brainlet wojak, bitcoin memes, /v/ cancer, literal psyops pushed by internet cults. Idk how to coin or define this cancer era, but if someone gets the image i'm trying to draw and has an idea what i'm talking about please tell me because i cant be the only one who feels this way.
because a good portion of Jow Forums users are depressed, lonely, impressionable youths who can be swayed by one side or the other.
frankly natsoc would be better than trannyism, as at least natsoc implores the individual to better themselves.
>frankly natsoc would be better than trannyism, as at least natsoc implores the individual to better themselves.
There is no doubt about that. Jow Forums has some good subcultures that focus on personal improvement and being a strong man. I support that fully. I'm just opposed to the elaborate and schizophrenic conspiracy theories and the extremist political views.
Pol has always been loved on Jow Forums until the election, fuck off dude
>I'm just opposed to the elaborate and schizophrenic conspiracy theories and the extremist political views.
while I can see where youre coming from, I disagree.
>while I can see where youre coming from, I disagree.
Fair enough. Though i disagree, i can understand why one would subscribe to the extremist view. The only thing i can't see a rational person believing in is the conspiracy theories.
>be black
>Go on Jow Forums
>Fucking Jow Forumsfag tried to tell me I fuck white girls and I've got a low IQ
>Ends it with blaming the Jews
Seriously fuck this shit already I come here to feel a bit of comfort with people facing the same problems as me I don't come here to get told I'm not a virgin, I'm stupid and I can get girls easily because of Jews pushing gang culture. What type of retarded shit is this.
>Seriously fuck this shit
polfags are losers man, I grew out of it like most robots did...
finally a redeeming thing about you
>Now its just flavor of the month memes, brainlet wojak, bitcoin memes, /v/ cancer, literal psyops pushed by internet cults. Idk how to coin or define this cancer era, but if someone gets the image i'm trying to draw and has an idea what i'm talking about please tell me because i cant be the only one who feels this way.
I think i know what you mean but i cant really articulate it. Maybe someone else can
dude there is no way you could tell I was gunjy.
dude seriously how the fuck??
Are you being sarcastic? Lol. If no, it's pretty easy to spot you.
>polfags are losers man, I grew out of it like most robots did...
dude how the fuck do you see this and say its gunjy?
actually serious.
how are you going man... been kinda shit day for me.
It's Chad senses. Kind of like spider senses but only chad has it. I can sense any person from far away with this simply by seeing their posts on Jow Forums.
But no seriously, you are easy to spot. I don't think i'm the only one who can do it
I mean I understand when I do the following things im easy to spot.
>Post Megumin of course
> misspell "that" as "taht".I do this subconsciously so much I dont even fix it seriously
>talk about lolis ect...
Who are you man, did you chat to me on discord or some shit?
fuck man, chadsense is strong dude holy fuck.
>answer related to post
Fuck off attention whore.
Also just to ruin your delusion that people notice you regularly:
>everyone posts megumin because she is best girl
>no one gives a fuck what kind of spelling mistakes you make
>everyone talks about lolis
You are generic, unnoticeable, underage and a discord fag.
>>everyone posts megumin because she is best girl
She is I love her so much, cant wait for my daki cover!
going to cuddle her and watch anime together.
>>everyone talks about lolis
this is why I love R9K.
>You are generic, unnoticeable, underage and a discord fag.
True true false and true
Fuck you for spamming a character I like so much that now she feels forced and it pisses me off. Shut the fuck up about her or at least tone it down.
sorry dude.
I feel bad because I got the other megu poster banned as the mods thought it was the megu spammer.
you can still post megu man...
>Shut the fuck up about her or at least tone it down.
I love her un-ironically my dude..I can try
I don't believe you for a second about not being underage, obsessing to the point of obnoxiously spamming a character and crooning about how much you love them is total kid shit, been seeing it for long enough to know it usually lasts about as long as a typical teenage phase but you're making it one that's forced down my throat whenever I check the catalog so just find other characters you like, expand your damn images and stop being such a pleb.
>I don't believe you for a second about not being underage,
pic related
>expand your damn images
But I have 3gb of megumin images?
im sorry man for being a retard..fuck im a loser
Its none of those lole
Yeah i did talk to you on discord. But you probably dont know who i am
i heard him talk in vc on discord and he does soundclike an underage or at least very young
im tard man I cant understand things.
I used to sound MUCH younger before I started drinking daily.
still sound young