Gunjyguy is a social predator who is trying to push suicide on others on Jow Forums with the help of piety

Gunjyguy is a social predator who is trying to push suicide on others on Jow Forums with the help of piety

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm tired of hearing about this fucking autist. I've talked to him once and hated him straight away. Fuck this fag

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>give back to the R9K community
is this guy some sort of retard who thinks he's clever? haven't cringed like this in years desu

Even if I was going to kill myself, I wouldn't livestream it to give satisfaction to the same sociopaths that drove me to suicide in the first place. Fuck them

part 2 of this whole bullshit

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How about fuck you, autistic fags? What's wrong with suicide? I can't wait until discord gets shut down permanently, causing enthusiastic neckbeards like you to kill yourselves.

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Doing a hero... is not a good thing, I know lots of people here idolize it though, and its pretty... bad, people should live for themselves,

I sound like I sympathize with people who encourage heros, I don't, its just this way of thinking discourages growth

time for part 3 everyone : )

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>shitting on discord because it exist
ok pall how far is the BD in your ass

and now part 4 : )

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That's not cool. There's no reason to encourage suicide, the suicidal will do it anyways. I'm a little upset because people confuse us often. Hope he stops doing this.

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I use discord but I hate hearing about discord drama on this board especially if it's about some attention fag like gunjy

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gunjy once gave me a 5g megumin file dump
thats all you need to be a friend

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Gunjy here.
you can ask that user, I didnt encourage him.
we talked for a long time about dying as I feel the same as him.
he messaged me and said he would do it, and I asked if he would stream it.

this is all I did.
>gunjy once gave me a 5g megumin file dump
>thats all you need to be a friend
Thanks man... I do not encourage people to an hero man...

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time for more proof you guys : )

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>I feel the same as him
Haven't you been alive for a long time for a highly suicidal person?

>I feel the same as him
Can you Livestream your suicide thanks faggot

shut the fuck up gunjy and just admit you fucked up

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This guy's also a pedophile or something IIRC?

He admitted to fucking a 12 year old half-abbo when he was about 19 back in matchmaking.

this all makes me look very bad.
if only floofman would show our DM history...... you would see

Unrelated to the thread's topic, but doesn't namefriending actually make you less attention-seeking? because they're proving their identity and doing it as a real person instead of anonymous.

Anyway, the hero mentality on this board is normalized, I usually handle these things by being quiet, since I'm scared I'll say the wrong thing and talk down to someone

Fucked up if true man

Until we meet again gunjy
gunjy didnt do anything bad here.

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yet more fucking proof

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Or what about this??

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>trusting and befriending an user from r9k

never trust anyone here, they will literally manipulate you to become a trap or an hero

He said he quit discord and Jow Forums but if you want to contact him try here:

not true man
bro people are making out I am a monster man..
I am not, I cant even go outside man im so fucking retarded.
fuck me

forgot to post this : ) silly me

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i dont use discord but he's annoying enough on Jow Forums

oh theres this too

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>Le epic discordfag literal who EXPOSED OwO


Imagine being australian and wanting to kill yourself. If i was australian my life would be perfect

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Is there anyway I can get in contact with the guy Loofman like if someone can invite me to the server or something. I would like to try and talk to him see if I can help somehow

even more proof for those of you who don't believe

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>this autist only wants attention he's a bad meanie guys
>now let's all give him attention

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what can I say man thats fucked up, im shocked I said that.
I cant blame my drinking, I didnt encourage him I felt he was going to do it no matter what....
fuck me I have issues

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He didn't encourage him though, he just wants to get entertainment out of it. While it's not admirable, it's neither criminal nor immoral.

almost all of the screenshots

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aaron man.
get him to screenshare my DM's with him

I wonder how comfychat is taking this all in. Finding out their hail mary is an autistic welfare-abusing alchoholic neet who fetishizes death and suicide and tried to create his own r9k death cult.

(no relation to Boojiboy)

And this was the point he sent about the 4 of us all these screenshots expecting we'd help him make someone kill themselves knowing we hated gunjy's guts and always had him in the group as the monkey who flung shit

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You know what to do Jow Forums:

not sure if i already posted this

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>he just wants to get entertainment out of it.
>While it's not admirable, it's neither criminal nor immoral
>neither criminal nor immoral
Knowing someone is going to commit suicide and deliberately decide to NOT warn authorities is quite literally wrongful death.
It wouldn't be if the act is being committed in the moment the person becomes aware of it, but in the case the person does know of a planned suicide and does not warn authorities(inb4 he does not know where he lives, you can still warn authorities and it's up to them if you cant give more info), it is.
On top of that, he is trying to make entertainment out of it, which is again illegal, and definitely immoral.
Whether you think it is not immoral, that's up to your own moral, but on the legal aspect, it is highly immoral and illegal.

no fucking shit you've got issues you little brat
that's an understatement you need prison time and some major therapy

how do we do this if we don't know where he lives?

He's in northeast Australia, he was raised mostly around abbos and white druggies.

>some major therapy
you have no idea

I cant defend myself but I will say there is more to this than is seen

Dont worry you didnt do anything wrong in my eyes.

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oh yes like you preying on a mentally unstable 17 yr old boy : ^) I've got screenshots of that too

>help of piety
fuck off i hate gunjy

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Gunjy is the last guy you should probably message your problems to.

