Has anyone managed to make friends online? i want to feel party of a community and get to know people...

has anyone managed to make friends online? i want to feel party of a community and get to know people. I tried signing up for some forums and hanging out in some discord servers but it seems everyone is already friends with each other. I'm always an outsider

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I'd like to be your friend user.

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>not wanting one friend who is your only friend and best friend and you're their only friend and best friends
gtfo normie

this but replace friend with girlfriend

You don't need friends. The only worthwhile way to go is the lonely road.

I married a friend i made online

>Make friends
>none of them want to play video games with me
lmaoing @ my life

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Talk to your siblings or cousins. After so many years looking to make friends I found they are the only ones that last. I hate my family for the most part but they are always here.

Have you ever tried a community game server?

>tfw played WOW for 5yrs, only grouped with another player for a few days

>in about 15 different discord servers
>Always join the general voice chat with people in them
>Either no one is talking and afk or talking to each other
>Tries to get their attention a few times with basic shit questions
>How is everyone
>Back to talking to each other
>Leave call
I sit for an hour trying to figure out what the fuck to say
>Try to talk to them a lot
>Shot down fast and everyone moves to another channel

I always ask myself the same thing.
I see a lot of robots and other social outcast saying that even though they don't have irl friends, they have plenty of online friends, but I don't even know how they do it.
I'm guessing that you need to join a discord server before it becomes full of people and cliques begin to form?

You can only join a discord server and join the "clique" if it's brand new. Otherwise they already have a clique and you aren't getting in.

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Does anyone need a friend? I am always here if you need me.

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I'll be your friend user, not a robot but the plight of the robotkind echoes the sentiments I've felt in more difficult times in my life.

Kik- remstar818

I have made lots of frens online.... but when you are not user people will try to hurt you...
You risk what you say to people being taken out of context and people wanting you dead.

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Hey gunjy, maybe you should have made better friends

I used to. I'm just too old to relate to most people though.

Hiki here
I made several friends online and it was fun for years or months, even a couple of long term long distance relationships but I ghosted them because of my autism and avoidant personality disorder. I'm kinda ok now just posting a little from time to time and lurking, also I mostly play singleplayer games nowadays. I don't want to think the gang misses me but they knew my issues and I think they'll be ok. I feel way more tranquil with very limited contact with other human beings.

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I figured it out, don't even bother with servers you won't fit in anyway, just try getting conversations going with anons in threads and then ask for their discord so you can chat more, theres a 50/50 chance they'll actually have a discord or add you, and theres also a high chance you wont even be talking after a day or a week but if you click well enough then you will have made a good friend. Outside of this place I don't really know how to find friends.

sad thing is I have a private fren who I talk to who is going through some stuff and we have a server for just me and him.
>TFW we planned to watch lain together when he finally moved into his new house
I am more sad about this than about all the drama bullshit.

discord is no different than face book I will only be an user from now on....

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I can relate to this feel, but at the same time I've already found conformity with being an outcast. Desiring to have friends only makes you feel shitty

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bro im also hikki.
the owner of the hikki board on 8 chin has a dikcord server with ONLY real hikkis or former hikkis.
if you want to talk to hikis as non user do it there

I can make friends but I can never get a conversation to flow naturally. Always feels like I'm just interrogating.

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I made many long lasting online friends and even an IRL relationship I've had since the Bush era. I'm 32 but can't relate to the Tinder or current dating culture because I settled down in the 00s. I still talk to these people I've known since 2005 and have their phone numbers. It was so much easier then. Internet dating was a paradise before Obama. It was also easier to make long term deep friendships. Guess I was lucky.

I don't know how people do it. I meet peopl online and instantly feel like ghosting them last. How do you keep it up?

does that mean that you have blocked/removed everyone you've added from r9k?

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Because before the Obama era we'd know each other for years on niche forums. We'd go there each day to discuss our interests and we'd have our own mini communities. You'd be talking to the same people each day and get to know each other. Sometimes you'd call each other over the phone or even meet IRL. I'm about 32 and this is how internet culture was for me.

i have
it really came from me signing up for like one forum and just picking up friends slowly, sometimes losing others.

it's nice at times to feel part of a small group of friends, i'm not down for a large community tho.

find a niche video game.
i've been part of an ss13 community for years, and i've made friends in it that i don't want to imagine life without anymore.

Yeah I compete regularly in hacking competitions and have made more long term friends and connections using that route than in real life

Why don't we just build up the community we have here?


how do you get friends on fucking SS13
i can hardly play the game without an admin crawling into my dickhole because i do something slightly wrong, even on /tg/station of all places

>tfw literally created a community around overwatch when it first came out
>all it took was one reddit post
>invited them all to my discord
>community created
>sniped more people from other discords into my own
>tfw created a discord that everyone wanted to join

Literally not that hard. If you really wanted to be a part of a community, youd create one yourself. Maybe they dont want to be friends with you because of your shit personality? No one wants a friend that will bring them down.

