> 2 weeks into college
> absolutely no friends or gfs
> nobody wants to talk to me
> one of the dumbest students here
Should I give up now Jow Forums? I am fucking hating life right now.
> 2 weeks into college
> absolutely no friends or gfs
> nobody wants to talk to me
> one of the dumbest students here
Should I give up now Jow Forums? I am fucking hating life right now.
>This kid thinks it'd be movie like where he's gonna get a buncha friends and fuck a qt 10/10 on his first day
ignore those fucking normies, go to class, get good grades, realize you memed yourself 4 years later and you have your bachelors, go wagecuck.
If you give up you'll still have all of these same problems except you'll be forced to do boring repetitive labor for poverty wages just to scrape by.
And it never ends, you just have to keep doing it until you die.
how often are you talking to other people? i feel like you gotta pick up at least some ways of being funny, if not then at least entertaining, from the years on the internet
join clubs that you share interests in or that will look good on your resume. Chances are you'll be able to find some good friends there or atleast tolerable people. Also make consistent efforts to socialize with people in class, maybe ask questions to make yourself look like you know what you're doing so that people might offer to study with you. As for the gf problem good luck, hopefully you'll luck out. other than that should be straight forward enough as long as you dont get too down on yourself.
you are not dumb, you just are not working hard enough. getting smart is very similar to lifting weights. you do not have innate smartness or a lack of innate smartness, you must work to attain it... just like how you do not have innate muscle or lack of, you must lift weights to attain it. you aren't trying. you aren't doing your homework, you aren't reading the book. you are not putting the effort in.
the prof tells you how to lift the weight when he gives the lecture, but guess what. you have to actually lift it.
by making that choice, you are stupid, but guess what: making the choice is actually pretty simple. all you have to do is do it. do you want to be smart? do the work. are you not smart enough? work harder. that's fucking it.
i can take it a step further and say having friends is like this too, but that's too risque a thing to say on r9k because people will just say that i am a chad.
I am being so sociable with everyone in this damn college yet people still do not give a shit about me. I do not understand, I put myself out there and everyone rejects me
pretty much the same for me. at this point I don't care about making friends and i fucking hate studying so I'm just doing all I can to not fail
I'll let you in on a secret man.
College relationships are extremely shallow and they are meant to be that way.
This is the time where you can make as many friends as you want.
All you have to do is walk up to people and introduce yourself like you have something going on. People are looking to meet lots of people in college. They WANT you to talk to them. Once you know a lot of people doors start opening up. You don't even have to be particularly funny or cool. Just have decent hygiene and don't overly weird.
Don't worry OP, it doesn't get better. I went through the same thing in college. One thing's for sure, you can rest easy knowing that your virginity and solitude is not going to be stolen from you any time soon.
Stop looking for deep meaningful relationships in college. That isn't what college is for. It's just a giant networking thing. Treat people like passing acquaintances. That's all people are looking for.
You can be a cool guy but if you start larping like you're in a Disney movie and you're covertly demanding that everyone provide you with some deep meaning then yeah people will avoid you because no one wants that responsibility on their shoulders at this point in their life.
I made one kinda friend, but it's like we both don't want to seem like we're desperate and want to hang out with the other one all the time.
When we do hang out, it's really fun for both of us, cause we have a lot in common, but after that session, we don't see each other outside of class for a few days. I know for a fact that he doesn't hang out with anyone besides me and occasionally his roommate, so idk.
You're hopeless.
You're surrounded by thousands of people and you spend your time wondering what he is doing when he's not with you. Are you gay? Who cares? He's probably in his room fapping or something. See him when you see him.
I'm just happy this long nightmare is about over. It's my last semester. Shame it's all for a fucking meme degree.
These threads are always the same.
Some dumb 18 year old newfag catches feels and seeks validation from daddychan, he categorically dismisses and blanket ignores all the best advice because those posters just don't understand his megadeep feels, and then 10 years later when his life is a rekt and he looks back wondering why he was such an autistic retard, he'll start another thread bitching and moaning about how it wasn't his fault because no one told him the way the world really is.
>recent grad here
You are two fucking weeks in. Chill. Now, what's your major?
>join clubs
DO NOT SIT INSIDE PLAYING VIDYA AND SHITPOSTING. GO JOIN FUCKING ANYTHING. A N Y T H I N G!!!!!!! I got into Student Government, for fuck's sake. It sucked, but I got invited to tons of parties. Join fucking anything. Nobody takes clubs seriously, they're excuses to hang out with people. Join fucking anything, preferably something close to your major.
> one of the dumbest students here
You either don't like what you're studyng or you simply aren't putting in any effort. College require works, sit your ass down, read the books, do practice and stop wasting your time on Jow Forums.
As for the friends thing I can't help you as I managed to graduate without making a single friend. You just get used to it if you don't drop.
>five years into college
>made zero friends
>don't want friends because I'm terrified of other people
>have tried talking to people a few times, but I'm so awkward at it that it just makes everyone feel bad
>a lot of people know me and accept me, but only in a sympathetic kind of way
>did decent at my studies since I know how to grind at simple, menial tasks
>have been working an internship for 3 years, but I have no idea what I'm doing, haven't accomplished or published anything and make dumb mistakes regularly
Don't worry, just know that there are always people far dumber than you are. I'm probably going to drop out this semester and work at Walmart.
I'm also in my 5th year for a shitty ba. I stopped trying to make friends after year 1. I'm also planning to just try and get a retail job hopefully they'll start me as a manager.
Study before classes and join clubs you nigger. Do some volunteer work and constantly apply for internships. Go to the gym. Read books. For leisure expose yourself to unfamiliar games, films, tv shows than you always do.
Don't make the mistakes so many of us did.
you're not there to make friends faggot
college only last a couple of years and people come and go
if you're the dumbest student there, then that's your own fault you stupid nigger
I have a cyborg feels story about college friends. I dropped out of college but made a group of "good" friends while I was there. Even lost my virginity to one of them. Now I'm in 22 in HVAC and they're in senior year.
>besides HVAC, have a band composed of me the bassist, a 17 year old drummer, a 20 year old guitarist, and a 20 year old singer
>they're my only friends besides the ones from college
>manage to squeeze in a gig time this past that works for us all
>it's close to the college my friends go to
>invite all ten of them
>eight basically flat out state they can't come
>my ex and only-girlfriend from years ago is hesitant to and doesn't come either
>only my bestest best friend who I also knew in high school comes to see us play
>admits to me that the rest of them wanted to go to a party on campus instead and that's why they didn't show
What's the point of socializing if you know ahead of time that you're a quiet fuck who doesn't relate to anyone? Take having no friends in high school for example
>You either don't like what you're studyng
Why does it matter whether or not you enjoy studying something? Either you're autistic enough to enjoy something like calculus, you're studying something useless, or you're going to go through complete misery.
>not going to any club meetings
How many times did we tell you dummy