Who is Piety?


someone beautiful

i am sick and tired of these threads, no one gives a shit about your discord drama, you're no better than the "normies" you so criticize

literal WHO discord who catfiishes and larps
aka a whore



A guy/girl/futa/trap who tripfags and ruins pictures of anime girls with cut wrists

>All these screenshots
What the hell man.

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act like a predator expect to end up as prey to more intelligent people :^)

OP what the fuck can we do to stop this guy from killing himself?

What did you do to stop him from killing himself?

Fucking this.
Why do you all feel the need of bringing your discord drama here? literally no one aside from you know who these guys are.

have fun getting raped in prison gunjy i think you'd make a cute girl anyway

That's probably all of them unless anyone else that knew him can dig up more shit but he obviously fucked up way too hard.

He wanted to kill himself because he was getting kicked out of his house, I talked him out of it by saying he can warn his parents how he feels and without the livestream since gunjy is gone he won't get any attention anyway.

I'm not gunjy, I'm just surprised he would do this when I was talking to him in a thread last night because he was sad that his friend might've an hero'd.

WTF!!??? What's wrong with that Gunjy faggot!?
Discord subhuman.
>"I have problemos with da ALCOHOL. I'M SO SOOOOOWY."
Fuck you Gunjy faggot! Kill yourself already.

He'll encourage suicide onto others but he's too scared to do it himself. Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm??

Test, origisffkdjdjdkmf

Gunjyguy suicide when?

When the fuck did r9k become about discord drama? Fuck off normies.

>cannot use google translate
Is this kid 14?

I'm not gunjy though user i hate him just as much as you

The solution is easy. Don't listen to people encouraging your suicide on r9k discords.

its almost as if I DONT encourage people to suicide.
I was sad that drained may have killed herself... I didnt encourage this floofman I just said he should stream if hes gunnah do it.

I fucked up

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have fun in jail gunjy!

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lmao you lying cocksucker anyone who reads the thread would know what you were basically doing "HAHA GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY MAN! X'D I HOPE HE KILLS HIMSELF FOR LE EBIC BANTZ MANG X'D the suicide would have led to all kinds of epic memes bro!

Anime fans and waifu fags are scum, every single one of them. There is no group of people more self-centered, childish, manipulative and perverted.

I was sure he would do it, he has talked to me about it on chan and discord for AGES.

yeah im ashamed.
I didnt mean it like that and also remember you only see half the story here.

look at how in one screenie I say I hate people who abuse robots...

Okay you know what. All of you guys are fucking insane, like totally out of your mind. This is like watching bunch of 30 year old declined junkie addicts argue over a heroin debt. The saddest thing is you're all probably twenty or less.

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What a surprise, the narcissist is also an aspie nigger.

yes and the said screenshot also shows where i confront you about being hypocritical

What's even sadder is how none of them will ever go through with suicide. It's like a soap opera except all of them are unattractive.

we just had Loofmon (the victim) in a group DM and we tried to be supportive after telling him gunjy's intentions, and offered him tons of solutions to improve his life and offered to be supportive friends, and he ditches us and unadds us and keeps gunjy added

this guy is a lost cause and is no better than gunjy, don't even bother
no fucking wonder he took gunjy's advice to an hero

You fucking discordfags are worse than any other sub-category of faggot that I've ever had the displeasure of being exposed to. Not only are you prone to starting senseless drama coupled with the ceaseless sucking up to anything with a vagina or "feminine penis" you have the added trait of being shitty human beings. Think of it this way if you're too fucking stupid to understand, you are the equivalent of chris-chan. if chris-chan spread his genes you would be a diluted version of that fat autistic fuck, constantly bitching and yammering about other autistic fucks that are somehow miniature celebrities in your eyes. It's like one big special ed class. And you people wonder why no one likes you, pathetic ignorance.

>this guy is a lost cause
>he never seeked help
>he dosent want help
What a surprise.

This is simply just natural selection Gunjy you are unworthy of breathing the same air i breath

based quads
I never encouraged him man.
I was told he isnt going to kill himself from someone so thats good.

>meet a guy whos suicidal
>we talk about it as I have similar desires
>he tells me he is going to kill himself
>i say to maybe stream
>suddenly I encouraged him??
Why would I want to hurt my robot friends?

Yeah man for sure.
you know the fucked thing, I was known as toxic in the battlefield community and I tried to change and I did..but not enough

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lmao what user? how are we insane for not wanting a social predator to prey on people?

we saw the screenshots you retard, don't try to take back your words

>social predator
I am not a social predator I just look like one...
I never told him to kill himself, we had a ton of DM's...

Gunjy this is the 3D girl you like. I have contacted the authorities.
The police have been dispatched to your home in australia.
They will confiscate your cp and daki and escort you to prison you degenerate fag.
I'm sorry it came to this but people like you are dangerous and need to be locked up.

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prove that's the real story then user

I think I have a copy of that megumin dump actually, but I started categorizing the folder better. I saw you in another server recently but they kicked you out and wouldn't say why, could you give me your discord tag so I could add you?

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Internet vigilantes that want to hurt people they don't like come in all kinds of breeds. Stop pretending to be better than him.

His discord was banned but It's Gunjy#4537. May be some juicy shit still up he posted on other Jow Forums discords, he bragged about getting into CP and grooming discords before, this guy is a legit rabbit hole if you know where to look and find him.