Today's my birthday, fellow robots. Probably my last one if not an hero in the following months, or weeks...

Today's my birthday, fellow robots. Probably my last one if not an hero in the following months, or weeks. Been considering doing it today, but it was kinda lame and edgy. What do you think? Help me stay up until I fall asleep, please.

This is going to be a long, lonely day.

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How can i help you stay up?

Happy birthday, user. I hope this day is easy on you. You deserve it for sticking it out until now.

Happy Birthday user, if you need a friend I am always here.

I hope you have a happy birthday

Shit on me, say something, anything. Recommend me a nice song, a movie. Anything is appreciated.

I really like the song in the court of the crimson king but it's a fairly known song, if you never heard it it's definetly worth a listen

Do you have the link to it? I don't get what song you're talking about.

The song is called "in the court of the crimson king" if you search it on youtube the first video is the song

Listen to this user

Happy birthday user! Try not to have thoughts about an heroing today. Do something nice for yourself instead!

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happy birthday user, really hope you get through the rough times

Happy b-day OP and here is to many more! Never give up hope!

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Well, I'm going to have to sleep soon but per your request
There was another but I don't remember. No loss. Anyway, happy birthday user, I truly hope it gets better.

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Never heard of it, but I love it! Thanks a lot.

I'm not really into the genre, but this one has the feels just there.
Here you have the link user

One last book, before you go, user. This book changed my life. Joseph Conrade tried to kill himself before he experienced everything in this book, and he survived, somehow. Stomp on the tundra, OP.

The second one really got me. Think I've heard before something from him. Did he worked in a Vsauce video, or something?

Thanks! A masterpiece for sure.

I'll give it a try these days. Reading has helped me get through many lone weeks lately. A book is truly appreciated.

Think I'm going to sleep now. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. I've never received so many congrats in my entire life. You guys are some of the light remaining inside me. Thanks a lot.
Here you have another song by king crimson.
I ended up posting the link to the other song after you listened to it,which is kinda stupid

Happy birthday.

I deal with it, too. You aren't alone.

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if you do an hero can i make a suggestion? play the following song as loud as you can on a car with a system while you shoot every one. the louder the better

I'll listen to more of their stuff. It's a JoJo's thing as well, right?

Fucking kek'd, thanks for that.

Jojo references the band at part 5.

This song is called "Perfect Day". It will always be related in my head to the movie "Trainspotting", a 1990's Scottish film set in the 80's in Edinbourgh about heroin addicts and addiction in general. Easily my favorite movie.

P.S. This song plays at some point in the movie. When you hear it, know you watching my favorite scene ever.

P.S.S I believe in you, user. The future is never set in stone. Have you tried finding god? I reached out and found him in my most scared, depressed moment, and his love alone kept me going. Now I actually have hope, thanks to some opportunities that came up.

I believe in you!

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happy birthday hope the rest of the year is better

Happy Birthday friend, I am in a dark place right now as well and may be punching my ticket; I sincerely hope maybe things can go better for both of us and we can think back to this day and say I hope user made it too.

Happy birthday fren. Stop thinking of sudoku and keep doing what you like doing.

"Stickman" and "Can't Make A Sound" by Elliot Smith were the two songs that got me through crippling benzo withdrawls.

I hope you enjoy!

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Hey user, still there? So, how old are you now? Do you want to talk more about your life? I'm not going to recommend anything because I'm not really into pop culture, I don't watch movies and even with music I mostly listen to classical. Autistic, I know... it's the main reason why I can't bond with normies even if I caam able strike a few conversations and not be completely alone all the time while in class...

Happy birfday, user! XDDD

But seriously, instead of suicide how have you developed yourself philosophically? Have you meditated on the writings of others? I'm not telling you not to, I'm asking have you really fulfilled everything you can in your life? After all, this life really is all you will ever be in this world.