i want to kill myself, but i don't want to do it like a faggot (hanging myself, slit wrists)
what's something fucking crazy i can do to go out with a bang?
I want to kill myself, but i don't want to do it like a faggot (hanging myself, slit wrists)
ur dumb dont kill yourself
stop being a faggot and give me ideas
If you're super fucking lazy then you can find a way to hang yourself from a ceiling fan while it's on, not very interesting but it's kinda funny.
Another fucking brainless nigger incapable of formulating any thoughts or ideas of his own, be original and do something for yourself for once. Just purchase a helium suicide kit and die as pathetically as you lived.
Die at age 90 surrounded by loving family and friends
The normies won't know what hit em
Eat your own body until you die.
You have no business calling anyone a faggot if you're enough of a mental weakling to kill yourself
Choke on your own nut.
i had this idea of parachuting over a football stadium and shitting on the crowd
it'd take every last penny i have but i think it'd be worth it
would make a good youtube vid
t. faggot
Go into a ghetto area naked and scream nigger repeatedly.
(Hypothetically) Hijack a plane and (theoretically) crash it into something.
Not """really""" though, CIA niggers will bust down my door.
Go into a ghetto area naked and scream nigger over and over again. If they don't come out to kill you, then break into a house with your dick still out.
After 9/11 is impossible to hijack planes faggot
he is right. you are the faggot.
awesome lamp idea
t. giant faggot
Explain this then you fucking faglord mega nigger
ever heard of Sky King?
not with that tone of voice i wont. ur bein dumb.
Idiot, it isnt about being weak, we all are. It is about hurting people who dont deserve it in the process.
offing myself isn't going to hurt anyone
i have no one
can you fags stop being all poetic and help me
i doubt i'll be able to hijack a plane though
Jump off a tall building and see how many people youll end up crushing when you land
>go out with a bang
use a shotgun?
How do people learn about hanging? Like I never knewbthe point is to cut off the brains blood supply. do people figure it out on their own or probably from reading about it?
Shit load of drugs, drive off a cliff. Drop all personal belongings out on the way. Have fun
dont do it man...
want to talk?
Can break your neck/crush your oesophagus is from a high enough jump
Cut your dick and shove it in your fucking arse.
Cop chase and crash at 200+ KMh
Vengeance spree. You know how they say when child molesters enter neighbourhoods? Go on a hunt. Die a legend.