Males on Jow Forums should be made into fe(males)
prove me wrong
Males on Jow Forums should be made into fe(males)
>barrel chest
>broad shoulders narrow waist
Because you can't.
most of them would just be crossdressing disgusting hairy fat fucks. none of them would look like your anime girls with penises.
What if I'm a normie who is just here to see all the animals in this zoo of sadness?
Hmm... Gonna need a few surgeries and some bindings
Weight loss and hair removal are things
You'll join the exhibit
Judging by the sheer number of sissy/gay/trap threads on this fucking board, I suppose so. I'm a proud Jow Forumstard myself, so leave me out of your gay shit, but yeah I think a lot of people on this board would make better women than the women we have to work with today.
How can I prove wrong what is absolutely right?
Btw I fucking love that hentai.
Those are entirely unchangeable with modern medicine. Quit pretending.
I look way too masculine and my shoulders and jawline are way too broad, I'd be a hideous sight to look at.
There is non for shoulders as I know but there is hip augmentation and things such as corsets to give more ascetic shapes but they do have negatives with them.
What if you have a masculine as fuck jaw and chin, and a fucking log for your neck and traps?
I wonder what kind of effect this shit is going to have on kids 16-20. What an wild time we live in.
FFS for the jaw chin brow ect.. neck hopefully you can lose that muscle to a normal size
How you gonna force me? you dont have the strength to force me sissy.
but I don't even want to be a girl, much less haave expensive, invasive, and paiful procedures done on me, and have my gains taken from me at the same time.
I agree from a porn-addicted sex-fiend point of view, but from a realistic pov it isn't possible for everyone. I'll stick to crossdressing in private for sexual stimulation.
If there was a heaven op that is exactly what it would be like.
That's true maybe I should lower the bar to submissive betas and all willing robots
Even then only less than 1% would actually pass. Sorry but your dream is impossible. The chances of someone that could be convincing is the same as winning the lottery.
>Males on Jow Forums should be made into fe(males)
God why cant we live in a world where boys are made into girls.
I'd be fine with this, but HRT and genital mutilation don't make you a girl.
>barrel chest
what the fuck does this even mean?
just admit you are a fat fuck
>implying I'm not already on HRT
Nice try shill, but we have the same employer.
i'm sure ill think of something after i read this disgusting doujin
I'm underweight. It means your chest protrudes farther from your abdomen than usual. It's the shape of my ribcage.
how does it feel knowing you're always going to be a disgusting freak?
Sounds like someone has too much anger-filled testosterone in their system.
that's rich coming from a hideous excuse for a "girl"
I can't tell anymore is those threads are ironical or not.
Hopefully no one seriously believe that gay degeneracy is a good thing.
Good? No.
>actually get into the whole femboy thing, make my body look good
>take pics for people
>people who find me hot ask me if I have a big dick, say no, as I'm slightly below average
>they immediately lose all interest in me sexually after that
I didn't realise so many people into feminine guys wanted them to have giant fucking dicks. That seems backwards to me, but I guess everyone just likes big fucking dicks.
But then who is gonna dick me down?
reiko and the other faggots are so miserable IRL constantly getting disgusted looks from men that they need an online outlet to escape and shitpost their tranny bullshit
their dream is a world where everyone is on HRT so they're no longer the weird ugly loser
>tfw girl hips, nice ass, smooth skin, almost no hair on body and slim build
Too bad I'm 27 and it's too late. Would I at least be fucking other traps? I'm not attracted to men. If I was it would be easy to get laid and I wouldn't be on r9k.
>too short and beta to be Chad
>too chubby to be a trap
Why am I here?
>be me
>Fit, hairless body
>Pretty face
>disgusted by 90% of trannies
Fuck you, I support gays, not faggots
>Once more against the tide of shills I go.
Look, yes (I and we) are a pathetic bunch of low life degenerate losers.
But, being made gay or trap or sissy is NOT going to help anything. It could very well be that there is no hope for us. But, that doesn't mean you should give up your masculinity (no matter how small or unappealing it is)
To become freak and a further puppet pawn of the jews or whatever group that benefits from an increase of homosexuals.
Don't let them change you into something worse then you already are.
Me, probabIy ;)
how about you fuck off OP and quit trying to drag people down with you by encouraging your degeneracy? and accept not everyone is think like you or want to be like you
do you retards not understand the concept of people not having an issue with you until you start forcing your shitty lifestyle down everyone's throats? threads like this are why people hate us
keep tranny shit on /lgbt/ and maybe people wont hate you as much fuck why are other trannies so insufferable?
sorry for bad english I'm on mobile and not very good at english