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join the discord and engage in ooc chats
my experience comes from a baycode server so my experience might differ

It's harder because it's anonymous by nature. You don't see the same screen names. In the old niche forums you'd have a few people dominating a small group and you'd know who each of the main players were.

though lowkey most people on ss13 seem like faggots, so i think i'm better off getting my chainsaw arm and mowing down assistants in my spare time

Friends with me please drop your discord

it's a mixed bag of nuts
i've also met some real special motherfuckers on ss13, including dudes who would unironically call others "sheeple" up to and including the kid who posted a video to the subreddit of himself crying and apologizing for being banned.

that sounds like some funny shit, i need to play ss13 more often and actually learn to play properly instead of just deepfrying everything as cook

>being this mad and personally attacking someone over nothing
You seem to have a shitty personality yet you're doing fine, so i don't think its that at all.

Lmao what part of that suggested I was mad in the slightest? I said if I could do it, you could too and I suggested you might have a shit personality.

Plus you turbo autists dont respond well to actual advice unless its filled with expletives so I have to speak your language. My anonymous and life profile are separate, which I guess is new to you since you all talk about (((spilling the spaghetti))).

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I have made friends on Discord. Here I am: Zorintien#6960

>does that mean that you have blocked/removed everyone you've added from r9k?
no discord has disabled my acc because people think I encouraged a some guy to an hero..
and my fren I chat to he doesnt use much R9K...
I dont want to mention who it is (he is not in any r9k servers)
because I dont want people to hate on him..

>make friends online
>stab you in the back
>"lol dude it's just the internet"
Stop, you don't want online friends.

Im not OP, im just saying if you're this quick to personally attack people over nothing you have a shit personality, and yet you have friends. So i don't think his issue is having a shit personality

>create my own community
>everything is nice
>fuccboi joins
>everyone turns into a flaming faggot
>community was destroyed

this but instead of "fuccboi" it's e-thot

I see.
sorry to hear that, I actually liked talking to you, even if we didnt talk much
wish you the best, gunjy

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This happens in every community I become apart of.
Intentionally try troll and become hated by everyone
>R9K discord
Try to change my ways and be a nice poster but then I fuck up and everyone hates me anyway

ur a fagget dude
t. guy you banned

Damn making me feel bad and shit. Sorry I guess. Im much more amicable in person. Jow Forums does things to me I guess.

Take it from a normie chad that loves video games. Girls are ok to have around but theyre an extra thing you have to monitor. There are good girls and the girls you find in r9k. If you see them causing drama, drop them instantly before they can poison the minds of the others. Dont even hesitate. They deserve zero sympathy.

Fuccbois are ez to deal with. If youre having trouble with them, you dont deserve to run your own community.

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people are shit, always
trying to be liked is pointless, everyone will always look at the bad things
no matter how nice and chill you'll be, they'll manage to make a monster out of you, somehow

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>t. guy you banned
I ban so many people from my server for being normalfags
no idea who you where...yeah im a loser I mean I cant even pretend im not

>Spend all time on the internet
>Have Steam for 10 years, only people on my friend list are people I know IRL/friends of friends
>Only Discord server I talk to is for my real friends
>tfw no online friends

People hold grudges my dude. I know people still hold grudges from me that has been over 5years. It's fucking crazy.

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Thanks for telling me, sempai, I just lurked there and it's a nice place, feels like I'll post something there soon.

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>>Spend all time on the internet
>>Have Steam for 10 years, only people on my friend list are people I know IRL/friends of friends
>>Only Discord server I talk to is for my real friends
>>tfw no online friends

this is bait right normalfag?

the bad will always stand out... no matter how hard you try
one mistake and you're fucked
but it's not you, it's just how we're.. supposed to work
that's why, as I said, people are shit

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Yes. You just have to cycle through a lot of garbage and mental illness before you find the right people. I'm very mentally ill and still managed to land great people.

I do understand how everyone has their own clique and how demoralizing it can be but the answer is time and being the one who initiates. Alternatively you could meet someone as lonely as you but chances of head problems are high.

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if you were innocent they wouldnt have banned you since discord has the logs themselves you stupid shit

No you ban people you don't like
I dont even mind i just wanted to say you're a faggot

this shit right here is the truth

i've been making internet friends since about 2011 and it's a constant uphill battle trying to filter out the garbage

The only friendships I've made were from video games and I no longer play games or have friends

Ive tried to make friends online but it never seems to happen whenever i try. Then one time like 5 years ago I was playing dayz and i started playing with some rando who didnt murder me, eventually i became a regular on his 3-5 person teamspeak. Eventually since some of them were in my state a few hours away we ended up hanging out irl sometimes and I made the only friend I have today, though usually we just stay in contact online a few times a week. Once in a while we go on a road trip or do drugs or whatever. I consider him a potentially lifelong friend and one that I can tell virtually anything to. Im jealous of his relative normiedom but I try not to let it get me too ass ravished.

I made a server for purpose of people being able to view it when it did happen.

i was mad drunk and made a rarded mistake
cute loli

>Damn making me feel bad and shit. Sorry I guess. Im much more amicable in person. Jow Forums does things to me I guess.
It's ok laddy. Some people here are just cunts for the sake of it, and others do it to fit in. Whenever i see the former group i have to call them out on it though

Exactly this my dude. You wrong them once and they think you can never change and always bring it up. I hate that shit.

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friendship in my mind is always somehow different than in real life(online). it's like i have this impossibly idealized version because i value it so much and everything i can get just falls short and makes me want to retreat back into the safety of being alone inside my head

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>stabbing someone in the back virtually

I have a Discord server if you don't mind joining. There aren't currently any people in it, but I'd like for it to be used for casual and relaxed conversation.

discord dot gg/5XZkcu

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