Are any robots on finasteride? I'm 19 and been on for 1 year. Feelsgoodman. it feels so amazing knowing I will keep my hair and it has re grown well. I started receding when i was 16-17 becuase I started puberty very young. I also had awful acne from 14-16 so that ruined any chance of having sexual intercourse with teen girls, and my mom would not let me get Accutane. Now I have no acne but a receding hairline that was getting worse. Obviously very few teenage girls would be willing to even go on a date with a teenager that's balding, so I made the choice to start taking it when I was 18. Any robots that are receding, get on finasteride asap. Now I have the potential to actually have sex, get a qt teenage virgin gf ect.
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I started taking it at 27 & been on it for a year. I think I've maintained, but it hasn't regrown shit. Also on Rogaine. I guess maintaining is better than nothing.
Aren't those tranny pills?
No. They suppress production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is NOT to be confused with regular testosterone. DHT is the trash byproduct of testosterone our bodies produce so we don't have too much testosterone in our bodies. Unfortunately, DHT is what's responsible for growing hair in unwanted places, enlarging our prostates, and of course hair loss in those of us with a genetic predisposition to male patter baldness.
I'm taking more responsibility in my dumb after my dumb post-adolescent years. Turns out I'm 26 and have a mild sciatica problem that could get really bad if I don't take care of it. How late is too late to start on it? I'm seeing a dermatologist for a not-so-unrelated (Hidradenitis suppurativa, caused by too much test) and I want to get on hair loss medicines after this.
Are you sure your hair loss is male pattern baldness (i.e. do you have bald relatives)? Finasteride won't do anything for hair loss that's not from male pattern baldness. Sorry, I'm a retard so I don't know what Hidradenitis suppurativa is.
DHT is also used for maintenance of male sex organs. Additionally finasteride (and any 5ari) suppressed production of anti-convulsant neurosteroids. Luckily it seems the vast majority of people adapt to the changes quite easily.
Anyway OP I'm on dutasteride which is like finasteride's uber cousin. I also take minoxidil orally.
Yeah, my dad is bald and my mother's side grandpa is also balding, but I started at a much earlier age (began looking noticeable balding at 15) and now I look like a 50 year old.
What impact does it have on body hair? I like my chest and wouldn't want to look like a hairless twink.
It can reduce body and facial hair but most people don't notice much of a difference I think. Can't give any real numbers though since that has never been studied.
I decided to buy a box and try it, took it once a week tho, too many possible side effects, I'd rather be bald and have a working dick
Sometimes FtM trannys use it but useally in much higher mg amounts.
>be balding and have a working dick.
>too ugly to have sex becuase balding.
>take finasteride so you're not ugly and balding.
>now attractive enough to have sex but dick doesn't work.
We truly cannot win.
27 year old guy here. I wish I started earlier I would probably still have my glorious mane if I did.
That aside I started taking it right as it started really thinning and I'm at least satisfied with it if it keeps my hair at my current level. I'm still hoping for a miracle and more hair growth since I'm only 5 months in.
Did you stop before getting any side effects?
I haven't had any side effects. Not that a working dick does me any good, but eh..
Do you mean MtF? And they don't use Finasteride, they use much more serious anti-androgens like actual synthetic estrogen, Darolutamide, Spironolactone, etc. I've read about a guy who was on a full blown tranny regimen and he legit went from a thin Norwood 4 to a thick Norwood 2.5. However his sides were pretty extreme, including developing an hourglass figure, much less body hair, and zero semen when fapping. He claimed his dick still worked, though. Idk if I would ever go that far.
>I also take minoxidil orally
How's that been? Also where do you get it? I'm tempted to try it out since topical minoxidil is such a bitch, but I don't want to resort to a Pakistani drug company.
Lol you faggot
Dht is not trash byproduct of T.
It is a potent and essential metabolite that works in synergy with testo.
You are basicalli chemically castrating yourself.
By the way women are instinctively attracted to bald men.
Spoken like a true chrome dome. Nice reddit spacing btw.
DHT is useless past puberty. Millions of men around the world suppress DHT for their enlarged prostates, and millions more for their hair loss with no issues whatsoever. By the way:
>By the way women are instinctively attracted to bald men.
Total fucking horseshit. See below:
I only just switched from topical (which I'd only been doing for about a month before deciding fuck that shit). From the research I've done I'm fairly certain that oral works better than topical.
So been on it about a week at 5mg/day. I noticed some slight tingling in my feet which is apparently normal for the first few weeks as your body adjusts. I get it from a site called thailandpharmacy dot net. It's approved for hairloss there. I buy the 10mg and split it (they're made to split).
Be glad you didn't take accutane; it gave me Crohn's disease and I still have fucking acne. Just gotta do a more intensive skin care routine. Finesteride is GG tho I've been on it since March since I saw my hairline recede a bit from stress or age or whatever and it's legit slowly marching back up to where it was.
Reducing sex drive is a fucking meme also; likely perpetuated by rogaine corporation because unlike minox you don't go instantly full bald if you stop taking it and it's a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the effort. If anything my sex drive has fucking doubled its insatiable, in basically aroused CONSTANTLY because all the DHT not produced is instead produced as free floating T.
Finasteride actually lowers free T. Not sure why but it's true
The problem is not that women don't like bald men, the problem is that balding reduces our confidence to the lowest possible levels, therefore no way of getting women. I can't walk outside without constantly fixing my hair so it looks a bit better(in my mind)
We are doomed.
I did, like I said I only took it once a week when you're supposed to take it every day. I did this to prevent any possible side effects. It lasted me, well, 28 weeks. I haven't had any improvements, yet again, you're supposed to take it every day, maybe that's why.
This. Balding as a teenager destroyed my confidence. Girls don't straight up dislike bald guys but let's be honest, looks are the #1 thing that attract females, and 99% of males look much more attractive with hair than full bald/receding.
FtMs take it so they don't loose all their hair when taking testosterone. I think they useally take 5mgs.
I knew a guy that was like NW4 at 19 at uni. He had a pretty nice + good looking girl friend. They were Christian though so probably look past that shit more because she isn't just looking for short term chadcock
Dude what. Once a week isn't going to do shit..
I started noticing a super small spot when I was 18 back in 2006, I didn't care back then. Fast forward to 2011 and it started to get noticable. Everyone started making fun of me but it wasn't that bad. Now... Now.. it's just bad, not extremely bad, but bad enough to say fuck it and shave it all of but I'm still here... Taking selfies from under my forehead.
Yea I figured that much, meh rather not risk it
>hit puberty at 11
>no receding hairline at 23
Ger fucked faggot