Can't do semi-basic math anymore simply due to not using it in years

>can't do semi-basic math anymore simply due to not using it in years
>dropped out of HS
>18 now
>destroyed my brain with substance abuse
>taking HiSet/GED test next thursday
>dad asks me if I've been studying for it
>say "yes", really havent been
>have to pass this test so I can get a job and start paying rent
>If I don't pass, which I won't, will get kicked out
>already planning suicide

Attached: zachqwe1o4w01.jpg (645x773, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe try khanacademy or march to success.

Or cheat?

Yo dont kill yourself over it just figure it out as you go

>one sentence he says it's because of not using it
>later says drugs destroyed his brain
Anything below trigonometry is unforgettable to a normal person, you use those skills every day. Shouldn't have done drugs, baka.

I'm 22 years old and I forgot how to do division and multiplication on paper.

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Why can't you get a job without a GED? Just work at a fast food place or something, some place that hires high school students. It will suck, but it will be better than being kicked out.

Working in fast food for the rest of your life is literally a worse fate than death.

I stock shelves at a supermarket without a GED. It's not terrible desu, I'm less miserable then I was when I was in school. At least I get paid for this.

What substances did you abuse?

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>destroyed my brain with substance abuse
No you didn't, that's not how it works.
>taking HiSet/GED test next thursday
You can Google "GED prep" or something similar to get a lot of help. You can definitely cram for a week and get a passing grade. Probably. I don't know much about it. There's also Khan Academy which is a BIG help. Youtube is a good one too.

I fucking hate trigonometry. It is the most frustrating thing ever. Missing test questions because I couldn't remember the difference between the derivative of arcsinx and arcsinhx makes me want to shoot up my school

>will never get my GED or go to college
>tfw will never have to worry about trigonometry, calculus, or any other grownup math
feels good

earlier today I failed to solve a basic math equation that was basically something like
>she traveled 4km in 5 minutes. she took a shorter route home and traveled 3km in 3 minutes. what was her average speed in terms of km/h for the entire trip?
how would you solve it? try it before reading the simple solution.

it's easy enough to just add the minutes, divide it into 60, then multiple the km by that ratio. so i guess in this instance her average speed was 52.5km/h. what did i do? some roundabout weird thing where i tried to individually determine the rates and then combine the rates and average them out. and i fucked up the math for it. i utterly failed to realize i could just add up the minutes and km-traveled and calculate the rate from there. and this isn't REALLY a hard question - i bet most here could solve it. but it's apparently one of the most difficult possible items on the math portion of the PISA (some international test), and data showed that people who can solve it are in the 120+ IQ range.

fascinating read actually. the vast majority of people in the vast majority of countries (particularly the 3rd world) cannot solve this problem and i guess i was one of them:

Literally just study right now. If I have a good 6 hours I can cram in a whole semester's worth of material despite knowing none of it earlier, to the point where I can get a c at least if not a b on the test.

I've done this successfully more then enough time m8.

Dude think of it as a matter of life and death if you're literally gonna sudoku if you don't pass. Use that terror, clnsume a bunch of caffeine, and start reading over everything. Make sure you do the practice tests if they're available, that will help you figure out what content will be on the test and what you need to work on.

Attached: aussie mad.jpg (362x352, 14K)

She traveled 7km in 8 minutes just do a simple unit conversion and get .875km/min which equals 52.5 km/hr

yea i completely fucked it. i'm a retard.

Now that I've read your post, I almost cant believe that's a 120 iq question I would like to think of myself as an average iq individual maybe slightly above (like 105) but 120 seems a bit high. Although I'm only decent at math and science academically and am dog shit at reading comprehension and writing

>grown up math


You're right grownups dont use math!

grown up math is analysis, algebra, calculus of variations, fourier analysis, etc

that's because people tend to spend more time around people who are around their intelligence. so if your IQ is 120 and your friends or family are as smart as you, that skews your view of the average person's intelligence upward. perhaps when you attempt to picture someone with average intelligence, their IQ would actually be 105 or 110. likewise people like to joke about how stupid Jow Forums users are but internet communities tend to be slightly above average in intelligence, so the more time you spend in niche online communities the more that could skew your perception.

apparently people with an IQ of 100 are actually pretty dumb and are incapable of solving even easier equations than what i posted.

>she traveled 4km in 5 minutes. she took a shorter route home and traveled 3km in 3 minutes. what was her average speed in terms of km/h for the entire trip?

This seems horribly worded. If you say "a shorter route", you're implying that there was a longer route taken by someone else. This question almost sounds like it's about two separate people, or two separate trips taken by one person at different times. But it's supposed to be about two contiguous sections of a single trip taken by a single person? Wtf.

original article worded it better. probably.

This would totally make sense but for some reason I just want to believe i have an average IQ. I've never taken an IQ test but it scares me so much that I dont want to know. For some reason even if I had an IQ of 115 which is respectable I would never feel good enough

Go on and start downloading these books. git gud

Attached: Math Books Guide.png (992x886, 614K)

>Take practice tests.
>Take notes on what you didn't know and got wrong.
>Read into what you got wrong and learn about.
>I found a practice test, robot thinks it's spam

Here is a practice GED test user. Please take it and please do your best. I want you to succeed in life.

Attached: pic related.jpg (483x49, 14K)

man this shit is so boring. how can anyone stand reading these books instead of watching a video?

bc they have practice problems and as many examples as you could want.

GED is pathetically easy. Do you know how to solve:

x + 5 = 6

Congrats, you know basic algebra and can do most of the GED.
English essay is easy, if they still require it. Intro: talk about what your essay is about; body: 4 sentenses about one part of subject (essay is about a cat. 1 paragraph on tail for example); conclusion: just repeat the intro but backwards.
Reading comprehension is a joke. If you can make coherent sentences on Jow Forums, you can pass reading comprehension.

the old ez pz GED is out, now you actual need to be pretty on par with an honors graduaye.

Whats the fucking point in doing that?

Cant measure ur iq from one math question u dumbass, several factors plays in.

>drop out of high school
>go to education center for GED
>ask if I can just take the GED after my pre-test
>"haha no user you will take a few weeks of courses before you can take the GED"
>take pretest
>"ok user you can take the GED when you want to"

You must be a massive brainlet, the only part of the test I scored under 90% was the essay

Just fucking study
math is fascinating if you learn from a non shit tier book

Fuck I'll help you study if you want even, have nothing to do as a neet anyways

Math graduate here. You can learn high school math just by sitting around and thinking about the world around. It's that simple wtf why can't you learn high school math?

This. I know a lot of biology OP, so just ask me anything. (except plant reproduction, fuck that shit)

Heh, I got tricked into thinking it was like the "speed1xdistance1 + speed2xdistance2 what is the average speed" kind of question and ended up going the retard way instead of just summing the distsnces and dividing by the total time